Part 187 Study Session

Start from the beginning

"Nope," Luke popped the 'p' grinning like a fool, "strip English is the game for us. Any objections gentlemen?"

"Not from me!" Meanie jumped in quickly. "Kota, do you object to SANG'S game?" He emphasized my name. I had no way to object, I suggested it.

He just looked down and shook his head, then glanced back up at me from under his lashes and behind his frames, "no objection."

"Oy! Rules... 1) no ganging up! Everyone gets a question before it comes back to the original person."

Kota added, "2) you lose one article of clothing each time you get an answer wrong or cannot answer the question."

Luke flicked Gabe's ear, "3) jewelry doesn't count as an article of clothing." We all laughed.

A thought hit me, about which of my boys were in the room. "4) NO pictures and what happens in this room, stays in this room." I love them all, but Luke is pretty quick with his phone camera and I don't want anyone to have blackmail pics of each other or naked pics of me, in case I lose.

We all agreed. Kota went downstairs to check on Jessica, since Erica was at the hospital, to see if she needed anything "before we need to have total concentration on our studies." Meaning, no interrupting. She told him she was fine and was just going to watch a movie. Kota grabbed some study snacks from the kitchen before he came back upstairs to start our game.

I was getting nervous, but we agreed to ask questions that came from the study guide and not use any obscure details in one of the novels we read. We were all doing really well until about the fifth round. Luke missed his question and he shed his shirt, exposing all of his glorious torso skin. I wanted to reach out and touch someone, that someone being Luke. Looking at him was causing me to lose focus. On the next round I couldn't remember the details of a story scene in the right order, and my boys deemed it a wrong answer. This was my chance to turn the tables on the difficulty to concentrate.

I stood up, slowly unbuttoned my shirt, turned my back to the guys and let me shirt slip down my back and arms. I turned back around to face them, in my lime green push up bra. It has lining on it so the lace just decorates over the push up part, but this bra has made my boobs appear larger than they are by about a cup size.

All my boys are dead silent as I sit back down. Luke and Gabe are staring right at my breasts. Kota's eyes keep flicking from my eyes to my boobs to the floor to my boobs then back to my eyes. I want to laugh at their reactions, since they have seen me in a bra before, but it also makes me feel desired, so I don't laugh.

The next round, round seven, each of the boys lose an article of clothing. Kota sheds his polo shirt and Gabe sheds his tank. Luke drops trou and is left in his boxers, but he looks happy about it. I realized that there were words on them. "What do your boxers say?" I asked, leaning closer to see. Luke stood up so I could see better. They looked like a Christmas present with a bow and the tag read, 'Do NOT Open Until Christmas'. Oh, to have the confidence he has in his nakedness... I wish!

On round nine, I messed up again and off came my pants. I was wearing the matching lime green lace panties. But these were a thong panty so I stayed facing them while I took my jeans off. "We don't get the full view this time Trouble?" Meanie smirked, he knows these are thong panties. I smirked right back, then did a spin before I sat down.

I think Kota forgot to breath, Luke's jaw was on the floor and Gabriel had a goofy smile and he adjusted himself (without realizing it, I think). I asked Kota the next question and he didn't answer. I started humming the Jeopardy theme song. His eyes never left my body and he never answered the question. I reached over to him and tugged at his pants button.

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