Dabi:" Well........ We got each other a third present, thank you so much Public Hero Safety Commission..... I have to acknowledge that you guys sucks in the inside, meanwhile you want to look good in the outside...... That's what got many of us in general killed. But you guys can make this right by helping us into battle with your resources. It be pointless now to argue amongst ourselves." he said with a grin on his face.

Melissa:" But still, I'm curious about who leaked the information..... Since you of the Public Hero Safety Commission knew about our existence..... and never told the entire population....... How is it that someone had the time...... to look deep.... into this....." she said looking suspicious of Dabi as Dabi just looked at Melissa with a cocky grin on his face and because of the fact that Melissa could've sense his heartbeat, which was pretty normal, meant he wasn't the one..... but it had to be someone who hates Y/n to the point of wanting to ruin her image.





Meanwhile with Y/n, except Galfore who decided to stay, she was now seen travelling through Universes to go back to her own.

Meanwhile with Y/n, except Galfore who decided to stay, she was now seen travelling through Universes to go back to her own

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( A/n: Final Arc Outfit)

However during her travelling she started feeling a great amount of power which was menacing.

Y/n:( What in X'hal's name.........) she thought in her head as something was approaching her as she decided to stop travelling, meaning that she was stuck in this moment inbetween two universes and turn to see a black portal opening right behind her as someone stepped out of it.

) she thought in her head as something was approaching her as she decided to stop travelling, meaning that she was stuck in this moment inbetween two universes and turn to see a black portal opening right behind her as someone stepped out of it

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Y/n:" Sir, would you mind stop following me? I'm trying to get back home.... and it's that way.2 she said while being polite and pointing exactly where she was meant to go aswell as she was checking up on her watch/ radar/ Multiversal travelling device how many miles she had left to go there.

???:" You'll do just right." he said with a creepy smile on his face as Y/n tilted her head.

The unknown creature then went to strike Y/n with a close punch, only for her to do a drop back in flight and seemingly disappear in thin air.

Y/n:" Sir, please I don't have much time!!!!" she said as she went to open a portal only for the unknwon creature to literally  open his mouth and like a vacuum cleaner ate it before Y/n could even went inside of it.

Y/n:" Alright that's it!!!!" she yelled in anger as she flew towards the unknown creature and created a bunch of after images of herself to distract the unknwon creature as the hellish creature then smirk before multiplying himself and started striking down each after image of Y/n like they were nothing.

Y/n eyes widen.

Y/n:" Oh..........What a splendid family, if you weren't so mean. That would be very touching." she said with widen eyes as the clones started sorrounding her.

???:" The name is Beelz.B, and you've just entered the Demon Realm, M'am." he said as he snapped his fingers causing the area to change and they were no longer inbetween the Universes but in the Demon Realm.

" he said as he snapped his fingers causing the area to change and they were no longer inbetween the Universes but in the Demon Realm

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Y/n started looking around and tilted her head in confusion.

Y/n:" Hell looks like this? Maybe, I should go to Hell, it's pretty nice." she said with a innocent smile on her face.

The copies of Beelz.B then went to attack Y/n at the same time, however Y/n proceeded to unleash a burst of power so high that they all blew into dust.

Y/n then flew down and layed her feet on the magenta ground before looking at her watch and checked to see that she actually moved passed two Universes.

Y/n:( Oh, so I was meant to be in this situation.....) he thought in his head.

Beelz.B:" Impressive...... Why won't you show me more of that power of harness so much......?" he asked to Y/n as Y/n had her hands on her hips looking around the Demon Realm.

Beelz.B:" Something troubles you?" he asked to Y/n.

Y/n:" ................... Hey who's your boss?" she asked to BeelzB, because for some odd reason the Demon Realm colors and themes looked like theTheme Park where she and Izuku once went and her bedroom too.

Beelz.B:" Do I even need to explain?" he asked with arrogance in his tone and a smirk as her raised his index fingers causing the huge colored marbles to come down crashing as Y/n just looked up with a curious expression on her face, before the marbles then wrapped around Y/n to make sure she couldn't escape.

Beelz.B then flew right towards the marbles and shot an energy blast causing a massive explosion.

Beelz.B then smirk thinking he defeated her already, however.

Y/n:" Now, that wasn't nice......" she said as she was now laying her chin on his shoulder causing Beelz.B to be shocked.








To be continued....

My Guardian Angel Fallen from Space....Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt