???:" I'm Lord Eira, the leader of my own imperialist army and the Supreme Lord of the Universe." he said with arrogance

Xylene:( This one might be tough. I need to advise 'him' of this danger.) she thought in her head.

Eira:" I admit that I must thank you for getting rid of Vilgax, so that finally I can expand my domain. But given how I must say, you have a different point of view on contrary of mine that might be a very small issue, that I'll need to fix. Aswell as your anthics that could damage my reputation, you'll have move out the way." he said with arrogance as he was telling Y/n to get out of the way.

Y/n:" It's always like that.... The story will repeat itself. What are you gonna do about it? If I don't move out the way?" she said with hint of sarcasm.

Eira:" Ignorance is bliss, I suppose." he said with a smirk.

Y/n:" You have nothing to do with my journey. I just have to free just a small amount of other planets and the job is done, I don't want to have to waste most of my time for a Mid-Class Bad guy like you." she said with her arms crossed.

But of course, Eira isn't the slightest bit intimidated.

Eira:" Gentlemen please return to the ship." he told his soldiers as they obyed immidiatly as they returned to the space ship.

Xylene then took few steps back, because she knew there was no chance for her to do anything a guy like Eira.

Eira:" You're quite sure of yourself, but I am much stronger than any other Supreme Lord of the Universe even more than Vilgax. And taking me out won't be so simple as you think." he said with a smirk trying to intimidated Y/n.

Y/n:" You're right................ It will be the simpliest of things.......... It'll be so simple, that you'lll make seem taking care of Silkie is an hard job......." she said with a mocking tone.

Eira:" Your confidence only resides on one victory, that what makes you Troqs 'the defeated'. And you're the last among your kind to witness it." he said with his arms crossed and mocking tone.

Y/n:" Heh, you're truly are ignorant of our race are you.......... Don't believe in predestination, just because you were already born stronger than many. You need to evolve and encounter many who surpassed their limits, many who rose above to what their bloodline destined them to become! And it's time I teach you that very lesson. I'll show you what means to sweat, work hard and experience what is around you. You're outclassed 1,000 times over and I won't need to reveal my maximum power to show you that." she told him with a confident look on her face.

Eira then smirked as he charged at Y/n and the speed of light and trew a punch at her, only to reveal he punched an after image of her.

Eira eyes widen, before he looked up to see Y/n was floating above him.

Y/n:" Aaaah, it's always like that with you tyrants........ Atleast, Vilgax had pride and intelligence, this is I respect him to this day........ but you only have strength and power......... You're just a small brute........." she said with a smirk on her face.

Eira then flew up and started trowing a barrage of punches faster than the speed of light, only for Y/n to block and parry each punches with no effort.

Eira then used his laser eye beam towards Y/n to strike her as Y/n just stood there and absorb the attack with no damage on her.

Eira eyes widen as Y/n then speed blitz on his right and landed a powerful gut punch on his stomach.

Eira then crashed on the ground, holding his stomach in pain as Y/n flew down next to him.

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