My Guardian Angel Fallen from Space OVA Race Against Time: Part 3

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Xylene:" S-Such power..." she said in shock and with a worried expression on her face as the other Galvan aliens however Azmuth didn't share their fear hold it.









The attack then connect to the ground as Eira started laughing evilly, while the giant Vilgax starred at the attack with a blank expression on his face aswell as possibly their superior who was watching them for a distance.

As Eira was laughing Vilgax paid good attention at the attack and with his advanced high sight he noticed that the attack was struggling to land properly as  a frown appeared on Vilgax's face.

Then all of the sudden the large size dark supernova was trown back at it's owner as Eira eyes widen as he grabbed his own Supernova triying to push it back, but there was a lot of struggle as Vilgax then looked down to see that Y/n was now controlling the Supernova, showing how much her energy manipulation has gotten so far.

Y/n was now grinning while laying on the floor covered in injuries as her left hand was extended towards the Supernova.

Eira:" S-Stop laughing!!!!!!! You shall be gone like you're entire race!!! You damn Troq!!!!!!!" he  yelled as he pushed back the Supernova back at Y/n as Y/n just smirk.

Y/n:" Hehehehehe......." she just laughed and then jumped back up assuming a interesting position with the fiery aura around her as the rocks where floating on her right and left.

" she just laughed and then jumped back up assuming a interesting position with the fiery aura around her as the rocks where floating on her right and left

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Eira movements then stopped as he his body was wrapped in the same fiery aura.

Eira:( I can't move!!!!!!!) he thought in his head.

Y/n then focus and changed the shape of the Supernova turning it into a spear energy attack.

Eira:" How is this possible?!?" he said as he was trying to resist.

Meanwhile far away Barda was looking at Y/n and then smiled from the top of an hill.

Barda:( The Perfect energy syncronization..........) she thought in her head and behind there were the corpses of 100,000 evil warriors.

Y/n then made the attack disappear into thin air and free Eira from her energy manipulation control.

Y/n then sighed and checked her injuries as she spat blood from her mouth, before blood then started coming out her nose as she covered it up with her left hand.

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