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y/ns pov;

i continued wtaching the movie forgetting about the awkwardness that just occurred. his hand was on my thigh but facing upwards.

i want to hold his hand.

but what if he doesn't want to.

tom slightly turned his head so he could look at my lap. he grabbed my hand again and intertwined our fingers.

i looked down to see him playing with my hands as he watched the movie.

toms pov;

after the movie, y/n, bill, and gustav fell asleep. y/n was on my shoulder slightly snoring. i turned my head to look at her sleeping figure and she was so cute.

i move gently removed the popcorn bowl out of my lap and onto the table. but in order to do that i carefully placed y/ns head on a pillow.

it was around 11 now so it's reasonable everyone was asleep except for me and georg. "tom i need a smoke. come with?" georg went outside the balcony.

i nodded as i looked at y/n. i placed a clean blanket on her body. after that i quickly went outside to the balcony.

"hey" i said while taking out a cigar. "so.." he smirked at me raising his eyebrows. "what?" i lit up my cigar with his lighter.

i exhaled and smoke came out. "you and y/n?" he blew out smoke as well. "what about her?"

"i saw how you guys were holding hands and she slept on your shoulder." he said.
"what? she slept on your shoulder before" i replied as if i'm offended.

"yeah but- nevermind" i quickly said somethijg after him. "i need to tell you something but please don't make fun of me. if you do i'm crushing all your cigars and your guiatars" i furrowed my eyebrows at him.

"ok ok what" georg looked at me. "umm.. so about me and y/n. i don't know man i just don't know what to feel. but yk how i play girls?" i asked looking down.

"yeah" "yeah so i've never felt real love. ew what this is so cringy" i squint my eyes. "as i was saying. i really like y/n. she's very pretty, nice, funny, kind, and she's very talented." i said not making eye contact.

"i know" georg nodded. "what?" my heart was racing. was it that obvious?

"i know that y/n is pretty that's for sure" i furrowed my eye brows at his comment. "do you like her?" i asked lowly. "yup. she's very pretty. but hey. she's all yours"

i clenched my jaw. georg likes y/n?

y/ns pov;

i woke up to a smell of cigarettes. i got up and rubbed my eyes. i squinted them as i looked at the clock.

i looked around to see bill and gustav sleeping. gustav was in bills lap, mouth wide opened. i yawned and sat back.

tom and georg are probably smoking. i got up and saw them on the balcony. i shrugged and walked to the bathroom.

i look like a mess. i scoff in disgust. my hair was a bit tangled. i did. my business and washed my hands. i walked out the bathroom and i bumped into something hard.

"FUCK" i yelped in pain. i sighed and kicked the wall that i bumped into. "it's so dark in here" i mumbled.

i rubbed my shoulder in pain. "stupid wall hurting my shoulder when your only job is to stand there and look pretty. but what was that? you had to be in my way and i had to bump into you. you jack ass mother-" georg walked inside the house finally.

i turned my head with my hand on my shoulder. "are you talking to a wall.." georg said slowly. "no" i said standing up straight and walked to the living room.

"who was that?" i heard toms voice as i walked back to the living room. they both walked in the living room behind me as i got the blanket and sat on it.

in the morning we all woke up on the couch. bill was cooking breakfast and gustav was helping him put out the plates.

my head was throbbing. i got up to fast. i sat up rubbing my eyes as my hair fell behind my shoulders. i checked the time. 9:24

great. i yawned and curled up into a ball. i laid down in a ball position and closed my eyes. i felt a hand brushing through my hair.

i smile at the feeling. i unfolded my legs and put my hands on top of my pillow. well. not pillow but something else. i was to lazy to check.

someone was brushing my hair with their hands but i never bothered to check who it was. i whimpered and groaned at the same as they stopped.

"i don't know who you are or what you are but please keep doing that" i mumbled. i covered my eyes with my hands as i tried to fall asleep.

they continued to brush my hair. i felt my eyes get heavy and soon i fell asleep.

toms pov;

y/n was laying on my lap. i was brushing her hair softly as she fell back asleep. i chuckled at the thought of her enjoying a good head massage.

"tom! y/n! georg breakfast is ready" bill called out. he sounded like a mom to be honest. i tapped on y/ns shoulder gently. like actually gently.

she fell on the ground.

she rolled off the couch and onto the floor as she groan in pain. "what the fuck" she mumbled. she stayed on the floor and continued sleeping.

i laughed at her. "y/n come on we need to eat" i leaned forward and tapped on her shoulder. "no!" her voice was muffled. she was on her stomach.

her legs swaying back and forth as she laid on the ground. i rolled my eyes and woke up georg.

he got up pretty quickly. i looked back at y/n who was still on the floor. this girl.

as i tried to make her get up multiple times i gave up. i have a different plan.

i picked her up under her arms like a baby. she was light. she sat up with her eyes still closed. i picked her up so she would be on my shoulder now.

"mmm please!" she groaned. "you wouldn't get up so" i laughed. i placed her on a seat at the table. "since when did she become your kid" bill laughed.

"trust me. she's not" i laughed back. y/n slumped backwards and closed her eyes. "i'm not hungry" she mumbled.

"you have to eat y/n" georg said with a mouthful of bacon and egg. she opened her eyes. her beautiful.. brown ey- ok tom shut up.

i saw georg still looking at y/n. i clenched my jaw as i took a spoonful of egg. "what about if you eat i'll get you ice cream" i said after swallowing.

she quickly sat up and took a mouthful of egg. "see?" i smiled at bill. "she IS your kid!" bill laughed almost choking on his bacon.

sorry for late update. ill try to be quicker.

this chapter is not proofread so mistakes will be fixed later on.

don't forget to add this to your library to be notified when i update chapters. and don't forget to vote!

this chapter was awfully short i'm so sorry.

1258 words

special guitar | tokio hotel | Tom Kaulitz x y/n Where stories live. Discover now