Previously in Season 1, he was a fun-loving person who one day accidentally met a girl named Bai Cao who was at that time a normal middle-class girl, and he was attracted to her. The reason was, that the world knew him but Bai Cao was someone out of this world because she didn't have a clue about who he was. After a few more unintentional and sometimes intentional meetings, he fell in love with her but had to face many heartbreaks because she never accepted his love. She always said that he is just a friend.

Later in Season 2, Bai Cao got fame but his love for her was still the same. He supported and loved her unconditionally but still did not get her love. He was falling in love with her more deeply and the more it was hurting him. But after the fight between Bai Cao and Ting Yi, Ting Hao's sister, which led Ting Yi to go into a coma and never being able to continue Yuna Wu Dao, he went to Feng Yun Hall, the most ruthless Martial Arts Hall as the drillmaster for his sister and Bai Cao's safety without letting anyone know the reason of his departure. He acted cold in front of everyone.

What is kept in his future? Will everyone know why he went away or will everyone start hating him? Will he get his love or will he have to forget his love?

What is kept in his future? Will everyone know why he went away or will everyone start hating him? Will he get his love or will he have to forget his love?

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An Yuexi as Bai Cao

The Queen of Martial Arts, Anyang's MVP, and the World Champion, Qi Bai Cao, was adopted by Qu Xiang Nan, a former World Champion Yuan Wu Dao fighter. She has a sister named Qu Guang Ya and a best friend named Xiao Ying, to whom she can talk and ask for help anytime. She lost her actual family in a fire accident in which she too was gonna die but was saved by her adoptive father, Qu Xiang Nan. As an orphan, she knows the value of friends and family, that's why her life revolves around them doesn't matter if they love her or hate her. Song Bai Hall is her life and to bring it to the first position is her dream.

Previously in Season 1, her love life was filled with confusion which could be seen by all. She was liked by three guys- Ting Hao, Ruo Bai, and Chu Yuan. But in the end, she chose Ruo Bai.

Later in Season 2, Ruo Bai was thought to be dead and the reason for his death was not revealed but she always believed that he is still alive. When one day, a guy named, Chang An entered her life as her coach. He also falls for her and Bai Cao too was getting close to him as she felt a connection with him but she was not sure that she loved him and she thought if she will accept him, then it might mean that she is cheating on Ruo Bai, she wanted to wait for him to come back. For her, everything was bearable till now until Ting Hao, her strength and a person in front of whom she can cry without worrying about what he will think, left for Feng Yun Hall after the fight between Bai Cao and Ting Yi, and started acting cold. Bai Cao left practicing Yuan Wu Dao after that fight as she blamed herself for Ting Hao's departure and Ting Yi's condition. It was something unbearable for her to see someone who was very close to her, so near but still far to reach.

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