Crylas:" I see that, but that's weird......... Why is her power level so pathetic?" he said as the scouter only registrated that Y/n had the strength of just a Human athlete, however it was due to Y/n lowering her strength on porpouse.

Ulop:" Pfft, why were we sent here for such a weak creature then, perhpas that messanger was just making a fuss about all of this and that maybe Y/n needed help to free the planets from Vilgax conquering.

Ulop then starred at Y/n for while and blue blushing appeared on his face.

Ulop*blushing*:( She's really pretty though.......) he thought in his head.

Crylas:" Hey!!!! Where's your army at?!?" he asked to Y/n.

Y/n:"................ What army? I'm on own." she said calmly while crossing her arms.

Crylas:" Pffft, there's no way with a weak power level like yours!!!!!!" he said laughing at Y/n level on his scouter which was 12.

Y/n was just starring at Crylas laughing with a blank expression on her face.

Y/n:" Then maybe you don't know a trick." she said as she closed her eyes with a smile on her face.

Crylas:" Heh, is that the same trick that got you to free 510 planets? Please, maybe you got someone to do this for you and taking victories from it...... Why don't you fly down so we can have a little chat? " he asked to Y/n feeling amused by this situation.

Y/n then flew down, still with her arm crossed, eyes closed and smile on her face.

Crylas:" What planet are you from?" he asked to Y/n.

Y/n:" Does it matter?" she asked with a smile and eyes closed.

Crylas:" We've heard that your main base of operation was on planet Siren." he told Y/n.

Y/n:" You guys want to fight the Guardians? Are you Vilgax soldiers? I've never seen you in his army..... wearing old model battle armors and scouters aswell......." she said to them while still keeping the same mood.

Crylas:" Someone who knows who Vilgax once was and still go after his men is a complete idiot." he said.

Ulop:" We were once apart of his forces, before he lost his life, but now we answer directly to commander Zephyr...." he said.

Y/n:" Zephyr? Never heard of him...... anyway it's time to waste you, because after all my targets is you. Once, I'm done here I'm going to Zephyr." she said while keeping the same mood.

Crylas:" With a power level like yourself, that won't get you far......The ranks of Zephyr have no time to waste on weak ants....... Let's see if it's true what they say about you, Firehair." he declaring while laughing evilly at Y/n as he pointed his arm cannon at Y/n.

Y/n, with her arms crossed, then opened her eyes and used her heat vision to completely wipe them out of existence, leaving absolutely nothing.

Y/n then pointed her index finger towards the space pods and sent a mini starbolt beam, destroying the both

Y/n:" ................. Okay.............. Let's go the to other one......." she said calmly as she flew back and informed Xylene, who was in the country of what has happened, before they decided the next day to leave the planet to go to another one.









My Guardian Angel Fallen from Space....حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن