𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟿𝟼

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me, ria, and selena was out today. we were shopping at multiple stores and now we're at the third store.

i got a phone call, i answered it; "hello?"

"hi y/n! how are you guys" i heard my managers voice. "we're doing good. why?" i asked.

"i got the gig, red girls can come back whenever you guys want" i heard there excitement in her voice.

we told selena about yesterday. she thinks it's a great idea. we hung up and i looked at ria. "our manager got the gig" i said. "that's so cool!" selena smiled.

me and ria smiled at her. "when should we tell the boys" ria asked. "next week" i said. "i know bill will be excited. he's always positive with news" selena smiled.

we paid our stuff and left the store. "should we go home? i'm really tired" ria groaned. "yeah, should we go to your place?" i asked selena.

she hesitated. "sure!" she smiled. "alrighty! let's go then" ria walked quicker. we left the mall and put the stuff in my trunk.

selena sat in the back and me and ria sat in the front. "send me your address" i told selena. she took out her phone; i got a text message and i put the address and began to drive.

we all sang our hearts out whenever we hear a song that we all like. "if you like it then you should've put a ring on it!" ria sang.

"oh oh oh! oh oh oh oh" me and selena harmonized. we arrived at selena's place and it was an apartment complex.

we got out the car and selena took her bags out my trunk. we walked inside and we were amazed at how clean her apartment was.

"wow" i smiled. "what?" selena asked. "your apartment is cleaner than our sink" ria joked. we all laughed.

we talked a bit in the kitchen. "should we cook something?" selena asked opening the fridge. "yeah! i have a list of things we could do" ria sat up.

"we can cook, maybe go swimming? wait does your apartment neighborhood have a pool?" ria asked. selena nodded. "great, then we could go swimming, watch a movie, and just do a girl talk" she smiled.

"yeah! i think it's a great idea. right selena" i smiled. "yes of course. we should go out again and get some groceries" she picked up her keys.

me and ria stood up and got our phones. i got my keys and walked out the door. we walked downstairs and into my car

i drove us to the store and we got out the car. (sorry if this is rushed) we walked inside and got greeted by a woman who was passing out cards.

"hello! would you like a smiley?" she asked. i looked down at the paper with a smily face printed on it. "sure" i smiled taking the paper.

on the back there was some sayings;
i am strong because i know my weaknesses
i am beautiful because i am aware of my flaws
i am fearless because i can tell reality from illusion
i am wise because i learn from my mistakes
i am a lover because i felt hate and..
i can laugh because i have known sadness.

i smiled at the sayings and so did ria and selena. we walked in the aisles and looked for something to cook. "we should make brownies and cookies for dessert!" ria jumped.

"yeah! we should cook one thing. who wants to cook the meal?" selena asked. "i can" i smiled. "great! me and ria will make the dessert" selena smiled and clapped.

i smiled at her excitement. "okay, i'm gonna go look for something to cook" and with that i left the aisle. i looked in the steaks section.

i heard little sobs coming from the corner. i tilted my head and walked towards it. i peeped around the wall and saw a little girl crying.

"aww, baby what's wrong?" i asked kneeling down beside her. "mommy?" her face lit up. my mouth agaped as she jumped on me.

she hugged me tightly and squealed. "i missed you so much" she smiled. "oh" i chuckled.

the girl had two pig tails, she was wearing a pink unicorn shirt with some jean shorts. she had a unicorn plushie in her arms. she had chubby cheeks whenever she smiled.

"let's go!" she smiled. i let her drag me wherever she wanted to go. "mama can i get this?" she asked. my heart panged at the nickname.

"how about you call me y/n?" i smiled. "y-y/n?" she said my name wrong. i chuckled at her cuteness. "follow me.. y.." i started. she repeated me. "/n" i smiled.

"y/n" she finally said it correctly. "that's good" i smiled. "so your not my mommy?" she pouted. "no but i can be your best friend!" i smiled and patted her head.

"yay!" she squealed. "can we get this?" she pointed to a bag of skittles. "you like skittles?" i asked. "yah!" she smiled widely.

"okay.. yeah let's get it" i smiled taking the bag. i gave it to her and she jumped up and down. "thank you!" she hugged me thighs. i patted her head and looked behind me.

"what's this..?" ria looked at the girl. "i'm lily!" her cute voice said. i smiled at her cuteness; i felt myself enjoying the company of this child.

"how old are you baby" i kneeled down to her height. "i'm this years old" she showed me 5 fingers. "ahh that's so cool!" i smiled and clapped my hands.

"come on, want to come with us to get stuff?" i asked. "yeah!" she smiled back. we walked around the aisle with selena and ria behind us snickering.

i found some steak in the freezers. i opened it and got it. "what's that" lily asked. i looked down and smiled. "steak" i kneeled down and showed her the meat.

"woww" she traced circles on the package, leaving circles on the wrapper. i giggled and stood back up.

i put the steak in the cart and lifted up the girl. i placed her in the cart and she smiled. we continued walking around the store and we finally finished getting all the stuff we need.

"lily?" a woman behind me said. i looked back and saw a lady with black hair. "oh! is this your child?" i asked. she nodded. "why do you have her" she asked.

"oh, i found her, she was crying and then i decided to walk around with her so she wouldn't get kidnapped. and while we're strolling i figured that we could find the mother" i smiled.

"oh, okay thank you so much. i appreciate it" she smiled back. i nodded. i picked up lily and gave her back to her mom.

"bye y/n!" lily waved. i waved back and smiled. "y/n" ria put her hand on my shoulder. "that was so cute" selena smiled and clapped her hands.

"we took a video of it" ria teased. "oh please she was cute okay" i rolled my eyes. we checked out and paid everything.

i kind of missed the child. we walked out the store and we put the groceries in the trunk.

we drove back to her apartment and took out the stuff. i got the stuff from the plastics and placed them on the counter. "where's your pan selena" i asked.

she opened the oven and took out a pan. "here" she smiled. i placed the pan on the stove and heated it up.


late update

i have church later so i might update i'm a while

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this chapter is not proofread

1298 words

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