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Eddy has no idea how long they lie there for, but it's complete and utter bliss. Sure, his life has fallen apart, but who could care about such trivialities when the world's best guy just did that to you? 
He sighs happily and snuggles into his neck. Brett hums softly. 
"I'm glad to see you happy again." he whispers.
Eddy shrugs. I mean, what words could he find now anyway? They're probably in Alaska too.  
"I'm really sorry I caused you... distress." Brett adds after a beat. 
Okay, so now Eddy has to lift his head. 
"I think you made it up to me."
Brett grins, but almost shyly. Adorably.
Eddy shrugs again.
"Yeah. I mean, if that's the result?"
Now Brett grins for real.
"How about next time I don't hurt you first?"
Eddy leans in to steal a kiss.
"That's good with me."

It's easy to sink back into the blissful silence but there is something else he needs to say. 
"Um, Bretty?"
"If something like this happens again... would you run again?"
Brett stills and he is quiet for a long moment. His eyebrows scrunch and unscrunch in turn as if he's debating with himself. 
"Um. I just... I mean, I'm not planning for that to happen again."
"No, but if it would?"
"You would want me to stay?"
"What do you mean, of course!" Eddy calls, too loudly. But I mean... how could he even think...
Wait. Does he think... he thinks... "Bretty. You're allowed to be weak. Why would I have the monopoly on that?"
Brett chuckles soberly.
"Um. You don't, I guess."
Eddy takes a deep breath. Wow, this is baring all time, isn't it? And yet...
"Brett, it doesn't even matter what... you know, whether we talk or not, or what we are, or not. I want to be there for you too. Please. Don't make that a one way street."

Something glistens in Brett's eye and for a moment Eddy thinks he might take him on his word right this second. But then he smiles. 
"Okay. I'll do my best not to run. But Eddy... this is very much how I've always done things. So please forgive me in advance if I do."
"I'll always forgive you."
The words flow easily, because he knows they are true. 
"That's a scary thought." Brett retorts with a smile. And Eddy opens his mouth to say something back, with this new confidence, or maybe old confidence, he's not sure, but his phone rings shrilly. 
"Shit. In my jacket pocket."
Brett jumps up and grabs it.
"Unknown number."  he says as he holds it out. Eddy's heart jumps in his throat. 
"Hospital?" he asks as he slides his finger over the screen and puts the phone on speaker.
"Eddy Chen."
"Hello Mr. Chen." a bland voice comes over the line. "The results of your scan are in and the doctor would like to see you tomorrow in person to discuss them. Is ten A.M. good for you?"
His eyes shoot up to Brett's. All the pallor he lost is back, in fact, he's looking almost green. He nods. 
"Um, yes." Eddy says. "Of course. Um. Can you tell me anything?"
"I'm sorry, Mr. Chen, I can't see the results but the doctor will tell you tomorrow morning. 
"O-okay. Tomorrow, then."
"See you tomorrow!"

Before he knows it the voice is gone and he's staring at Brett with eyes he knows are wide with the fear he feels. 
"It's that bad?" he whispers once he can get to his voice from the other side of the Gobi. "They can't tell me on the phone?"
"You don't know that, Eddy." Brett says, but Eddy knows him too well. He's just as freaked out. Any bliss is long, long gone, like it never even existed, the reality that didn't seem to matter a second ago grim in his face. 
"Am I going to die?" he whispers. 
"No. Well, eventually." Brett says in a tone Eddy has never heard. It's a strong, concise tone. It's a tone that's not to be argued with. "But not now."
God, Eddy hopes that tone can convince something, anything out there that the words are true. 
"Will you hold me?" he asks, because what is left to be strong for, here?
"I'll hold you all night." Brett breathes in his hair. 

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