


The spawns  of Life and Death are creatures without purpose, fit only to be pawns in an eternal quest to control everything.










I'm the designer of my own catastrophy...... When you learn to survive without anyone, you can survive everything........









Only when you truly experienced darkness in your life, you can learn the true meaning of light.........















And I did it.................... I've conquered the Darkness within me....................... I did what even the dark creatures that lurked in the dark could've not do............... What even the creatures of the light could've not do............. I am All...............








An army of Dark creatures were now roaring and flying all over the Galaxy causing nothing more than disasters all over the Universe as they automatically stopped from what they were doing, when their God called upon them.

???:" The New World......... is gonna be my greatest realization............ The New World where everyone's dream will come true........ Everyone's dream don't ever end!!!! Let the me deal with Life and Death!!! BECAUSE I'M THE ONLY ONE ABLE TO RULE HEAVEN AND HELL!!!" he yelled as all the dark creatures roared in excitment 

 Everyone's dream don't ever end!!!! Let the me deal with Life and Death!!! BECAUSE I'M THE ONLY ONE ABLE TO RULE HEAVEN AND HELL!!!" he yelled as all the dark creatures roared in excitment 

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My Guardian Angel Fallen from Space....Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora