Xylene was then caught by something very covered in fur and when she looked up it was Bullock who was extremely angry as his fur color changed from brown to white.

Bullock then roared as he dropped Xylene and was planning to face against Galfore as he jumped at incredible speed, until Tarren came back and drop kicked Bullock on the back

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Bullock then roared as he dropped Xylene and was planning to face against Galfore as he jumped at incredible speed, until Tarren came back and drop kicked Bullock on the back.

Bullock body dropped straight on the ground making a large crater as smoke was covering the area.

All that was heard was Bullock roaring angrily, the sounds of energy beams and heavy hits.

Galfore then move his hand super fast blowing he smoke away and revealing that Galfore was struggling a little bit with Bullock.

Tarren:"What's the deal, bear? Have I striken a nerve or something?" he asked he used his two below arms to lands a barrage of superfast punches on Bullock gut and tripling his stats to make more damage.

However Bullock was tanking most of it, until Tarren used the power of the mask which increased his power even more as he headbutted Bullock straight in the face sending him flying back.

Tarren then started focusing the power of his armor as pointed his four arms at where Bullock was sent flying and he created a medium size dark red supernova.

Tarren then sent the medium size dark red supernova at Bullock, who in exchange roared and sent the supernova back at it's owner.

Tarren however simply stood there as his armor tanked the supernova like it was nothing.

Bullock then landed perfectly on the ground creating a shockwave and a big crater.

Tsuna then emerge out fo the ground beside Bullock.

Tsuna:( Tch! I can't believe it........ He tanked his own attack like it was nothing.... He's making a joke of us......... We were never this pressured before..... Damn it all, I knew from the outset that this battle would have been difficult to win, but this is insane.) he thought in his head.

Bullock then looked over the passed out General Tiger, before he decided to speak up.

Bullock:"............ It doesn't matter anymore." he said calmly to Tsuna.

The Snake alien was shocked as it was the first time he heard Bullock being this calm, since he always seemed to be excited for battle.

Tsuna:" Huh?"

Bullock:" There's nothing left to lose........ I'm going at it.......... take the General further away from here...... you with me?" he asked to Tsuna.

Tsuna:"Are you crazy? You have no chance on beating up this guy on your own...... Then there is the other big guy over there, he's a monster aswell." he said as he looked at the large bear in the eyes, showing that he was not going to leave.

Tarren then clentched his four fists and started powering up making the ground trembling as Xylene then used her telekinesis to lift up the rock and turned them into sharp ones.

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