021 - Pain

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A/n: This is quite brutal and maybe a bit dramatic, but yeah..

"WHAT is this?" Siren stammered, completely caught off guard, even though she already knew the answer to her question.

"The consequence." She wished to hit that smile off his face. Adkins turned his back to her and quietly said something in a walkie talkie.

"All you've got to do is tell us the location of the Safe Haven, Gorgeous." He told her. "That's it."


And besides, he was planning on taking that chip from her anyways, and he had said that would maybe kill her. No point in betraying if she would die both ways.

Okay, maybe Siren was acting way tougher than she was.

She sat frightened in the chair, tugging at the ropes around her wrists until it burned. Her heart was pounding in her chest, lip trembling, and breaths quick.

"Not so tough anymore, are ya?" A new face appeared in front of her. A man with a beard, his hair black, eyes grey. Not older than forty. The same voice as the man from the previous night.

Siren gritted her teeth at him, he laughed.

"All right." Adkins whispered a few things to him while both their eyes watched Siren.

"It's been a while." The other man's eyes bored deeper into Siren. "Wish he'd never kicked me out. I was just having... such a nice time. Was the best year of my life, honestly."

Confused, she scowled at him.

"You know, you really intrigue me." The other man said.

Siren swallowed, but her mouth was dry. "I'm not that interesting."

"Uninteresting people often don't have to say that." He murmured. "Anyways. I heard you didn't want to tell us the coordinates of that Haven?"

"I don't know the coordinates."
Of course she knew them.

"So you're not gonna tell us?"

She shook her head.

"Alright. Then we might as well get over with it already." The man took something off the table. Got closer to Siren.

"Hey! What is that?" She backed away the best she could, her eyes widening at the sight of the syringe.

"Let's say... it's not a cure for sure." And he had squirted the liquid into her neck.

Siren gasped at the feeling. She could basically feel the needle inside her skin, spreading a hot liquid through her veins. It took about a minute for it to start hurting.

It ran through her veins so fast it felt like it was burning straight through them. It spread through her lungs and balled up in her stomach, causing her breaths to heave even more. It burned. It burned as if they were setting her body on fire. Sizzled against her skin and made her whimper quietly.

Her muscles tensed when it got worse. When it was exploding and making her stomach twist. But this wouldn't convince her to tell them about the Safe Haven.

"Not gonna tell us. Alright.." The man took a different syringe before this one was even done. Stabbed it in her neck.

When this liquid got inserted, it felt like her windpipe got blocked with water, and each time the man squirmed more of it, it added tons of more water. Slowly drowning, suffocating over and over again.

Siren coughed, as if that would help. She groaned a few times, but somehow, she managed to get over this pain. Grieving about Alby had felt worse.

"Fuck sake, she immune to this crap too?" Adkins stepped forward with a pissed off expression on his face. And he shoved his fist into Siren's cheek.

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