Artemis then looked down.

Artemis:" I see, but it seems like the thing isn't affecting you......... It's because, you wished it was you....... Who was the Chosen One, right? You wished it was you....... the one to avenge them. Isn't that right, Princess? I feel the shame you have right now. Trust me, I also believed that it would've been me up there to be granted with such honour." she said as she was looking at Diana, who just kept a stern expression on her face not showcasing any emotion.

Diana:" It's not a problem. Hear me now, Artemis. Despite my closeness to them, I always knew that their realm wasn't the one for me. I don't blame them for their choices. This is the only choice, they make right. This is their forgiveness for their petty acts." she said referring to the Greek Gods.

When the ritual was over, the tomb cast burst right open as Izumi came out of there looking much different her appearence, appearing much mature and older.

Izumi:" Are you saying that with this power granted to me from birth........ I can finally.........Keep up with 'them'?" she asked with a gentle smile on her face as she was remembering the War against the Villains and Heroes in which Izuku outran her when he got and trained his powers. And she also remembered Y/n defeating Overhaul, All For One, Wolfram and Nine.

Hippolyta then spoke up.

Hippolyta:" A warrior doesn't hate her/himself. When you're trapped in the consequences and start to hate yourself. You'll become a bird tied up on results preventing you from flying...... For some people hatred is the fuel of power..... But you must dissolve the hatred to make you stronger..... You learned the right thing....... You're on the right path........ Be the air that you won't be armed by the lightning........ Be the shield that won't break despite the strikes...... Don't be proud of yourself, become humble........ A warrior  needs self belief to move forward........" she said with a serious expression on her face as Izumi was looking at her right hand as lightning was coming out of it.

Izumi:" I'll be fine even if I encouter the storm........ As long as I don't let myself being taken...... I can finally see it too...... I can see what you also see, Y/n." she said as she clentched both fists with a happy smile on her face as she felt that all her insecurities and flaws she had were gone.











Meanwhile with Mar'i her training was going to success as Y/n from Universe 60 was monitoring her progress.

Mar'i was now seen fighting against the counterpart of her mother and realized that she was extremelly powerful.

Mar'i:( If mother is so strong. Then how strong is father?) she thought in her head as she wanted to know how powerful was her father Izuku from her Universe, since she never seen him at his full power.

Mar'i trew a punch at Y/n from Universe 60, but the next thing she knew she ended up crashing in the forest of that dimension.

Y/n[ Universe 60]:" Focus your punch dear!!! It was all the way off!!!! Try again!!!" she told with a smile as Mar'i got up from the huge crater and started panting.

Mar'i then close her eyes and started focusing.

Mar'i:( Ok!!! Focus, Mar'i!!! Focus!!! Aaaaaah, what is this warmth right now...........' Get in touch with yourself' of course........) she thought in her head and the next thing she knew she finded herself somewhere else that wasn't in the dimension where she was training with her mother counterpart.

My Guardian Angel Fallen from Space....Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon