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[Jisung's pov]

1 day until Hyunjin comes home

Thursday. No classes, nothing to do. The hospital is currently preparing Hyunjin for release tomorrow. They are releasing him a day early due to "good behavior."

Seungmin is currently upstairs in his room, feeling sick from food poisoning. Minho felt sick this morning too, but he went to class anyway. He can't miss anymore lectures, or he will actually be lectured by his mother.

Jeongin is sitting at the kitchen table watching as I make Seungmin soup to try and settle his stomach.

"Maybe I'm being paranoid but I think it's weird that Seungmin is the only one that got food poisoning. He's the healthiest out of all of us." Jeongin wouldn't stop theorizing since Seungmin threw up this morning. "Not to mention, Heidi was coincidentally at the same restaurant as you guys last night."

"Jeongin. Please let it go. That's all it was, a coincidence. It can happen to anybody." I slumped my shoulders. It's not that I don't think it's possible, but I don't want to raise alarms or suspicion if it's actually nothing.

Especially since the photos were taken. Nothing severe between us and Woojin has happened since then and yes, while it's suspicious and definitely alarm-raising, it's a break we all need.

"Come on! You can't tell me you didn't think about it either. She's basically in love with you and you were there with him and Minho."

"Look. Is it coincidental, yes. Does it seem suspicious, hell yes. But we can't jump to conclusions. Heidi seems like the last person who would poison someone." I poured the soup into a bowl trying not to overflow it.

"Besides I'm more focused on how calm Woojin has been acting and that's what's really been getting to me. He smiled and waved at us yesterday."

"Yea... he did. I don't know, Jisung. I just never had a good feeling about her."

"Let's just let it go please. I want to relax today."

This week of classes have been stressful. Mid-terms are coming up because break in literally a week away and I've been studying my ass of lately.

I turned to Jeongin who only nodded, keeping his mouth shut about anymore suspicions.

I placed the soup bowl on a tray and carrying it up the stairs and into Seungmin's room.

Seungmin wasn't in bed and the bathroom door was shut. Meaning his stomach was unsettled again.

I put the tray in the night table and knocked on the bathroom door. "Seungmin?"

I heard the toilet flush and the sink water running.

He came out of the bathroom with a wet rag and was pressing it against the back of his neck.

I used my wrist to feel his forehead. His temperature didn't seem as bad as it was this morning.

"I made you soup." He gave him a soft smile and he returned it.

"Thank you." He shuffled back over to his bed and collapsed against the pillows. Seeing him sick made my heart ache a little.

He reached for the bowl and I jumped over, sitting at the edge of the bed holding the bowl and my hand and having the spoon ready.

"You're gonna feed me?" He tried to laugh but only ended up coughing.

I rubbed his back with my free hand and nodded to his question. "Of course."

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