Oh, I will believe it.


Sam angrily swirled back around to face us. "She called me a messenger. A freakin messenger!" He repeated, throwing his hands in the air. "I helped save the world twice and I'm just a messenger!"

"Sam," I waved my hands, trying to get him to calm down. "You can't let her get to you. It doesn't matter what she thinks, we know who you are and what you did. Don't let her words anger you."

I sound like a hypocrite.

"She's right, Sam." Carly agreed, placing her hand on his arm. "We, including the Autobots, know that you're a hero."

"Yeah but..." He released a heavy sigh and gave a dismissive wave as he turned to leave. "Whatever. Let's just go."

"Where are you going?"


"Can I come with you?"


I quickened my pace to keep up with the sulking human. "Please Sammy." I squeezed myself between the couple to hug Sam's arm. "I just wanna stay for one night. That's all. I really really really missed you."

He scoffed and rolled his eyes. "I'm sure you did."

I snuggled into his side. "Pretty please, Sammy. Pleeeaase, big brother."

"Aww," Carly cooed, glancing at her boyfriend pleadingly. "She's so cute. Let her come, Sam."

"Don't fall for it. That's all a mask to hide what's truly behind it."

I stepped back offended. "Rude!"

"It's the truth."

"Oh stop it!" Carly snapped, punching his arm. "Be nice!"

Sam recoiled and rubbed his sore arm. "You should tell her that!"

The blonde woman ignored him. "Liza, of course, you can stay with us. We wouldn't mind."

"I would." He muttered.

"Sam! Why are you being so mean to her? She's a child!"

"And you actually fell for that act?" He barked a laugh

"I'm right here, Sam."

"This right there," He gestured to me. "This is not a regular child. This is a demonic spawn who will murder you in your sleep if given the chance!"

Carly rolled her eyes at her boyfriend. "Ok, now you're just overreacting."

"Am I? Did I tell you about the time she tried to blackmail me or when she pushed me in an ocean?"

"And by the ocean you mean pool," I stated matter of factly. 

"I could've drowned!"

"It was 5 feet deep and I didn't even push you. You slipped."

"There was movement on the diving board!"

"No, you're just clumsy."

"Whatever!" He grumbled childishly and crossed his arms. "And you can stay but if you keep bothering me I'll have Bee drop you off on the side of the road."

And Bee is coming. Great.

"Yay!" I cheered happily and wrapped my arms around his waist. "Thank you, Sammy!"

"And stop calling me Sammy. It's getting old."

:: Every time...you follow me like a dog on a leash!::

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