Chapter 19: A Guide

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It had been quite a bit rough for all of us already. As it seemed like the dwarves wanted to lead us. But it was hard for them to lead us when we all had to stick close together.
I just seemed to stand there and stare for some time. As it was that I did in fact let out a rough sigh to my self all of the sudden. Just as soon as it was that I did in fact hear Mitch go and speak, all of the sudden.
"So... Surely you dwarves are tired at this point right? When do you plan on going to sleep?" He did in fact just seem to say. As it was that I was a bit shocked as to just what it was that Mitch had in fact just said.
I knew that he was in fact saying it do to the fact that he was tired. As he was trying to pin it on the dwarves being tired. Which I knew that it was not the case at all, as they would have said some thing already.
As it was that I had realized that it was in fact the case. That was when it was that I blinked my eyes a few times at first. And I then did in fact begin to hear Limbsy go and speak, all at the exact same time too.
"Us dwarves have names remember... And we have hardly made any progress at all... So no... We are not tired... We don't plan on stopping any time soon there Mitch..." He did in fact just seem to say to Mitch.
He had his eyes squinted at Mitch just as he had said that. As it seemed like he was in fact suspicious of Mitch. As it was that I felt like I couldn't blame him for that being the case.
I was not all too sure as to why he would want to stop. As this place was sure giving me the spooks, at that. As I felt like we were lucky that nothing had happened so far.
As it was that I had seemed to have thought on that. That was when it was that I heard Bradley. As it was that he did in fact begin to speak, all at the exact same time too.
"He's just tired because he had bad dreams last night... That's all..." He did in fact just seem to say. As it was that the big guy had his eyes wide just as he had said that.
Just as soon as it was that he had in fact said that. That was when it was that I felt like it made a bit more sense to me, at that. Even though it was clear that Mitch was not at all happy as to just what his friend had said.
He did in fact squint his eyes right back at Bradley. As the dwarves seemed to under stand it now. Though Mitch did in fact continue to go and speak back to Bradley, at that.
"Thanks a lot you ass hole... That isn't the reason I want to stop any ways... Its... It's something else..." He did in fact just seem to say. As he had his eyes wide just as soon as it was that he had in fact said that.
That was when it was that my eyes also seemed to grow wide. As it was that I was a bit lost and a bit worried as to just what he had said. And as to just what it was that he had even meant by it, at that.
As it was that I seemed to be that kind of way for some time. That was when it was that I heard the voice of Steve. As it was that he then did in fact begin to go and speak, at that.
"Yeah... We are not stopping any time soon there Mitch... For all I care, we can keep going with out any sleep..." He did in fact just seem to say, all at the exact same time too.
As it was that I saw that Steve had his eyes wide as he had said that. As it was that I did in fact just seem to see the man shiver. As it was clear that some thing was in fact bothering him as well, at that.
Just as soon as it was that he had said as to what he had said. That was when it was that I heard some thing whisper in to my ears. As it was that this time it did in fact seem to be some thing that sounded evil.
"They are weak... It is time for you to be the leader Michael..." He did in fact just seem to say, all at the exact same time as well, at that. As I felt sick just as soon as it was that it had said as to just what it had said to me.
I knew that was not what I wanted to be the case what so ever. As it was that I did in fact also seem to shiver just as it was the case. As I did my best to try to act as calm as it was that I felt like I could do in the mean time.
As it was that I seemed to be that sort of way for some time. That was when it was that I heard the voice of Kips, all at the exact same time too. As it was that he seemed to speak to me in specific, at that.
"You good over there Michael?" He did in fact just seem to say. As it was that he did in fact squint his eyes at me just as he had said that. As it was clear to me that he was seriously worried for me at this very moment in time.
As it was that I had in fact realized just as it was the case. That was when it was that I then did in fact seem to stare back at him. As it was that I had my eyes wide just as soon as it was that I had done as such.
Just before it was that I had the chance to say some thing. And to even open my mouth to try to. That was when it was that I heard the same voice whisper in to my ears, at that.
"He thinks you are weak... They all think that you are... Prove to them that you aren't..." It did in fact just seem to say to me, all at once. As it was that I then did in fact begin to start to get a bit angry.
As it was that as I looked at Kips as I saw his eyes were squinted. I began to start to realize that the voice was in fact correct. And that Kips did in fact seem to think that I was in fact weak, all at the exact same time too.
Just as soon as it was that it had in fact just been the case. That was when it was that I did in fact squint my eyes back at him. And I then did in fact begin to go and speak back to him as soon as it was the case.
"Yeah... I am just fine... What's it matter to you any ways?" I did in fact just seem to say to him. As it was that I was in fact quite a bit upset just as soon as it was that I had said that.
I knew that I was not normally like that what so ever. As I saw that it had in fact got the attention of some of the others, all at once. Just as soon as it was that it had in fact been the case.
Just as soon as it was that it had in fact been that sort of way, all at once. That was when it was that I did in fact see Kips tilt his head back at me. As it was that he then did in fact begin to speak back to me in quite a bit of a confused voice.
"You don't seem okay... I am just looking out for you as a friend... Okay?" He did in fact just seem to say to me, all at the exact same time too. As it was that he did in fact just seem to let out a rough sigh as he had said that.
Just as soon as it was that it had in fact just been the case. That was when it was that I once again heard the whisper in my ears. As it was that I listened as to just what it was that it had to say to me, at that.
"He is not your friend... He was hired by the king... Remember?" The voice did in fact just seem to say. As it was that it did in fact remind me that Kips had told me that a while ago.
Just as soon as it was that it had in fact just been the case, at that. That was when it was that I did in fact dip my head low to the ground. And I then did in fact feel like I didn't have any thing else left to say.
Kips did in fact seem to be a little bit lost as to it being the case. But he did in fact decide not to say any thing at this point, at that. As he then did in fact go and turn his head away, all at the exact same time too.
Just as soon as it was that it had in fact just been the case. That was when it was that I heard the voice of Aaron go and speak. As it was that I did in fact listen as to just what it was that the man had to say, at that.
"I think we need to keep going... I don't want to be here any longer..." He did in fact just seem to say. As it was that he did in fact seem to be quite a bit angry as he had said that.
I was a bit lost as to just why it was in fact the case. Even though I knew that I had been the same sort of way just a few moments ago. As it was that I felt like it was easy to blame him for it being that way.
Just as soon as it was that it had seemed to have been the case. That was when it was that I did in fact shake my head just a little bit. And I then did in fact begin to hear the voice of Frolop go and speak, at that.
"Yeah... We were kind of just waiting to make sure that you all were coming... Remember?" He did in fact just seem to say, all at once. As it was that he did in fact have a serious look on his face just as he had said it.
It was clear to me that some thing was in fact bothering the dwarf. As much as it was that he wanted to pretend that it was not the case. As it was that it did in fact seem like all of us were in fact going crazy.
As it was that it had in fact just seemed to have been the case. That was when it was that I did my best to try to act as calm as I could. As it was that I then did in fact simply begin to go and turn my head away.
Just as soon as it was that I had done as such a thing like that. That was when it was that I heard the voice of Steve go and speak. As it was that I did in fact go and listen as to just what ever it was that he had to say, at that.
"We are ready when ever you are... Isn't that right men?" He did in fact just seem to say, at that. As it was clear that he was in fact trying to motivate us, at that.
It didn't seem to work very well how ever, at that. As the best he seemed to get was maybe a few nods. Which I was in fact one of those nods, as I wanted to keep going.
As it was that it seemed to be silence for a bit longer. That was when it was that I heard the voice of the goblin. As it was that he seemed to speak up quite a bit upset him self.
"Can we just keep going? I am tired of sitting here... Hell... I will take the lead if needs be..." He did in fact just seem to say, all at once. As just as soon as it was that he had said as to just what it was that he had said.
That was when it was that I did in fact just seem to see the dwarf walk. As it was that he did in fact begin to head towards where it was. That the fog seemed to show nothing, at that.
Just as soon as it was that it had seemed to have been the case. That was when it was that I saw the older dwarf go and stop him. As it was that he then did in fact begin to simply speak back to the goblin, at that.
"No... You have no idea where you are going Pokes... You will just take us in circles..." He did in fact just seem to say, all at once. As he had his eyes squinted at the goblin, just as soon as it was that he had said it.
Just as soon as it was that he had said as to just what he had said. That was when it was that the goblin pushed him self off of Limbsy. As it was that I was a bit surprised as to the fact that it was in fact the case.
Just as soon as it was that I then did in fact seem to see him shake his head back at the dwarf. As it was that he then did in fact begin to speak back to him, at that. As we all listened as to just what it was that he had to say.
"No... I am tired of you all treating me like I am weaker than you... I am not... I want to prove to you all that us goblins are strong..." He did in fact just seem to say, all at the exact same time as well, at that.
As it was that he did in fact look at all of us just as he had said that. As it was clear that he hadn't just meant it to the dwarves, at that. As it was that I did in fact do my best to try to act as calm as I felt like I could.
Just as soon as it was that I had in fact thought that kind of way. That was when it was that I decided to go and step in and speak. As it was that I made sure that the goblin could hear as to just what I had to say.
"None of us think like that Pokes... You need to stop... Limbsy is right... You will get us all lost... We need the dwarves to lead us..." I did in fact just seem to say, all at the exact same time as well, all at once, at that.
Just as soon as it was that I had said as to just what I had said. The goblin did in fact just seem to start to calm him self down. As it was that I then did in fact also seem to go and see him nod back to me.
Just as soon as it was that he had done as such a thing like that. That was when it was that I heard the quiet voice of Dick speak. As it was that I did in fact go and listen as to just what it was that he had to say.
"Yeah... Michael, I think you are the only one who thinks like that..." He did in fact just seem to say. As it was that I then did in fact look right at the man just as he had said that.
I was not at all happy as to just what he had said. As I felt like he was not helping the cause what so ever. As it was that luckily the goblin had not seemed to have heard that.
As it was that it seemed to have been the case. That was when it was that I then saw every one calm down. As it was that I then did in fact hear Frolop begin to go and speak, all at the exact same time too.
"Alright... We are going to keep on moving then..." He did in fact just seem to say, all at once. As it was that I did in fact see that he had his eyes wide just as it was the case.
Just as soon as it was that it had been that sort of way. That was when it was that I did in fact begin to start to see him turn around. And he then did in fact begin to walk, all at the exact same time too.
Just as it was that he had done as such a thing like that. That was when it was that it seemed like no one was going to hesitate to do the same. As it was that I did in fact just seem to see that we began to walk with him.
Just as soon as it was that it had seemed to have been the case. That was when it was that I did in fact just seem to calm my self down. As it was that I did in fact begin to simply go and speak to my self quietly, at that.
"Every thing is going to be just fine... Don't worry..." I did in fact just seem to tell my self, at that. As it was that I did in fact do my best to try to act as calm as I felt like I could.
Just as soon as it was that it had seemed to have been that way. That was when it was that I seemed to find a bit of a peace of mind. And I then did in fact just seem to simply go and nod a little bit to my self.
Just as soon as it was that it had been that sort of way. That was when it was that I woke my self up a fair bit. And I then did in fact begin to simply start to go and hear the voice in my head, all at once, at that.
"You know that isn't true... Look how weak they all are... You know that they are scared... It is time for you to step up Michael..." The voice did in fact just seem to say to me, all at the exact same time as well, at that.
Just as soon as it was that it had said as to just what it had said. That was when it was that I then did in fact begin to start to look around. As it was that it was quite a bit hard to see any thing through the fog.
But it was in fact clear to me that they were all lost and worried. As it was in fact clear to me that all of them were in fact scared. As much unlike most days, no one seemed to want to say a word to each other.
It was clear to me that they were in fact all afraid and scared. They were in fact all lost in their own heads. As it was that I then did in fact begin to speak to my self, all at the exact same time as well, at that.
"I don't want to be a leader... That just isn't me..." I did in fact just seem to say, all at the exact same time too. As it was that I knew that what it was that I had said was true.
Just as soon as it was that it had seemed to have been that sort of way. That was when it was that I heard the voice seem to speak as before. As this time it did in fact seem to be upset with me, none the less.
"What do you mean? You are a prince... Do you not know who you are? They are weak and you most show them the way... Listen to them..." He did in fact just seem to say to me, all at the exact same time too.
Just as soon as it was that it had in fact just been the case. That was when it was that I then did in fact just seem to look ahead. As it was that it was in fact the only voice that I did in fact seem to hear talking just now.
That was of course the voice of Limbsy, at that. As it was that it did in fact seem like he was in fact talking to his son, all at the exact same time too. As it was that I then listened as to just what it was that he had to say.
"Ignore them my son... They are only hear to bother you, do not feed in to your temptations... You are stronger than that..." He did in fact just seem to say, all at the exact same time as well, at that.
As just as soon as it was that he had said as to just what he had said. It was clear to me that some thing was in fact bothering Limbsy. As it was that I saw that both of the dwarves did in fact seem to be weak, at that.
As it was that it seemed to have been that sort of way. That was when it was that I woke my self up a fair bit. And I then did in fact begin to simply start to go and speak to my self just as I had done before.
"You are right... I need to lead them..." I did in fact just seem to say, all at the exact same time too. As it was that I did in fact seem to have an empty and a blank look on my face just as it was that I had said that.
I knew that I didn't want to lead them, at that. But it seemed like I was not left with much of any other choice. As it was that I felt like they were in fact not strong enough to do as such a thing like that.
Just as soon as it was that it had seemed to have been the case. That was when it was that I heard the evil voice go and whisper like before. As it was that I did in fact listen as to just what it was that he had to say.
"That is right... Take the lead... I will guide you to where you need to go..." The voice did in fact just seem to say, all at once. As what it was that he had said did in fact not seem to be right to me what so ever.
But at the same time as well, I felt like he was in fact correct. As it was that I then began to start to speed up my walk, at that. As it was that I did in fact want to catch up to the dwarves, all at once.
Just as soon as it was that I had seemed to have been that sort of way. That was when it was that I did in fact hear the voice of Kips. As it was that he did in fact begin to go and speak to me, all at the exact same time too.
"What are you doing Michael? We are supposed to stick close together..." He did in fact just seem to say. As it was that it was in fact the plan to stay close to your tent mate.
How ever, I just seemed to not care what so ever just now. As it was that I did in fact begin to start to continue to do what I was doing. Which was of course the fact that I was going to take the lead.
I looked back at Kips just for a split second, all at once. As I saw that he did in fact have his eyes focused on me, all at once. As it was that just as soon as I had seen it be the case.
That was when it was that he did in fact not seem to notice the log that was in front of him. As he walked right on to it and tripped and fell. As it was that I then began to hear the others seem to go and laugh, as I heard Dick go and speak, at that.
"Oh come on now Kips... Don't tell me you really fell for that?" He did in fact just seem to say, all at the exact same time as well, at that. As just as soon as it was that he had said as to just what he had said.
That was when it was that they all did in fact seem to laugh louder. As it was that I did in fact just seem to see that Kips now had his head down. As he did in fact no longer seem to have his focus on me, at that.
Just as soon as it was that it had seemed to have been the case. I then did in fact roll my eyes and turn my head back to the front. As it was that I spoke to my self quietly just as soon as it was that it had been the case.
"Weak... They all are weak..." I did in fact just seem to say. As it was that I knew that it was me saying that. And that it was in fact not the voices that were saying it.
Just as soon as it was that I had in fact said as to what I had said. That was when it was that I did in fact catch up to Prince Pokes. As it was that he did in fact also look at me with his eyes wide, at that.
As it was that he did in fact seem to be quite a bit lost as to what it was that I was doing. Just as soon as it was that he then began to speak to me. As it was that I listened as to just what it was that he had to say, at that.
"What are you doing there Michael? I thought you were supposed to be back there with the others..." He did in fact just seem to say. As he did in fact have his head tilted towards me just as he had said that.
Just as soon as it was that he had said as to just what he had said. That was when it was that I did in fact shake my head back at him. And I then did in fact just simply begin to go and speak back to him, at that.
"No... I need to lead this... They are all weak..." I did in fact just seem to say, all at the exact same time too. As it was that I had my eyes squinted at him just as I had said that.
Just as soon as it was that I had said as to just what I had said. The goblin did in fact seem to be a bit surprised by what I had said. As it was that I did in fact just seem to see him go and look behind us.
Just as soon as it was that he had done as such a thing like that. I then did in fact just seem to see him smile, all of the sudden. As it was that I then did in fact begin to start to hear him mutter some thing to him self, all at the exact same time too.
"You are right... They are all weak..." He did in fact just seem to say. As it was in fact clear to me that he was pleased by what I had said. As it was that I did in fact just seem to smile back at him, all at once.
How ever, just as it was that I had done as such a thing like that. That was when it was that I then did in fact get my focus back to what I was doing. As it was that I did in fact see that the dwarves were the last ones that I did in fact need to pass.
Just as soon as it was that it had in fact just been the case, at that. That was when it was that I did in fact wake my self up a fair bit. As it was that I was in fact about to go in front of them, all of the sudden.
Just as soon as it was that I was about to take the first step how ever. That was when it was that I heard Frolop go and speak to me. As I saw that the young dwarf had his eyes squinted at me just as it was the case.
"What are you doing Michael? You have  no idea where you are going!" He did in fact just seem to say to me, all at the exact same time too. As it was that he did in fact have a serious look on his face, at that.
Just as soon as it was that he had said as to just what he had said. That was when it was that I did in fact shake my head, all of the sudden. And I then also went and began to simply go and speak back to him, at that.
It was clear that both he and his father were confused. Though that did in fact not seem to matter to me at all. As it was that they did in fact listen as to just what it was that I felt like I had to say, at that.
"No... I know where I am going... I have a guide..."

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