Chapter 2: Let Us In

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Every one seemed to be having a good time. Well, except for me as it did in fact just seem to be. As it was that I was in fact quite a bit stressed out and worried.
As I was not at all too sure as to how no one else could be. As it was that we were in the lands of mythical creatures, at that. And we were just chilling like this was some sort of party.
I didn't like it one bit, as it was that I did in fact dip my head low to the ground. And I then did in fact just seem to shake my head. As it was that I went right on ahead and spoke to my self, just as it was the case.
"I just wish every one would calm down... This isn't some thing that should be fun..." I did in fact just seem to say to my self. As it was that I stared below me in to the grass, just as it was that I had said that.
As it was that I did in fact just seem to stare for a bit longer. I then did in fact begin to hear the voice of Kips. As it was that he went right on ahead and began to speak to me.
"Come on now Michael... Lighten up... I am sure that Meghan will be fine on her own... She is right... We know the way from here..." He did in fact just seem to say, all at once.
Just as soon as it was that he had said as to just what he had said. That was when I then did in fact just seem to lift my head up. As it was that my eyes did in fact just seem to grow wide, all at the exact same time too.
I felt like I couldn't help but to be surprised by what he had said. As I knew that it was not at all what I was thinking about. But it only seemed to get me more worried.
As it was that I went right on ahead and shook my head back at him. As it was that I then also began to speak back to him. As it was that I knew that he was in fact listening as to just what it was that I had to say.
"I am not worried about Meghan... She is a witch... And she will be fine... I am worried about us..." I did in fact just seem to say. As it was that I did in fact just seem to stare at him for just a few moments.
I had my eyes wide, as I let him know that I was being serious. Before it was that I then did in fact just seem to see him nod back to me. As it was that he also turned his head away from me, all at the exact same time too.
I was a bit lost as to just what it was that was going on with him. Until it was that I then began to hear the voice of Mitch. As I did in fact go and look at him. And I began to listen as to just what he had to say.
"She will be fine Michael... We all know that you like the witch... Don't let her play with your head like that..." He did in fact just seem to say. As he did in fact have his eyes squinted at me just as he had said that.
Just as soon as it was that he had said what he had said to me. That was when it was that I began to get a little bit upset by it. As it was that I then did in fact squint my eyes right back at the guy, all at once.
As it was that I had done as such a thing like that. That was when it was that I also began to speak back to him. As I made sure that he could hear as to just what I had to say.
"I am not letting her play with my head Mitch... Thank you very much..." I did in fact just seem to say to him. As it was that I saw his eyes grow a little bit wide in shock.
It was almost as if it was that he expected me to give in. As it was that I did in fact know that I was not like him, none the less. As I knew that I was not afraid, and not so easy to give up on some thing.
As it was that I did in fact continue to stare at him. That was when it was that he then spoke back to me. As it was that I did in fact begin to listen as to just what he had to say.
"But you still like her... She is a witch Michael... You shouldn't trust her..." He did in fact just seem to say. As he kept his eyes wide just as soon as it was that he had said that.
I realized that I had not brought up the fact that I didn't like her. As it was that I kind of gulped at the thought of that. As I knew that I was a bad liar, and I did in fact know I liked her.
I also knew that Mitch was right, and he brought up a fair point. As it was that I then did in fact just seem to dip my head a bit low to the ground. And I then did in fact begin to go and speak back to him one more time.
"Well... I guess that it is a damn good thing she is no longer with us, huh?" I did in fact just seem to say. As it was that I did in fact have a serious look on my face. Just as soon as it was that I had said that.
Just as soon as it was that it had in fact just been the case. I then did in fact just seem to wake my self up. And I did in fact just seem to go and breathe in a very rough sigh. As it was that I knew that I needed to stay calm.
I just seemed to stare at Mitch with my eyes squinted for some more time. Before it was that I then began to start to hear the voice of Kips. As it was that he seemed to step in and speak, all at the exact same time too.
"Leave the kid alone Mitch..." He did in fact just seem to say. As it was that he did in fact seem to be referring to me. Just as soon as it was that he had said as to just what he had said.
Just as soon as it was that it had in fact just been the case. I kind of did in fact almost want to get upset with Kips. But I did in fact hold my self in, as I knew he was only defending me, all at the exact same time as well.
As it was that I did in fact just seem to realize it was the case. I did in fact just seem to feel better about things. And I then did in fact begin to go and shake my head, all at once.
Mitch didn't seem like he was that willing to give up this time. As it was that he did in fact just seem to roll his eyes back at us. As it was that he then did in fact also begin to speak back to us as well.
"Yeah... Well he knows I am right... That is all that matters..." He did in fact just seem to say, at that. As it was that he did in fact begin to turn his head some where else, just as soon as it was that he had said that.
Just as soon as it was that he had said as to what he had said. That was when it was that I once again did in fact dip my head low to the ground. As it was that I did in fact begin to start to think on what he had said.
I began to start to think that Mitch might be right. And that he might be having a fair point on what he had said, all at once. As it was that I was not at all too sure as to why I was catching feelings for a witch.
Just as soon as it was that I had in fact just seemed to have thought on that. That was when it was that I did in fact just seem to wake my self up. And I then did in fact begin go and stare for quite a bit of some time.
As it was that it had in fact been the case, all of the sudden. That was when it was that I once again heard the voice of Kips. As it was that my friend did in fact just seem to go and speak to me, all at once.
"Don't worry about Mitch... He is just jealous and petty..." He did in fact just seem to say, all at once. As it was that he had his eyes wide as he had in fact said that to me.
It was clear that he was worried for me, all at the exact same time too. As well as the fact that my friend was trying to calm me down. Which it felt like it was not at all working that well.
As it was that I just seemed to stare back at Kips for some time. That was when it was that I did in fact begin to speak back to him. As I made sure that he could hear as to just what it was that I had to say.
"What if he is right though? What if I do like the witch? She... She is quite nice..." I did in fact just seem to say. As my face did in fact just seem to melt with guilt just as I had said that.
I knew that what I had in fact just said to him was wrong. As it was that I knew that I should not be saying as to just what I had said. As I did in fact do my best to just try to stay as calm as I felt like I could do.
Just as soon as it was that I had been that sort of way, all at once. That was when it was that I saw Kips go and shake his head back at me. As it was that I then did in fact begin to also hear him speak back to me.
"Then that is your choice... But just remember she is a witch... And also remember that you may never even see her again..." He did in fact just seem to say to me, all at the exact same time as well, at that.
As this time, just as soon as it was that he had said what he had said to me. I did in fact just seem to see that he had his eyes squinted at me. As it was clear to me that he was in fact trying to get his point across.
As it was that it had in fact just seemed to have been the case. I then did in fact begin to go and nod back to him, all of the sudden. As it was that I then did in fact also begin to go and speak back to him, at that.
"Yeah you are right... I just need to focus on the mission that I was sent here to do... Nothing else..." I did in fact just seem to say to him. As it was that I did in fact do my best to try to act as calm as I felt like I could.
Just as soon as it was that I had done as such a thing like that. That was when it was that I did in fact just seem to wake my self up. And I then did in fact begin to simply go and shake my head a little bit to my self.
Just as soon as it was that I had done as such a thing like that too. I then did in fact see a bit of a sad look on the face of Kips. As it was that he then did in fact begin to go and speak back to me, all at the exact same time as well.
"Well... Yes... Focus on the mission... But try to have a good time while you do? Not only are you getting to explore and travel which is some thing most humans never do... But we are going to the unknown lands... So enjoy it..." He did in fact just seem to say.
As it was that I saw my friend get up from his chair as he had said that. As it was that he then did in fact begin to walk past me as well. Just as soon as it was that he did in fact smack his hand on my shoulder.
It was clear to me that he was trying to lighten the mood. As it was that it did in fact just seem to make me feel a little bit better. As it was that I then did in fact begin to continue eating out of my bowl, all at once.
Just as soon as it was that I had in fact done as such a thing like that. I then did in fact begin to go and smile, all at the exact same time as well. As it was that I then began to go and speak, all of the sudden to my self.
"Kips is right... I just need to enjoy the moment... I wonder what dwarven food taste like..." I did in fact just seem to say, all at once. As I knew that I had in fact been surprised with how good the goblin food had tasted.
As it was that I had in fact just seemed to have thought on that. That was when it was that I began to start to think. Just how long it was that we were going to be with the dwarves.
I gulped at the thought of it, all at the exact same time too. As it was that I did in fact remember them saying some thing about greed. As it was that I then did in fact begin to start to go and close my eyes, as I had thought on that.
Just as soon as it was that I had seemed to have closed my eyes how ever. That was when it was that I did in fact hear the voice of our leader. As it was that I then did in fact begin to listen as to just what Steve had to say.
"Alright men... The dwarves are coming back... And there are a lot of them... Do not engage in any thing... Let's try to keep this as peaceful as possible..." He did in fact just seem to say, all at the exact same time too.
Just as soon as it was that he had said as to what he had said. That was when it was that I did in fact just seem to wake my self up. And I then did in fact begin to go and open my eyes, all at the exact same time too.
I saw that a lot of our group had gotten up from their chairs. As it was that I did in fact begin to do the same. As it was that I knew that we needed to get every thing closed up.
I knew that we needed to get ready to leave, all at the exact same time too. As it was that I did in fact begin to start to put up the chairs. As it was that I did in fact begin to speak to my self just as I did such a thing like that.
"Alright... This is it I suppose..." I did in fact just seem to say. As it was that I was not at all too sure if this was it. I was not at all too sure what it was that we were getting our selves in to.
I felt safer with the goblins for what ever reason. That it was that I felt safe with the dwarves. And I was not at all too sure as to just why it was in fact the case.
Just as soon as it was that I had seemed to have thought on that. That was when it was that I heard the loud voice of the old dwarf. As it was that it got my attention as to just what it was that Limbsy had to say.
"Alright... The mayor of the town has agreed to let you in to talk with him... So if you would please follow me and my son..." He did in fact just seem to say, all of the sudden.
As it was that he looked at Steve as to what he had said at first. Before it was that he did in fact seem to go and look at his son. As it was that I did in fact do my best to try to keep my self as calm as I felt like I could.
As it was that I just seemed to stand there and stare for some time. That was when it was that I did in fact just seem to see. That every one in our group was looking to Steve.
It was clear that none of us were at all too sure what to do. As it was also clear to me that Steve did in fact notice that it was the case. As it was that he then did in fact begin to go and speak up, all at the exact same time too.
"Alright men... You heard the dwarves... Let's go with them..." He did in fact just seem to say. As it was that he did in fact have a serious look on his face just as he had said that.
Just as soon as it was that it had in fact been the case. I did in fact just seem to wake my self up a fair bit. And I then did in fact begin to go and let out a very rough sigh.
I did my best to try to keep my self as calm as I felt like I could. As it was that I just seemed to stand there and stare for a few moments. As it was that I just seemed to be lost, as it felt like some thing wasn't right.
As it was that I just seemed to have thought on it for some time. That was when it was that I did in fact begin to hear the voice Kips. As it was that he did in fact just seem to walk right past me, at that.
"Are you coming with us or not Michael? Because we need you..." He did in fact just seem to say to me. As he did in fact have a serious look on his face just as it was that he had said that to me.
I did in fact just seem to stare at my friend for a few moments. Before it was that I did in fact just seem to blink my eyes. And I then did in fact begin to go and nod back to him.
As it was that I had began to have started to walk with the dwarves. That was when it was that I began to start to realize as to what it was. As it was that I did in fact look right on over to Steve with my eyes wide.
Just as soon as it was that I had in fact done as such a thing like that. That was when it was that I began to start to go and speak up. As it was that I made sure that he could hear as to just what it was that I had to say.
"Um... Where is Pokes at?" I did in fact just seem to say. As I knew that I was in fact bringing up a fair point. As I felt like the goblin prince should be with us just now.
As it was that I did in fact continue to stare for a few moments. That was when it was that I did in fact just seem to wake my self up. As it was that I saw that Steve did in fact just seem to look at me him self.
I saw that his eyes were wide as well as he did as such. As it was clear to me that he did in fact realize that I had a valid point. Just as soon as it was that he then did in fact begin to go and speak back to me.
"Um... I don't really know... I am not the one who was last with him..." He did in fact just seem to say. As it was that he did in fact have a serious look on his face, at that.
Just as soon as it was that I had in fact seen it be the case. I then did in fact just seem to wake my self up a fair bit, all at once. As it was that I did in fact just seem to squint my eyes at him, all at the exact same time too.
I was not at all happy with the so called leader of our group. As it was that it was clear that he was a little bit worried him self now. Just as soon as it was that I did in fact go and speak back to him.
"Yeah... Well... You are the one that sent him out there... Like it or not, he is our asset, and he is who we need..." I did in fact just seem to say. As it was that I did in fact have a serious look on his face just as I had said that.
I did my best to try to keep my self as calm as I felt like I could do. Which was a little bit hard for me to feel like I could do just now. As I knew that I hated when I didn't know what was going on.
As it was that the both of us did in fact just seem to stare at one another for a little bit longer. That was when it was that I heard the voice of the younger dwarf. As it was that I then began to go and listen as to just what Frolop had to say, all at once.
"Relax... Our mayor is always a worried man... He just wanted to hold on to the goblin until he made sure that we got back with you... The goblin is just fine..." He did in fact just seem to say, all at the exact same time too.
As it was that he did in fact have his eyes wide just as he had said that. As it was clear that he was in fact a little bit surprised by the fact. That we were in fact so worried about the goblin, all at the exact same time as well.
How ever, for me, I didn't seem to be at all too worried for the goblin. As much as the fact that I was in fact worried as to what we were getting our selves in to, at that. As it was that I did in fact just seem to shiver just as it was that I had thought on that.
I didn't know these dwarves all too well, at all. But I felt like I could in fact trust them, at that. As it was that I then did in fact begin to go and nod, before it was that I went on ahead and grunted, at that.
"Well... Guess we don't have a choice at this point but to go with them..." I did in fact just seem to say. As it was that I did my best to try to stay calm. Just as soon as it was that I had said as to just what I had said.
I could tell that the rest of the group was in fact worried. As it was that I then did in fact begin to start to go right on ahead. And I then did in fact begin to go and take the lead with the dwarves, at that.
Just as soon as it was that I had in fact done as such a thing like that. And we had in fact began to have started to walk in to the smaller town. That was when it was that I heard the voice of Limbsy, as he then began to go and speak, at that.
"Don't pay our people any mind... They are just interested in the fact that there are humans here... We don't get to see your type very often..." He did in fact just seem to say, all at the exact same time as well.
As it was that he had a smile on his face just as he had said that. As it was that I was not at all too sure as to just why it was that he was smiling. As it was that I did in fact do my best to try to stay as calm as I could any ways.
As it was that I had in fact heard as to what he had said how ever. That was when it was that I did in fact notice the few dwarves. That did in fact just seem to be walking across the streets, all at the exact same time too.
As well as the dwarves that did in fact seem to be poking their heads out the window of their homes. As it was clear that they were interested in what was going on. Which I felt like I would be the same way, as I spoke to my self quietly.
"Hell... Humans would freak out and panic if we saw dwarves any where near our homes... I am surprised by how calm they are..." I did in fact just seem to say, all at the exact same time as well, at that.
As it was that I had in fact just seemed to have thought on that. That was when it was that it came back to me as to what had happened a while ago. When we had been passing through the goblin towns.
I knew that they had been scared, and they had in fact been freaked out. As it was clear that these dwarves were a lot different than that. As it was that I did in fact begin to hear the voice of Bradley, as he seemed to speak from right behind me.
"Well... My father always told me that I was born with dwarf genes in me... They are said to be very brave..." He did in fact just seem to say, as he had a big smile on his face just as it was that he had said that.
Just as soon as it was that I had in fact heard that. I looked at him for just a few moments, all at once. As it was that my eyes were wide just as it was that I had done as such.
As I felt like I could believe as to just what he had said. As it was that the man was a very hairy man, at that. As it was that I just seemed to stare at him for a few moments longer.
How ever, just as it was that I had done as such a thing. That was when it was that I heard the voice of Mitch. As it was that I then listened as to what it was that he had to add in.
"Yeah... I doubt that one Bradley... You are way too big and tall to possibly be a dwarf..." He did in fact just seem to say, all at once. As it was that he did in fact roll his eyes just as it was that he had said that.
Just as soon as it was that he had said as to what he had said. I then did in fact begin to laugh just a little bit. As I felt like Mitch did in fact bring a fair point on what he had said.
Bradley didn't seem to find at all too much humour in it. As it was that he did in fact just seem to squint his eyes at Mitch. Before it was that he did in fact begin to go and speak back to him, at that.
"I didn't say I was a dwarf... I just said I had dwarf in my blood..." He did in fact just seem to say. As it was that he did in fact just seem to not be all too happy with Mitch, at that.
I felt like I should just leave it be, all of the sudden. As it was that I did in fact get my focus on to the fact that it was, all at once. That I needed to keep my eyes on to the dwarves.
As we had gone fairly deep in to the city, at that. As it was that I did in fact just seem to blink my eyes a few times, all at once. As it looked as if we were at the town square, all of the sudden, as well.
Just as soon as it was that I had thought on such a thing like that. That was when it was that I noticed the dwarves then stop. As it was that I did in fact begin to hear the voice of Limbsy go and speak, at that.
"Alright... We are at the mayors place... Let's wait a bit before he decides to let us in..."

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