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[Jeongin pov]

-4 hours later-

Hyunjin was currently in the hospital. Changbin had taken him while I had stayed behind with Jisung, who had fainted.

The other had been informed of the situation. They were all at the hospital with Hyunjin, and told me that when Jisung wakes up we both need to come to the hospital if we don't hear anything by then.

Seungmin and Felix had swung by first to check up on me and Jisung before going to the hospital.

I figured we would have heard from one of them about how Hyunjin is doing. Or hoping Jisung would've woken up by now.

I was currently sitting at his bedside, rubbing his arm gently. Hoping this would coax him to relax and wake up.

Was it anxiety that made him pass out? Fear? ...PTSD?

With the way he knew what to do to get the pills out of Hyunjin's system only means he's witnessed it before or..

I held my stomach and walked into the bathroom. I suddenly felt like my entire stomach was about to come up through my throat.

It didn't, nothing did. Just a huge wave of nausea.

I picked the glass of water I had retrieved for Jisung, the ice had melted away and it was growing warm.

I went down to the kitchen and dumped the warm water into the sink before turning to the fridge dispenser.

The iced cubes made little clink noises as they hit the glass, and the water sloshed as it fills the cup. Condensation had already began on the outside of the cup do to the heat of the house.

My phone rang and I almost dropped the glass trying to answer.

"Hello?" I answer without even checking the caller id.

"Hey baby." Chan's voice came through the other end of the line. "How's Jisung?"

"He's still out." I left out a heavy sigh. "Anything about Hyunjin?"

"Yea, that's why I called." There was a pause, and few noises from the background on his end. Felix was bickering with someone. "He's stable, awake. Still drowsy from the ingestion of the drugs, but he's gonna be fine. They are going to keep him hospitalized for a week to keep tabs on his health."

I just wanted him to be okay and I knew he would if he was being professionally taken care of.

I turned my body slightly to be able to look at the stairs.

I noticed Jisung groggily stepping down then one at a time.

"When will you be home?" My voice went up an octave and I scramble to put the glass of water down.

"Minho and I are staying overnight with him. Everyone else is headed home in an hour." Chan assured me.

I nodded as if he could hear my head shake. He said a few more things before disconnecting the call.

I reached Jisung as he stepped off the final stair.

"Hey, how are feeling?" I gently cupped his face at he lightly grabbed my wrist.

"Last thing I remember was being on the floor with Hyunjin." He looked like he was gathering his thoughts.

"Well you practically through Hyunjin over your shoulder and carried him to Changbin's car. You stood there for a second, Then you fainted."

I may have exaggerated on him throwing Hyunjin over his shoulder, but he did carry him pretty swiftly.

"Oh." He started to sway a little and I wrapped my arm around his waist and lead him into the kitchen where I had left his glass of water.

𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 & 𝙰𝚏𝚏𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 | 𝙱1 𝚂𝙺𝚉 𝙵𝙵Where stories live. Discover now