028 - Zone A

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THEY entered an even more crowded space after passing the horribly looking people. Siren ignored how bad she felt for them.

'Zone A' was written in thick, red letters, which stood on a white cloth. Both music and laughs came from that zone, and they walked straight into it. So far, it didn't seem very different than the rest, though. 

"There he is." Jorge grunted and stumped over to a man in the corner. He had dirty blonde hair, ugly wrinkles, and wore a purple, satin jacket. Even from a distance, Siren could tell he must've smelled like alcohol horribly bad.

"Marcus!" Jorge grabbed him by the shirt. The two women that were chilling around Marcus in the first place, quickly rushed away. "Where the hell are they?"

"Jorge..." A sly smile formed on his face, the dark bags under his eyes now even better visible. "Lovely to have you here. Want a drink?"

Jorge smashed the green bottle out of his hand, pinning Marcus against the wall. "Where are they?"

The man's eyes flashed to an open door. "In for a party?"

"You two." Jorge pointed at Newt and Zach. "Help me. The rest, go find them."

With a nod, Siren followed Minho inside.

The immediate smell of burning candles and more alchohol made her scrunch her nose up. She walked straight through the female dancers and drunk boys, jaw clenched. If this was what parties were like, she was happy they never had them.

"Split up." Minho told her. "If you find them, take them outside."

Nodding again, Siren started walking through the steamy space. It almost made her dizzy. The sweat teenagers wore with them disgusted her. Their laughs sounded unbelievably drunk.

While shaking her head, Siren elbowed away a boy. It couldn't have been that hard to find Thomas and Brenda, right?

The frown on Siren's face got deeper and her jaw clenched harder. This was an overwhelmingly big crowd, which she did not enjoy at all. If that Crackhead would just show up for a second, then she would be very grateful.

He did show up, eventually.

But to say she was grateful... no.

Siren froze in her place after narrowing her eyes.

Thomas stood in the middle of the crowd, slightly towering over Brenda as they kissed. On the lips, and not the softest either.

The itch creeped up her stomach, all the way to her heart where she felt a slight sting. She gritted her teeth. Tried looking at something else than the kissing duo, but her eyes wouldn't allow her to avert.

She swallowed, hard, and took a step back. She watched as Brenda cupped Thomas's cheek. He closed his eyes, movements slow.

Her breaths shuddered and when she for one second wished it was her instead of Brenda who Thomas was kissing, she blamed the hazy room for it. She was just turning crazy by the crowd and smell.

Finally, the girl was able to turn away. She rubbed her eyelids, Minho's remarks coming back. She hadn't been jealous..
But now she definitely was, though she didn't give her brain or heart a second to think about that. Kept convincing herself she wasn't jealous. Thomas was a crackhead who never had a plan, not someone she would want to kiss.

Pissed off and maybe a bit angry Thomas decided to just hook up with a girl he had known for just a few hours, Siren stumped out of the building.

If she had waited just one second, she would've heard Thomas's "You're not her."

"Well, you look happy." Reeve commented when Siren walked into the fresh, open air. "What happened?"

"Nothing," she snapped. "I couldn't find them."

About two minutes later, Minho and Frypan exited the building, their arms wrapped around an unconscious Thomas. Teresa helped a half-conscious Brenda walk. 

"That's the angriest expression I've seen you wear in three years, and your expression is always angry." Minho's eyebrows flew up at Siren. "What's bothering the girl?"

"You." And she helped Teresa sit Brenda down on a couch. By this time, Jorge had Marcus tied to a chair, his nose already bloody from the torture.

"I know where the Safe Haven is." Siren told him, her arms crossed. "No need to beat this loser up."

"Not stopping until he tells me where his car is."

With a sigh, Siren sat down on a couch too. They were probably in Marcus's house. Ugly yellow curtains. The same smell she didn't enjoy hung in the air, and it was very messy.

"Welcome back you ugly Shank." She heard behind her, and fully ignored it. Talking to Thomas (or Brenda) was not the thing on top of her bucket list right now.

She just stared at Jorge yelling at Marcus when the boy walked past, her chin up high and arms crossed over her chest.

"Your car, Marcus!" Jorge threatened angrily.

"Wait- this is Marcus?" Thomas realized, eyes still a bit duff from whatever drink they appeared to have given him.

"Kid catches up quick." Marcus grinned. Jorge couldn't take it anymore and pushed the chair backward hard enough for it to fall completely. Marcus yelped.

Jorge bursted out. Pointed a knife at Marcus and screamed so much Siren didn't even bother to listen at some point.

"Where's Bertha?!"
Yeah... she did catch that.

After a while, Marcus told them (with a gun pointed to his head). They were able to find his car in an underground garage, where they went quickly.

The car, or Bertha, was an old, rusty blue color. The edges were brown and the front was covered  with giant horns from whatever animal.

"Slight problem. There's five seats. Two front, three back. Four people will be able to fit in the trunk and if you'd like to live without oxygen, then five." Jorge touched his forehead. "And I am taking the drivers seat. You hormonal teenagers figure it out."

"Did he really just-."

"Yep, he did."

"Marie and Newt go try and fit in the other front seat together." Minho started. "Zach, Fry, Tes, Aris, and Reeve will go in the trunk. I call dibs on the right backseat."

Minho quickly sat down there. Brenda rushed between to sit in the middle and Thomas eventually claimed the last seat. Siren sighed, annoyed.

"Now you're free to choose who's lap you're gonna sit on." Minho smirked, his eyes twinkling from the job he had just done as... wingman.

Thomas was closest to her and he gave her a triumphant look, almost as if he invited her over on his lap.


He replied innocently, "Hm?"

"Would please pull your legs back so I can reach Minho?"

She had to hold her laugh at this stupid, shocked face as she crawled toward Minho, who didn't expect this either.

Why would Thomas be allowed to kiss Brenda, but Siren not to sit on his best friend's lap?

"Thank you for how open you were to this solution." Siren patted Minho on the leg as she carefully sat down.

"Yeah- uh, you're welcome."

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