Melissa then asked the Guards if they can take her to the royal family to speak with them, which of course angered most of the guards as they took it as an insult.

Tamaranean Guard 5:" What are you talking about?!? How dare you even name them....... We only have our Queen.........." he said with a fierce scowl on his face.

Tamaranean Guard 6:" You must think that we're weak. Don't you? Let's show her...... What we got in serve....." he said with a confident look on his face as Melissa just shook her head in disappointment.

Melissa:" That's strange, because if I'm not from here.... How would I know that there are 5 members of the Royal Family.......... How is it that there's only a Queen......... I heard that there are two sisters and a younger brother..... The younger brother was sent to another planet to avoid destruction............ But one of the two sisters, became Queen............ out of deceiving and underhanded methods....." she said with a smile on her face as she knew where she was going with that conversation.

However the Tamaranean Guards, were known to be fully committed to their leader and loyal to the very end as they went to strike her all at once.

Melissa however unleash a solar burst from her body sending them flying away from her and knocked out.

Melissa:" You guys are following the wrong person......" she said as she was looking down at the passed out Tamaranean guards, not impressed at all at their attempt to put her down.










Meanwhile back on planet Earth, Y/n from Universe 60 was now meditating in mid air aswell as trying to contact an ally of hers.

Y/n from the Prime Timeline was still the more confused one, since she was not experienced and knowledgeabled as her other counterparts.

Meanwhile the students, Pro-Heroes and Villains were interacting with each their counterparts to hear more about them.

Y/n from Universe 60 opened up her eyes and turn her attention to Mar'i.

Mar'i all of the sudden was teleported away as Y/n from Universe 60 aswell, unnoticed by the others and their counterparts except the Devil version of Izuku, who raised an eyebrow but didn't much about it.










Mar'i was now looking around in confusion of where she was at right now.

Mar'i was now looking around in confusion of where she was at right now

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