Typical Hide.

"Well I'll coming with you." The big mech paused and gave me a hard stare.

"What did you say?"

I dropped my hands to my side and stared up at him in confusion. "I said I wanna go with you."

He was as still as a statue. "...come again?"

"Do you need to get your audios checked?"

"No, actually," He raised his hand to tap at his head. "I think you're the one that needs to go see Ratchet."

I frowned. "No I-Hey!" I squirmed when I was lifted off my feet and held against his chest. "Put me down!"

"Let's go pay the ol' Hatchet a visit." He turned on his heel and began walking the other direction.

"There's nothing wrong with me!"

"Oh youngling." He tsked. "Something is definitely wrong with you."

"What," I stared at him incredulously and slapped his shoulder. "I feel perfectly fine! Now put me down!"

He ignored me and continued to walking.

"Hiiidddee!" I whined pleadingly. "Put me down....please. I'm fine, promise."

He shook his head. "Not until ya get checked out."

"But I'm fine!"

"Liza," He began in a firm tone. "When have you ever wanted to go to the firing range? You don't even like being around weaponry."

I chuckled nervously and pat his chest plate. "I-uh...had a change of heart."

He didn't say anything for the remainder of the walk.

I flinched from the bright light that was shone in my eyes and rapidly blinked them to rid the dark spots left behind.

"No," Ratchet clicked off his flashlight and turned to face the Weapon Specialist. "Nothing appears to be wrong with her, Hide. She's perfectly healthy."

"Well check her again, medic!" IronHide snapped. "Obviously, something is wrong with her!"

I shook my head in denial. "For the last time, I'm feel fine, Hide!"

Ratchet hummed and set a hand under his chin. "What did you bring her here for again?"

"She wanted to go to the firing range with me! The firing range!" He exclaimed.

"Which doesn't seem to be a problem to me!"

"No, he's right." Ratchet agreed, directing his gaze towards me. "You never go to the range or anywhere near it. You despise the weaponry inside of it."

The Weapon Specialist threw his arms in the air. "That's what I said!"

"Why a change of spark all of a sudden?" Ratchet questioned."

"Well we are in a middle of a war, Ratch." I shrugged. "I though that maybe it would be best to try to get used to guns and stuff."

The two mechs went silent, glancing at each other for a short moment before Ratchet spoke up in a calm tone. "Are you a Decepticon Spy?"


"A what?!" I shrieked. "No, I'm not a Decepticon spy! Why would think that, Ratch?" I huffed, completely offended by his question.

I refuse to be compared to those disgusting, selfish, evil beings who have no respect for life.

He continued on with his questioning, ignoring my complaints. "What is Liza's favorite color?"

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