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[Warning: there will be violence at some point in this chapter. Only warning.]


[Jisung's pov]

Nobody has said a word still. Both Chan and Felix were sleeping, Hyunjin's gaze still lost through the back window. Changbin was still holding my hand but no words left him. Jeongin was so quiet he could be nonexistent.

I sighed loudly, earning a glance from all three of them.

"It's too fucking quiet." I pulled into the nearest parking lot. It was completely empty and the building was dark.

Once I parked, I stepped out slamming the door shut.

Changbin followed me.

"Baby, what's going on?"

I ignored his question and rubbed my hands on my thighs as I fell back against the car making it move with a small thud. Changbin rushed to steady me.

I felt dizzy and my thoughts were so loud. I ran my hands down my face. I heard a car door shut, and I knew Hyunjin and Jeongin were walking to my side of the car.

As three men stood above me, I sank farther down to the ground.

"Jisung, get back in the car. I wanna go home." Hyunjin's voice muffled in my ears behind the ringing.

"What the fuck? He's about to have a fucking panic attack if he isn't already!" Jeongin stood up from beside me and I heard a scuffle. "Stop being a goddamn, asshole! What is with you tonight?!"

"I'd like to know that too, Hyunjin. What the fuck has gotten into you?"

I didn't hear him speak.

"He finally okay with himself... about who he is and who he is when he's with you. Are you trying to fuck that up?" Jeongin came to my defense again.

The ringing still won't stop. The weight in my chest is getting heavier as if someone is planting the foot right above my heart and shoving hard.

"No.." I heard the words and it felt as if my ribs were going to break and cut into my lungs.

I whined.. drawing everyone's attention. It was then that Felix and Chan had gotten out of the car to, what I assumed, see what's going on.

I looked up, not realizing my cheeks were soaked with tears, until I saw a blurry Felix rushed down to me.

He looked tired and I wanted to hold him and tell him to go back to sleep and not to worry about me.

Instead he pulled my body to his and played with my hair.

"Why the hell were guys just standing there?" His deep voice echoed in the parking lot. He was angry and it made me flinch. He must've felt it because he planted a kiss on top of my head.

"I- We didn't know what to do." Jeongin sounded either far away or just really quiet.

Felix took my hand in his and started rubbing circles on my skin. I looked over to Jeongin and gave him a smile.

It looked like his heart broke. I realized Hyunjin went backed to being silent and wouldn't look at me or Felix, he just stared at his feet.

"Jisung darling?" Chan's accent Drew my attention to him as he knelt down besides me and Felix.

Tonight was supposed to be better than this.

Everything was supposed to be okay.

"Let's get him home. Who here is properly sober?" Chan stood., he looked at Changbin who instantly nodded.

Felix refused to let go of me as Chan tried to get me to my feet. Chan stepped back in surrender as Felix lifted me up instead bringing to the back seat with him.

Chan sat up front with Changbin, and Jeongin and Hyunjin squeezed themselves into the backseat.

Jeongin made sure to be next to me and he held one of my hands.

Felix was soothing me enough by humming against my hair as he kissed the top of my head for the hundredth time.

Jeongin laid his head on my shoulder and linked his hands together around my waist.

My hands finally stopped shaking and the ringing in my ears faded away.

I sat up and let out a deep breathe, laying a hand on top of my head.

I turned my head towards Jeongin and he just looked at me with big eyes. I pulled him into my lap so I wouldn't be squishing him against Hyunjin and just rested my head in the crook of his neck.

I felt him shiver as my breath hit his skin.

"Thank you both." I whisper to him and Felix. Felix kissed my shoulder and Jeongin just snuggled into me.

I noticed Changbin look at us through the review mirror and I sent him a smile. A sparkle lit up his eyes before he focused his attention back in the road.

Tonight has felt like it's been a whole day when it's only been three hours.

Somebody coughed and I pinpointed it to Hyunjin who was sitting next to me.

I felt antsy in my seat again. His behavior was strange. That's when I remembered, Woojin was at the club. How long he had been there I don't know. Of course he had to be there the one night we were all just trying to have fun. I don't think Changbin and Chan noticed him though.

I know Chan has a recorded of drunk-fights.

Had Hyunjin seen Woojin though? Did Woojin say something that upset? Is that why he left?

Even if that was the case, why would he have taken it out on me?

I pushed the thoughts aside when I noticed Jeongin looking at me.

He was giving me a look as if he was trying to read my thoughts. I nuzzled my nose to his and he giggled.

It was one of the most innocent sounds, sweet and small.

I noticed that we were back in our neighborhood as the familiar houses passed in the window.

When Changbin pulled into the driveway there was a silver car I've never seen before. Everyone else noticed it too. We all sat forward a little to try and get a better look.

Whose car was that?

Hyunjin was cautious as he got out, still eyeing the unfamiliar car.

"Who the hell is here?" I heard him mutter under his breathe and he started speed walking towards the house.

We all followed suit, Chan somehow taking lead as he reached the door and pushed it open.

As soon as the door opened, we heard shouting and the sound of glass breaking. I rushed forward into the living room.

Woojin stood there, in front of a startled Seungmin and a very angry Minho.

At the sound of the door Woojin had turned around and the first thing he saw... was me.

"Oh would you look who it is?" His hands lifted in my direction. "Welcome home, Jisung."



Next chapter is gonna be a little dramatic.

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