Two Heroes Rising 3#: The Clone Saga Part 2

Start from the beginning

Izuku[ New World]:" Stealing jewelry?" he asked to Rody as Rody sweatdropped.

Rody:( This guy is a problem for real. I need to have on the good side so that I ditch and double cross him later when this gets rough.) he thought in his head.









Meanwhile with the Heroes they had now been given the current location to where Izuku was currently at.

Present Mic New World]:" Good work." he complimented the detectives.

Nezu was drinking his coffee, while watching at a footage of what happened in the main street of Otheon.

Nezu[ New World]:" Hmmmm........" he just looked with a calm expression on his face.










Meanwhile in space in a space ship, a Frost Demon was seen sitting on his chair drinking his wine as he was looking at the radar to where the Emeralds finded by Izuku where at as he planned to get them from planet Earth.







The ruler of the Psions was now seen sitting on his chair with a blank expression on his face as he was waiting for the Gordonians to have caught Agnar and bring him to get the Emeralds he was carrying on his ship.

However much to his shocker he saw the signals of the Gordonians fade away meaning that someone eliminated them.

???:" I see... I got it. We will take measures as well. I'll send 'The Ultimate Life Form' to go hunt down who did that. The only atonement for those possessed by the Fallen Gods sickness is to partecipate in the salvation of innocent mortals." he said.







Back on planet Earth, Rody was now seen shaking in his boots as he was now forced to work under Izuku to help him with his situation.

Izuku[ New World]:" I appreciate your help into finding out about who is committing those atrocities." he said.

Rody:" A-Ah, well I'm just glad I could help another brother with personal h-heavy issues on his back, h-hehehehehe." he said laughing akwardly as he was now working on the computer.

Izuku[ New World]:" Truly, I am grateful." he said leaning closer to Rody neck as Rody felt chills down his pine.

Rody:" H-Hahaha, that's the foreign kindness for you." he said with an akward laugh, but in reality he was regretting promising to work under Izuku and especially the fact that Izuku was wearing a terrifying looking mask didn't make it any better.

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