Episode 31: The Queen Of Light: Chiyoh!!

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*The next battle between Chiyoh Rei and Ranzo Kiyama was now beginning as the 2 bladers took their positions and their auras began to glow*

Ranzo: Her power is out of this world but there has to be a limit to that power somehow..

Chiyoh: He's persistent for sure but that quality will be his undoing, he'll soon face the true power of the Bey of The Queen Of Light!!

3 2 1 GO SHOOT!!!

*The beys were off and Royal Cassiel had taken the center instantly with its Royal Shield activated as Cyclone Ragnaruk was coming in for the attack*

Ranzo: Now send it flying!

Chiyoh: Defend against it now! Royal Shield!!

*Cassiels barrier of energy protected against the attack and Ragnaruk was the one that was send flying back*

Ranzo: No backing down! Get back in there!!

*Ragnaruk recovered using its Never Driver and returns to the center and starts to pummel Cassiel with an all out assault to try and get it out of the center*

Ranzo: Now burn it to the ground!!

*Ragnaruk pushed as hard as it could and Cassiel was moved a small bit, taking Chiyoh by surprise*

Chiyoh: It's not going to work! No attack you throw at me will be able to break Cassiels ultimate defense, it's completely useless!!

Ranzo: Ragnaruk! Show them no mercy, show them your true power!!

*Ragnaruk clashes with Cassiel with all its might and its stamina wasn't dropping but neither was Cassiels, Ragnaruk was trying to push Cassiel out of the center even though it's defenses couldn't be broken*

Chiyoh: The fact you're struggling to even move Cassiel is only proving your desperation.. Cassiel will now start to drain Ragnaruks light.

*Cassiel knocks Ragnaruk away and claims the center and starts to drain away Ragnaruk's light, a streak of Orange energy was being pulled from Ragnaruk and was turning to purple flames as it neared Cassiel*

Ranzo: Ragnaruk!!

Chiyoh: Your light belongs to me!

Ranzo: Wrong! We've still got much more to go! Ragnaruk!!

Ranzo: Wrong! We've still got much more to go! Ragnaruk!!

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Ranzo: Now go!!!

*Ragnaruk slams back into Cassiel with all its might and tried to push it out but Cassiel would not budge, instead Cassiel drains more and more of Ragnaruks light and drained the aura that Ragnaruk had summoned forth*

Ranzo: R-Ragnaruk!!

Chiyoh: Cassiel!!

Chiyoh: Cassiel!!

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