Chapter 3: Heard Of Him

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I stood there, and I seemed to stare at the front of the place. As it was that I did in fact do my best to try to keep my self as calm as I could. Just as soon as it was that I had done as such a thing like that.
As it was that I just seemed to stare for a few moments. That was when it was that I heard the voice of Owen. As it was that he seemed to go and speak up, all of the sudden.
"I thought that the dwarf homes were supposed to be made out of gold or some thing... These aren't the stories that I was told..." He did in fact just seem to say, at that.
Just as soon as it was that he had said as to what he had said. That was when it was that I saw Limbsy go and turn his head back to Owen. As it was that he then did in fact begin to laugh, all at the exact same time too.
It was fairly clear to me that it was not the case. Not just by the fact that we were clearly not at a golden palace. But also due to the fact that Limbsy was in fact laughing.
As it was that I did in fact just seem to stare for a few moments. That was when it was that I then saw the man shake his head. And he then did in fact begin to go and speak, all at the exact same time too.
"Well... Perhaps the kings city... But the towns are not... Any and all gold that we manage to find is sent directly to the king... Unless you want to get your self beheaded..." He did in fact just seem to say, all at once.
Just as soon as it was that he had said as to what he had said. That was when it was that I heard a few of the men. As it was that they did in fact just seem to let out uncomfortable laughs.
It was clear that a few of them thought he was joking. But based off of the clear look on his face. It was clear to me that he was not messing around on what he had said.
I did in fact just seem to shiver as I saw it was the case. And I did in fact do my best to try to keep my self as calm as I felt like I could. Just as soon as it was that I did in fact hear the voice of Steve go and speak.
"Every one just stay calm... I am sure that every thing will work out okay and just fine..." He did in fact just seem to say, all of the sudden. As it was that it was clear that he was trying to calm down every one.
It was clear that a lot of us had in fact been bothered by what he had said. As it was that I knew that I couldn't blame them for that. As I knew that a lot of us had families that we needed to get back to.
Just as soon as it was that I had in fact just thought on that. That was when it was that I woke my self up. And I then did in fact begin to hear the voice of Frolop go and speak, at that.
"Well... I hope for your own case that it is true... I have talked to the king once in my life with my father... And he didn't seem to be a very nice dwarf..." He did in fact just seem to say, all at the exact same time too.
As it was clear that he didn't seem to get as to the fact. That we were trying to calm every one down. Not freak them out any more, all at the exact same time too.
As it was that I had heard as to just what the dwarf had said. I then did in fact look back at the others. Which it did in fact seem like they had not paid attention to what he had said.
It seemed like they were taking amongst them selves at this point. And as to just what it was that we were going to do next. As it was that I got my focus off of them, as I then seemed to speak to my self quietly.
"Doesn't matter... None of it matters right now... Just focus on what does..." I did in fact just seem to tell my self. As I knew that what I had said was in fact true, at that.
As it was that I knew that we needed to be focused on the mayor. As it was that I knew that we needed to speak to him first. Before it was that we did in fact seem to do any thing.
Just as soon as it was that I had thought on such a thing like that. That was when I then saw the front door to the main hall open. As it was that I heard the voice of a dwarf seem to speak from in side.
"Okay... He is ready to see you now..." I did in fact just seem to hear the dwarf say, all at once. As it was that I did in fact wake my self up. Just as soon as it was that it had in fact just been the case, at that.
Just as soon as it was that it had in fact been the case. I then did in fact just seem to hear a quiet voice. As it was that they seemed to mumble some thing from behind me.
"Finally... Took long enough..." I did in fact just seem to hear Aaron say. As it was clear to me that he didn't respect the dwarves too much. As I had already noticed that from him quite a bit of some time ago.
I hoped that he did in fact not cause any sort of trouble for us. As it was that I did in fact just seem to gulp just as I had thought on that. As it was that I then did in fact begin to get my mind and my focus off of all of that.
Just as soon as it was that I had in fact done as such a thing like it. That was when it was that I then heard the voice of Limbsy. Though I was sure he had heard Aaron, he seemed to be calm as he spoke to us.
"Alright... Let's go ahead and go in side... We will figure out what to do from there on out..." He did in fact just seem to say, all at once. As it was that I did in fact just seem to do my best to try to act as calm as I could.
Just as soon as it was that I had in fact done as such a thing like that. That was when it was that I seemed to nod back to the older dwarf. And I then did in fact begin to start to follow him in side, all at once.
Just as soon as it was that I had done as such a thing like that. And I heard the foot steps of the others from right behind me, at that. That was when it was that I heard the loud noise of the door close.
As it was that I did in fact just seem to shiver as I knew it was the case. As it was that I did in fact do my best to try to act as calm as I could. Just as soon as it was that I went right on ahead and spoke to my self.
"Okay... Just stay calm, and every thing will go according to plan..." I did in fact just seem to tell my self. As it was that I did in fact do my best to act as normal as I felt like I could do. Just as soon as it was that I had thought on all of that, all at once.
Just as soon as it was that I had in fact been that sort of way. I then did in fact begin to start to wake my self up. As it was that I heard the voice of Frolop, as he then began to go and speak up, all at once.
"The mayor wants all of us to drop our weapons... Our selves including before we head in to the room... We can take it back when we leave..." He did in fact just seem to say, all at the exact same time too.
Just as soon as it was that I had in fact just seemed to have heard that. I then did in fact just seem to start to calm my self down. As it was that I knew that such a thing was going to be the case, all at once.
Just as soon as it was that I had in fact thought on that. That was when it was that I heard the voice of Steve. As it was that he then began to go and speak, all at once.
"Guess they weren't lying... The mayor is a scared man..." He did in fact just seem to say. As it was that he did in fact roll his eyes. Just as soon as it was that he had said as such a thing like he had in fact said.
Just as soon as it was that it had in fact been the case. That was when it was that I did in fact wake my self up. And I then did in fact begin to go and start to nod.
As it was that I was just about to go and drop my weapons. When it was that I heard the voice of Mitch. As it was that he then seemed to speak from right behind me, at that.
"Is it him being scared of us... Or is it us going in to a trap?" He did in fact just seem to say. As it was that he did in fact just seem to worry us all. On just what it was that he had in fact said, all at the exact same time too.
Though I hated hearing as to just what he had said. I also knew that he did in fact have a very fair point. As it was that I did in fact do my best to try to act as calm as I could.
Just as soon as it was that I had done as such a thing like that. That was when it was that I heard the voice of Limbsy. As it was that he then began to speak up, to try to calm us all down.
"There wouldn't even be enough soldiers in our village to stop you... Why do you think we are dropping our weapons to? Let's not waste any more time please... You guys are just as bad as he is..." He did in fact just seem to say, all at once.
As it was that he did in fact raise up a very fair point as well. On to the fact that it was that he had said as to just what he had said. As it was that I saw the dwarf go and roll his eyes at us, all at once.
As it was that he then did in fact seem to drop his weapons on a shelf. As it was that I decided that I was going to be the first one to do the same. As it was that I knew that I didn't want to test the dwarves patience.
I did in fact begin to drop my bag, and every thing that was in it. Though I did in fact make sure to keep a dagger in my pocket just in case. As it was that I saw the rest of my group do the same thing that I had done.
Just as soon as it was that I had seen it be the case. That was when it was that I heard the voice of Frolop speak. As it was that I then listened as to what the young dwarf had to say.
"Okay... Are you all ready to come on in to the room?" He did in fact just seem to say to us all. As it was that he did in fact have his eyes wide. Just as soon as it was that he had said as to just what it was that he had said.
As it was that it had in fact just seemed to have been the case. That was when it was that I did in fact just seem to nod back to the dwarf. As it was that I saw a few of the others in my group do the same thing.
As it was that we just seemed to stand there in silence for some time. That was when it was that I then began to start to hear the voice of Steve. As it was that he then decided that he was going to go and speak up, at that.
"Yes... We are ready when ever you are... Let's get this over with..." He did in fact just seem to say. As he did in fact have a calm look on his face just as he had said that.
Just as soon as it was that it had in fact just been the case. That was when it was that I did in fact just seem to stand there and stare. As it was that I then did in fact begin to start to see the dwarf nod back to us all.
Just as soon as it was that he had done as such a thing like that. That was when it was that I saw the young dwarf and his father. As it was that they then did in fact begin to open the doors to the room, at that.
Just as soon as it was that the door was in fact open, all at once. And Limbsy and his son had walked in to the room, at that. That was when it was that I heard the voice of the old dwarf go and speak up.
"Sir Yondo... We have the humans... They are ready to speak to you..." He did in fact just seem to say. As I saw the older dwarf have his eyes grow wide. Just as it was that he had spoke to the dwarf that was on the high chair of the room, at that.
Just as soon as it was that he had said as to just what he had said. That was when it was that with out hesitation at all. I heard the voice of the other dwarf that was in the room, as it was that he began to speak.
"Alright... Let them all in... You are dismissed from the room until I need you..." He did in fact just seem to say to the dwarf. As though he seemed to be trying to keep a calm voice.
I could in fact tell that the dwarf was in fact quite a bit scared. As I wondered if he really wanted the dwarves to leave, at that. As it was that I kind of just seemed to stare in silence for a few moments.
As it was that the rest of my group did in fact come in to the room. That was when it was that I then began to start to hear the voice of Limbsy. As it was that he spoke back to the dwarf, all at the exact same time too.
"Very well Sir Yondo... We will be right there for you if you have any issues... Your business is your business..." He did in fact just seem to say, all at the exact same time too.
Just as soon as it was that he had said as to what he had said. That was when it was that the older dwarf and his son did in fact leave the room. As it was that it was clear that we were left with just us and the dwarf.
As it was that it had in fact just seemed to have been the case. I did in fact just seem to feel much more calm. As it was that I spoke to my self quietly, all at the exact same time too.
"I don't know why I ever listen to Mitch to be honest..." I did in fact just seem to say, all at once. As it was clear that it was in fact just us. As it was clear to me that this was in fact not a trap what so ever.
As it was that I had realized that it was in fact the case, all at once. I then did in fact just seem to feel much more calm about every thing. And I then did in fact just seem to nod a little bit to my self, all of the sudden.
Just as soon as it was that I had done as such a thing like that. That was when it was that I began to start to hear the mayor dwarf. As it was that he then did in fact begin to finally start to speak to us, at that.
"So....Tell me humans... Why is it that you have traveled all this way to go and see the dwarves?" He did in fact just seem to say, all at once. As it was that he did in fact have his eyes squinted at us just as he had said that.
It was clear that the dwarf was in fact suspicious of us. As it was that he did in fact have a good reason to be, all at the exact same time too. As it was that I knew that we were in fact not out here to be making friends.
Just as soon as it was that I had thought on such a thing like that. That was when it was that I then decided to go and speak up. As it was that I did in fact not care what so ever, just as I did as such a thing like that.
"We are here... We are looking for my-" I did in fact just seem to say. As it was that just as it was that I was about to finish off what I was saying.
That was when it was that Steve then put his hand on my shoulder. As it was that he did in fact seem to stop me on my tracks. As it was that he looked at me with his eyes squinted, before he spoke to me.
"Please let me speak Michael... You are not trained for foreign policies... I am..." He did in fact just seem to say to me, all at once. As it was that he had a serious look on his face just as soon as it was that he had said that.
Just as soon as it was that he had said as to just what he had said. I felt like it did in fact kind of upset me, at that. As I felt like I wanted to point out the fact that I was the leader.
But at the same time, I also realized that he was right. As it was that I knew that I did in fact not want to make a mistake, at that. As I seemed to go and dip my head quite a bit low to the ground, just as I had thought on that.
Just as soon as it was that it had in fact been the case. That was when it was that I also then did in fact just seem to hear the voice of Sir Yondo. As it was that he then began to go and speak, all at once.
"No... Let the boy speak... I want to hear what he has to say..." He did in fact just seem to say, all at the exact same time too, all at once. As it was that he did in fact have a serious look on his face just as he had said that.
It was clear that he felt like Steve was in fact hiding some thing. As I could tell that he had quite a bit of a worried look on his face. Just as soon as it was that he had said as to just what it was that he had said to me.
Just as soon as I seemed to stare back at the dwarf. That was when it was that I noticed that Steve was now looking right back at me. As it was that he did in fact just seem to have his eyes squinted at me.
Just as soon as it was that I noticed that it was in fact the case. I went right in ahead and looked right back at Steve. As it was that he did in fact just seem to speak to me as I did as such.
"Dont look at me now... The mayor wants to hear what you have to say... So go on..." He did in fact just seem to say, all at once. As it was clear to me that the man was in fact quite a bit upset, all at once.
But it was clear to me that he was in fact making the right move. As it was clearly too late to fix what it was that I had done. And it was clear that he did in fact not want to anger the mayor, at all.
Just as soon as it was that I had in fact realized that it was the case. That was when it was that I just seemed to shiver a little bit at first. And I then did in fact begin to go and nod back to him, all at the exact same time as well.
Just as soon as it was that I had in fact done as such a thing like that. I then did in fact get my eyes back on Sir Yondo, at that. As it was that I did in fact begin to speak to him, at that.
"I am sorry Sir Yondo... But my grand father... He is the king of our nation... He sent me out here to find my father... We are in some trouble, and we need my father's help..." I did in fact just seem to say.
Just as soon as it was that I had said as to just what I had said. That was when it was that I did in fact just seem to tell, at that. That every single person in the group was not at all happy with just what I had said.
As it was that it had in fact just seemed to have been the case. That was when it was that I woke my self up a fair bit, all at once. And I then did in fact begin to hear the voice of Kips speak to me quietly from behind.
"You gave out way too much information to some one we don't know we can trust Michael... Now you see why Steve interrupted you?" He did in fact just seem to say to me.
I looked on over to my friend, just as he had said that. As it was that my eyes were in fact quite a bit wide just as I had heard that. As it was that I realized that he had once again had a fair point, all at once.
I then felt quite a bit stupid, all at the exact same time too. As I felt like I had in fact made a very big mistake. Just as soon as it was that I did in fact hear the mayor go and speak, at that.
"Oh... You are prince Jewel? The son of Daniel Jewel?" I did in fact just seem to hear the voice of the dwarf say. As it was that I was surprised to see that the dwarf had a smile on his face just as he had said that.
Just as soon as it was that it had in fact just been the case. I then did in fact just seem to calm my self down a fair bit, all at once. As it was clear to me that the dwarf was in fact happy for what ever reason or another.
I still was not all too sure if that was a good or a bad thing just yet. But it was clear to me that the dwarf knew who my father was. As it was that I then did in fact begin to go and nod back to the dwarf, as I also spoke back to him, as well.
"Yes... That is me... You seem to know my father fairly well..." I did in fact just seem to say, all at once. As it was that I did in fact have my eyes wide just as I had said that.
I hoped that it was in fact in a good way and not in a bad. As it was that I did in fact just seem to shiver, all at the exact same time too. Before it was that I did in fact just seem to see the dwarf get up from his chair.
He stumbled a bit just as he had done as such a thing like that. Before it was that I did in fact just seem to see the dwarf nod back to me. And he also then began to go and speak back to me after he had done as such a thing like that.
"Well of course... Your father was a great man... Much unlike I have been told about men... He helped us for quite a while... He was hear for nearly a year... But that was over a decade ago now..." He did in fact just seem to say, all at once.
As it was that as he had said as to what he had said at the end. That was when it was that he then dipped his head a bit low to the ground. As it was that I saw that he had a bit of a sad look on his face, at that.
It seemed to be that he was friends with my father, all at once. Which I didn't seem to like all too much. As it was that I then did in fact begin to go and speak back to the dwarf.
"Well... If you think he is a good man that is a first for me... He left me when I was just 3 years old... And my sister was a new born... Right after our mother died..." I did in fact just seem to say, all at the exact same time too.
As it was that I had said as to just what I had said. That was when it was that I saw the dwarf nod back to me. As it was that he didn't seem to be at all surprised by what I had said.
It was clear to me that he must have heard some worse stories back in his day. As it was that it did in fact kind of upset me. As I felt like I had still not got over what my father had done.
As it was that I just seemed to think on that for just a little bit longer. I then did in fact begin to start to hear the voice of the dwarf. As it was that he then did in fact go right on ahead and begin to speak back to me.
"Yes... I know that story already... But trust me when I say this... I have heard stories from my grandfather about what humans have done... Your father is a good man..." He did in fact just seem to say to me, at that.
He had a serious look on his face just as he had said that. As it was that I did in fact kind of dip my head a bit low to the ground. As it was that I had also been told by a few others that humans were in fact bad beings.
As it was that I just seemed to think on that for a bit of some time. That was when it was that I then did in fact begin to look back at the dwarf. As it was that I also then began to go and speak to him, at that.
"Well... Do you have any idea where he might be? We are sent here looking for him, we don't mean any harm to your people..." I did in fact just seem to say, all at once. As I kind of wished that I had not said that.
I had simply been worried that it was due to him not trusting humans. But I felt like I shouldn't have needed to say that, at all. As it was that it did not seem to bother the dwarf at least as far as I could tell.
As it was that I did in fact just seem to go and stare at him. That was when it was that the dwarf then did in fact just seem to shake his head a bit. As it was that he then did in fact begin to go and speak back to me.
"Once he had finished helping me people, he went to go meet our king... That is the last that I heard of him..."

The Misty Mountains (LoTR B3)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant