LXI (another touch of NSFW)

567 31 25

Wait, though. What the hell is wrong with Brett? He's been weird, he's noticed that very clearly now that he's helped him undress, has helped him to the bathroom and back. He's been more quiet than usual, and he's not responded when he's asked him something. He also seems...
Why the hell would he be nervous?
"I'll be two minutes." Brett says as Eddy pulls the quilt over him. And something draws over his face, Eddy can see it.
He'll be damned if he gets it, though.
Maybe he'll talk to him once it's dark? Is it something from the con that's bothering him? Or has Eddy done something to offend him?
I mean, he's done plenty wrong. Could you blame the guy for being upset with him?
In fact, that's probably it, right? He's fed up with his whining?
Eddy's heart rate speeds up and his breaths come quicker as he waits for his best friend. 

It only takes Brett one minute, then he's back. He slides into bed next to him and eyes the ceiling in the soft light from the bedside lamp.
"You good, bro?" Eddy asks him tightly.
To his surprise Brett grins.
"I can't hide much from you, can I?"
"Um, I guess not? Why, do you want to?"
Brett turns on his side and eyes him seriously.
"The shameful things, maybe. But alright. Here goes nothing then."
He's quiet for a long moment as Eddy's heart starts to pound.
"Jesus, Brett, just tell me already!" he says, because what the hell is wrong? What has he done? How bad is it?
Brett nods and takes a deep breath.
"Okay. So stop me if I'm getting this wrong. Look, I'm just trying to figure this out too, right? And I don't always know what the right thing is and what the right thing isn't."
"Of course." Eddy's heart beats faster still, and it's getting hard to breathe. "Tell me, though, because you're freaking me out."
"Okay." Brett tells  him quietly. "So I've been... thinking about the other night. And how... you know, helpless you felt."
It hits Eddy like a brick to the chest.
The wet dream. Oh, no, he's talking about the wet dream.
"Um... I... um..."
"I know, I know. I just... you know." Brett is holding up his hand to stop him talking and he takes a deep breath. "So earlier, I was gonna have a shower and I kind of wanted a wank. You know how it is. But then I was thinking, you can't do that right now. So... maybe we needed to find a solution for that. You know. Like you said. You've seen me wank before. I've seen you, too."
Now Eddy really does stop breathing, because something dawns in his brain. Wait... what is he suggesting?
"Yeah, but I... I can't. You... um... you didn't... wank? Earlier?"
Brett shakes his head.
"No. It seemed... I don't know. It seemed like a mean thing to do when you can't."
"Jesus, Brett." Eddy calls out straight away. "You can't not do things because I can't do them. I would never want you to."
"I know that. Still."
"So..." Eddy's head is reeling, and he falls quiet for a long moment. His heart starts slowing down some, though. Brett isn't mad, this much he's sure of by now. Thank God. And look. There's nobody he knows better in the world, and the semi-darkness around them makes it easy to be real. He wants him to have what he needs, simple as that. "You still want to wank? I'm fine with that, you know. Go ahead."
"You are?"
"Of course. I'll turn on my other side."
Brett is quiet again. Then he looks up at him, his eyes open, moist. Almost an invite of some sort.
"And that wouldn't want to make you wank more, if I did that right here next to you?"
Eddy grins quietly.
In fact, he's like a rock under the quilt already, just talking about having an orgasm. God, this is going to result in another dream, isn't it? Still, he shouldn't complain. He'll deal with it.
"It'll make it less embarrassing when it happens in my sleep, though." he admits quietly.
Brett takes another deep breath that seems to come from his toes.
"Um." he says then. "About that. I've been thinking, like I said. And... well, if you want me to... I'll help you out. You know, just one bro for another bro. No biggie."

The brick to the chest is much bigger this time. Eddy knows straight away that this is what Brett has been weird about all along, this is why he's been awkward A.F.. He's thought this through, obviously. And he means... Jesus, he means actually touching him? He means making him come?
How many lines does that cross?
But then how much would it solve for him?
"Whoa." he breathes once he can get his voice to work again. "That's... that's quite the offer."

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