𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟻𝟺

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"don't touch her!" tom yelled as xavier pushed her into the room. she sees tom and the band. she gasps as xavier pulls her by the hair.

"hey!" they all screamed. he pulled me by the hair and pushed me against the wall. i groan as the back of my head throbs.

he punches my faces and zeeke picks me up. he threw me against the other wall and i slid down.

zeeke lifted up my shirt and showed the band my bruise. i breathed in and and out heavily. i pushed his hands away and lia holds a gun to my head.

i rolled my eyes and stayed still. xavier pulled me up by the waist causing blood to come out. i cried at the pain as he threw me on the ground.

"dont touch her!" gustav yells. "please" he cried.

xavier kicked my stomach and i but my lip hard. zeeke stood in front of them, with his back facing the band, and next to me. he laughed as he crossed his arms.

zeeke turned my on the side and i coughed out blood. i was on all fours as he came behind me. i continued coughing as he smacked my ass.

i crawled away to the corner as xavier and zeeke surrounded me. "stop!" bill yelled trying to get out of the chair.

i gasped as xavier picked me up by the shirt. "want zeeke to fuck the shit out of you in front of your band?" he pouted and mocked.

i shook my head as tears ran down my cheek. he threw me on zeeke and he pinned me against the wall. i pushed him off me and xavier tried to hit me but i slapped him.

i held onto the wall as everything went muffled. zeeke punched my arm as i slid down the wall. "please" i begged as i cried.

he held my chin up. "please what" he smirked. i looked away and he slapped me. "i said don't touch her!" tom yelled.

blood dripped down my leg as i figured out there was a cut on my thigh. i wiped the blood on my hand and sneered it on his face.

"you nasty!" he scoffed and walked away. i sat against the wall and saw the band as zeeke walked away and xavier walked up to me.

"just kill me already" i mumbled as he threw me on the floor. "oh yeah? in front of your band?" he pointed to them.

i held my elbows up as i laid on the floor. i made eye contact with him, glaring. he laughed and looked at zeeke.

"we should give her band a show first" he smirked. xavier looked at me. i kicked his balls with my knee as zeeke pulled my hair.

i bit my lip as he pulled my hair so i could look at him. "so.. should i kill, fuck, or torture you in front of them" he looked at me then at the band.

i tried to get out of his grip. "nothing!" gustav yelled. i whimpered and slapped him.

"you naughty bitch" he threw me against the wall.

he punched me and xavier kicked me. i cried and groaned. i coughed out some blood and swallowed.

"internal bleeding?" xavier asked. "nah she'll be alright" zeeke said as he walked out the room.

xavier looked at the band. "well, don't forget to rate this show a 10/10!" he joked. "as if, let us go!" bill yelled.

i slowly turned around and wiped off the blood on my cheek. i crawled to the corner and grabbed the bat.

i stood up and lost my balance. xavier looked at me as i swung the bat across his face. i fell to the floor trying to catch my breath.

"y/n!" tom yelled. i instantly heard a loud ringing and covered my ears and whimpered. "y/n" he said again but softer.

i looked up and saw them. i stood up as quickly as i can and walked up. i grabbed a knife out of xavier's pocket and tried cutting the ropes off of toms arms.

he quickly took the knife from me and smiled. "i would hug you right now but-" "TOM" bill yelled.

i fell on the floor as i laid on my elbows trying to breath. i coughed and little drops of blood came out. i went on fours as i tried to cough blood out.

but nothing came out. i held my chest as i tried to breath.

tom untied everybody and they came up to me. tom held me in his arms rocking me back and forth. "y/n y/n y/n" he whispered.

i cried in his arms as they all surrounded me. i pulled away and apologized. "i'm so sorry for bringing you guys into this, i shouldn't have joined the band after all if i hadn't then you guys wouldn't be here-" tom cut me off.

"what?" he said lowly.

i had trouble breathing. there was blood spooling out of my waist as i felt dizzy. a ringing in my ears. everything went black. 

y/ns eyes fluttered closed. "y/n?!" tom yelled. he catches her before she fell. lia leaned against the door and laughed; spinning a gun in her hand.

"you" tom stood up. he grabbed the gun that was on the floor. she held up the gun to his face and he grabbed the gun and held it up to hers.

she unmasked herself. his whole body froze. "why so surprised tomii" she smirked. "i wanted you but it looked like you wanted y/n more" she looked at gustav who was cradling y/n in his arms.

he scoffed. "your our band member! your killing y/n!" he yelled. "yupp" she laughed. tom looked down at her thighs then back up.

"well, i guess you could have me since stupid y/ns gone" he laughed. her smile dropped. everything went silent.



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special guitar | tokio hotel | Tom Kaulitz x y/n Where stories live. Discover now