017 - New Lives

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THE crowd was turning fuller and fuller with parents delivering kids to the weird guards, who brought barking dogs as more protection.

A small, brunette boy sat on his mom's hip. Got lifted through the whole crowd, and put down a few feet away from the guards.

"Remember..." The mom whispered, looking at his teary eyes. "I love you. I love you, Stephen."

The boy let a few tears fall when suddenly, he got scooped into the air by an unfamiliar person. His hand reached forward to his mom, but surprisingly enough, she did not help him.

"Mom!" He cried. "Mom!"

She smiled a small smile at him, tears in her eyes too.

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"Whatever you do," the Spanish man said to the two girls. "Do not come with them, all right? You don't ever do that." He crouched down in front of them. "Bren, come on."

The short-haired girl attacked him with a hug as tears streamed down her face. "They took George!"

"I know." He patted her back. "I know they did. But we can't let them take you."

"They tried," she cried out. "But then they let me go!"

He nodded, knowing something she didn't. "Then you've been lucky. Now come on, there's a training that waits for you. Ren, you too."

"Stop calling me that."

The man chuckled. "I like it. Bren and Ren."

"Why don't you call us Hermana like you call everyone?"

"Because you don't feel like sisters to me." He took their hands and started walking through the abandoned streets. "What about... Hijas?"

"I like that better." The blonde said. "I watched them take a few kids today."

"Me too." The other girl said. "Two boys and one girl."

"No. They took a girl and a boy. The other boy volunteered to go. His mommy brought him."

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah." They said in unison before the blonde spoke again. "It was a brother and a sister. The girl had a teddy bear. They were both crying. I think the boy was older."

"No! The girl was older. He looked like he was three!"

"Hijas, he's older." He chuckled at their argument. "I think I know who it is."


"How do you know?"

"Because I know everyone, Bren."

"I bet you don't!"

"I do."

The blonde made a sprint to catch up with the man. "What's his name then?"


They went silent for just a second. "What's the name of the boy that voluntary got taken?"

𝑯𝑰𝑹𝑨𝑬𝑻𝑯 - Maze Runner, ThomasWhere stories live. Discover now