066 - Last Destination

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HER first suspicions of the chirping birds were that she was either back in the Glade, or in heaven.

The sound of the sea smashing against rocks and waves rolling onto the beach eased her mind, making her able to think about everything that had happened.

Her and Thomas. The fires. Buildings falling. The ground vanishing. Did she fall or jump?

Groaning, Siren sat up. Her body ached. Her head throbbed every time she moved it and her back was stiff, yet she forced herself to look around.

The hut she was in looked similar to the ones they had in the Glade. The walls surrounding her were made of older wood. Medical supplies stood stocked everywhere around the room, and especially on the nightstand, next to the bed she was on.

Slowly, Siren climbed out of the bed. Her mind wandered back to Thomas. He got shot. And he safely arrived on The Berg. But that didn't mean he lived. She wasn't even sure if she was alive.

Siren walked through the open door, stretching her muscles as she did so. Eventually, she was able to walk without the horrible pain.

A real sea was in front of her. The waves flooded onto the beach, close to the dozens of other huts she saw. People were walking around, talking, and working. Behind the whole camp were enormous woods. The trees got higher with each row, until they ended in a few mountains, but those were far, far away from Siren.

It reminded her of the Safe Haven, back in the Scorch. Except here, the temperature was bearable. She felt greater here.

This was the real Safe Haven.

"Siren?" She turned to wherever her name came from. "Siren!" Two arms around her before she even realized.

She recognized his smell once she hugged back. Minho. Her arms gripped around his torso. He had his chin resting on her shoulder, and breathed in deeply. "Good to have you back, Bean."  

"Yeah." Tears nearly formed in her eyes as she let go. "So... this is the Haven?"

"Yup. All safe and far away from the rest of the world. And WICKED, who by the way are dead now. There's nothing left of The Last City."

"And none of us died?" Her eyes widened of hope. Not Thomas, not Thomas. "Everyone is safe now?"

"Mhm. Everyone is safe." A smile formed on Minho's lips. "Even lover boy."  

Siren followed his eyes. Her whole body moved with her and soon, she saw a very familiar boy approaching, who also stopped moving when he saw the Haven, and Siren.

 Her whole body moved with her and soon, she saw a very familiar boy approaching, who also stopped moving when he saw the Haven, and Siren

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"Hey." Minho's was suddenly speaking right in her ear. "Because I never got to experience your first kiss or the first six months of dating, it would be nice if you do a little romantic thing so I can at least feel like I'm not a lonely wingman."

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