Chapter 20: Trust Yourself

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I saw the dwarves look at me quite a bit confused. Just as soon as it was that I had said as to what I had said. As it was that they didn't seem to under stand as to just what I had meant.
I could not blame them for the fact that it was the case either. As it was that I knew that what I had just said to them had been quite vague. As I had simply only told them that I had some thing guiding me.
As it was that I just seemed to let it all wear off for the time being. That was when it was that I heard the voice of Limbsy. As it was that he then did in fact begin to speak to me, all at the exact same time too.
"If you mean guide as in some one is telling you where to go... Than I would not listen to that voice... It is trying to trick you..." He did in fact just seem to say, all at the exact same time as well, at that.
As it was that I saw that the dwarf had his eyes squinted at me. Just as soon as it was that he had said as to just what he had said. As it was that I knew deep down in side that he was right with what he had said.
How ever, that didn't seem to be the part of me that was in control. As it was that it felt like I was not right at this very moment in time. As I then did in fact begin to simply go and speak back to the dwarf, not all too happy at what he had said.
"It is not a voice... I have a feeling, and I know where to go..." I did in fact just seem to say, all at once. As it was that I did in fact have my eyes wide just as soon as it was that I had said that back to him.
It seemed to surprise Limbsy as to just what I had said. As it did in fact just seem to shut him up for the time being, at that. As I wished that it could be the same for his son.
As it was that he did in fact just seem to still have his eyes squinted at me. As it was that I then did in fact begin to hear Frolop speak to me. As it was that I did in fact listen as to just what it was that the young dwarf had to say, at that.
"Oh he is full of shit! You don't actually trust that do you father? That he just magically got powers to guide us in the place we are in right now?" He did in fact just seem to say, all at the exact same time too.
As it was clear that the dwarf had in fact called my bluff. As it was that I did in fact do my best to try to stay calm as he had said that. As it was that I did in fact just seem to simply squint my eyes back at him.
I did not say a word for the mean time, all at the exact same time too. As I felt like any thing that I said would only make things worse. As it was that it did in fact seem like it was Limbsy who wasn't all too sure.
He looked at his son with his eyes wide for some time. Before it was that he did in fact shake his head back at him. And he then did in fact begin to go and speak to him, as well.
"No... Do not assume things like that my son... You should know better... You are the grandson of a king... You have that feeling in your blood too..." He did in fact just seem to say, all at the exact same time too.
As it was that I was not all too sure as to just what he was saying. I simply did in fact continue to stand there and be silent, at that. As I did not say a word back to any of what it was that was going on.
As it was that his father had said what he had said. That was when it was that Frolop then began to doubt him self, at that. As it was that I then did in fact just seem to see that he had his head low to the ground.
As it was that it had seemed to have been the case. That was when it was that Frolop did in fact seem to give in to it all. As it was that he then did in fact look back at me, and he began to go and speak back to me, at that.
"Yeah... I suppose that you are right... If you think that you know where it is that we need to go, than lead the way... The map doesn't really show us much..." He did in fact just seem to say, all at the exact same time too.
Just as soon as it was that he had said as to just what he had said. That was when it was that I felt like I couldn't help but to be pleased. As it was that I did in fact just seem to simply smile back at him, at that.
As it was that it had in fact just been the case as well. That was when it was that I did in fact nod back to both of the dwarves. And I then began to simply go and speak back to them just as soon as it was the case.
"Very well... Stay close behind me, just as we planned..." I did in fact just seem to say, all at the exact same time too. As it was that I did in fact just seem to feel a whole lot more safe just as soon as it was the case.
Just as soon as it was that I had said as to just what I had said. And I was in fact about to turn my head around and guide the way. That was when it was that I then did in fact begin to hear the voice of Pokes, all at the exact same time too.
"I really hope that you know what you are doing Michael..." He did in fact just seem to say. As much unlike the dwarves seemed to be. As to the fact that it was that they trusted what I did in fact say.
It was clear that the goblin didn't believe a word of it. As it was that I saw that he had his eyes squinted at me, unlike the dwarves. As it was that he did in fact just seem to be looking right through my soul.
I gulped just as soon as it was that it had in fact just been the case. As it was that I then did in fact begin to hear the voice of Steve. As it was that he did in fact begin to go and speak, all at the exact same time too.
"It isn't your choice to make Pokes... Michael is the leader here..." He did in fact just seem to say. As it was that I did in fact look right at Steve just as soon as it was that he had said that.
As it was that I felt like at first he was just saying that to be toxic. But as it was that I did in fact just seem to look right back at the man. I did in fact see that he had a serious expression on his face, at that.
I seemed to feel a whole lot better just as soon as it was the case. As it was that I then did in fact just seem to go and speak up once again. As it was clear that the rest of the group did in fact seem to be worried.
"Calm down all of you... I know what it is that I am doing... I would lead us the right way... I will be the light through the fog..." I did in fact just seem to say to them all, all at the exact same time as well, at that.
As it was that I did in fact almost seem to be talking as if. I was in fact giving some sort of speech, all at the exact same time too. As it was that I knew that I was not usually good at doing as such a thing.
So I quickly then did in fact just seem to shut my mouth. As either way, it did in fact just seem to do the trick. As it was that I then did in fact begin to start to hear Kips speak, at that.
"The king is right, and we need to trust the king... Follow the prince..." He did in fact just seem to say. As it was that I did in fact just seem to shiver just as soon as he had said that.
As it almost felt like I was back home in the city. Rather than being in this group that I now called my friends. On the fact that he had referred to me as the prince.
I just seemed to ignore it for the time being, all at once. As it was that I did in fact just seem to simply go right on ahead. And I then did in fact begin to start to turn my head away from all of them.
I then did in fact begin to start to walk through the fog. As it was that I was not all too sure as to just where it was that I needed to go. As it was that I then did in fact begin to speak to my self quietly, all of the sudden.
"Alright... I kind of need you right now... So can you please tell me where I need to go?" I did in fact just seem to say, all at the exact same time too. As it was that I did in fact hope that no one had in fact heard that.
As it was that they might think that I was either crazy. Or they might actually realize that they were right all along. As to the fact that I had in fact been listening to the voice.
I did in fact just seem to do my best to try to stay calm. As it seemed to be silent as it was that I continued to walk, all at once. As it was that I then did in fact finally begin to hear the voice whisper in my ear, at that.
"Good... You are much better at this than I would have thought young Michael..." It did in fact just seem to say, all at the exact same time too. As it was that it seemed a lot like it was in fact pleased with me.
Rather than the fact that it was that it felt proud of me, at that. As it was that I did in fact just seem to shiver as I had thought on that. As it was that I then did in fact eventually just seem to calm my self down.
Just as soon as it was that I had in fact managed to do as such. That was when it was that I then did in fact begin to turn my head away. As it was that I then did in fact begin to go and speak back to him.
"Yeah... I am glad that you think that kind of way... I really just need to know where I need to go... You said that you would guide me, remember?" I did in fact just seem to say, all at the exact same time too.
As it was that I looked all around me just as I had said that. As I made sure that no one had heard as to just what it was that I had said. So that it was that they knew that I was in fact speaking to the voice.
As it was that it seemed like no one had been paying attention. That was when it was that I seemed to feel much better about it all. As it was that I then did in fact just seem to begin to hear the voice finally speak back to me.
"Okay... I will guide you, I suppose that is my turn... You are going the right way right now, just keep going straight until I say other wise..." He did in fact just seem to say to me, all at the exact same time too.
Just as soon as it was that he had said as to just what he had said. That was when it was that I did in fact seem to trust the voice even more. As it was that it did in fact feel like what it was that he was saying had made sense.
As we were in fact going in the same direction the dwarves had said to go. As I was sure that the first part of the journey was the easiest. As it was that I felt like they wouldn't know when to turn, at that.
After all, there was no sun light to guide us to where we needed to be. As it was that I did in fact just seem to shiver just as soon as it was the case. As it was that I then did in fact begin to simply go and speak to my self quietly, all at the exact same time too.
"Got you... Just let me know when I need to do some thing..." I did in fact just seem to say back to him. As it was that I did in fact calm my self down just as soon as it was that I had said as to just what I had said.
Just as soon as it was that it had in fact just been the case. That was when it was that I did in fact let out a little bit of a soft sigh. As it was that I did in fact feel quite a bit relieved as to the fact that it was the case.
As it was that it had been that sort of way, at that. I waited for a response from the voice in my head. But it did in fact seem to stay silent, all at the exact same time too.
I felt like I was fine with it, as that was what I had asked. As it was that I did in fact just seem to keep my focus on where I was going. As I knew that it was all that it was that did in fact seem to matter.

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