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[Jisung's pov]

I awoke to Hyunjin showering me with kisses, telling me he had to leave for lectures. I wrapped my arms around his neck, not wanting him to go.

He was already clothed and has his bag in his hands.

"Baby, I have to." He laughed and I just buried my face into the crook of his neck and shook my head. "Yes, baby. You have to get up to. You have things to do today."

By things, I knew he specific meant thing. Such as confirming my dead sperm donor.

"But I don't wanna.. can you just stay home with me?" I asked, my voice muffled by his neck.

"I wish I could, bunny." Hyunjin said sadly as he was finally able to pry me away from him. "I set out clothes for you. Get dressed and go downstairs to eat breakfast, Seungmin made blueberry pancakes."

So that's what that warm fluffy smell was.

"I have to go. Jeongin is waiting for me in the car." He said kissing me softly on the lips, before exiting the room. I listened as his footsteps fade and I got out of bed, completely forgetting that I was still in my birthday suit.

I grabbed the clothes that were folded neatly on my dresser and rushed into the bathroom. Not that anyone would see me, nor would they care.

I pulled the larger sweater over my head. Pulling up the black skinny jeans, I glanced at myself in the mirror. The dark circles that were once under my eyes were now faded, almost invisible.

I waltzed downstairs, my knees still felt a little weak from the night before.

Changbin was already in the kitchen, scrolling through his phone with a cup of coffee in his other hand and a plate of pancakes sat in front of him.

Seungmin noticed me stroll into the kitchen and instantly fixed me up a fresh plate. It wasn't long before Seungmin had to rush to get to school, leaving me and Changbin alone.

"You really couldn't have been any louder last night." He stated before taking a sip of his coffee, almost making me choke on my first bite.

"Sorry.." I muttered as I shoved a few more bites into my mouth.

"Don't be. It was actually quite arousing.. hearing you scream like that." Changbin shrugged his shoulder and I lowered my gaze to hide a blush.

Changbin sat down his phone and his cup and joined in with me to eat his food.

"What time do you have to be there?" Referring to the morgue.

"Their expecting me from 10 to noon." I said ever-so-casually, as I took a bite of my food.

I knew I didn't really have to pretend to mourn my father around him, Changbin probably hates his just as much as I hated mine. Team Daddy Issues, go us.

Everyone else had a good relationship with their families. Hell, Seungmin's parents supported murder, if that doesn't say something I don't know what does.

Now I was stuck with out ant bliss related family, not that it really mattered. The only family I needed lives within the walls of this house. This was home.

"So we have an hour until we ever need to think about living?" Changbin looked at me with a unreadable look.

"Pretty much." I shoved the last bite of food into my mouth, feeling completely full. I rinsed the plate of the leftover syrup that stuck itself to the glass, setting it on the stack of dirty plates when I was confident enough to think I rinsed it all away.

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