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[Jisungs pov]

I shoved the suitcase into Seungmin's trunk with such a disgraceful effort. I eventually managed to make it fit as Seungmin exited the house and locked the door behind him.

I let out a breathe as I let my shoulders relax. The cold nipped at my nose and stung against my slightly chapped lips. I began to question why I choose winter as my favorite season. It's rather harsh and ugly when it refuses to snow again. Instead grey clouds hung in the sky, threatening for a storm that will never come.

The roads were salted to keep away the ice. I wrapped my scarf tighter around me and hugged my coated torso.

"You ready, love?" Seungmin stood over me, planting a kiss on my forehead, sending a warm through my body that sadly wash away quickly with the unforgiving cold.

"As ready as ever." I smiled at him. We climbed into the car and I was instantly greeted with warmth. I'm so glad we started the car earlier to warm up. Not that it mattered too much, I still spent the same amount of time in the cold trying to get the damn suitcase in the trunk.

I loosened my scarf, to keep myself from being overheated in the welcoming heat of the car.

The neighborhood was decorated with festive lights, some even had yards full of displays. Christmas Eve, and every yard has a weeks worth of old snow still sticking to the dead grass refusing to melt away.

Seungmin drove down our neighborhood street, driving until we reached the city highway.

I watched at we past stores, advertising their holiday treats and festivities were scattered all over the park fields and parking lots.

Friend groups huddled around each other with steaming paper cups laughing and enjoying the joyous holiday fun.

Pedestrians made sure to steer clear of the busy streets, sticking to the sidewalks.

I saw nothing but smiles, I even felt them as if they radiated so well that they began to tickle my skin.

Little kids were running around in the snowy playground, supervised by parents that were in lasting conversations.

Christmas truly was the time of year that brought everyone together.

I leaned my head against the cold window. The warm breath from my nose leaving small fogging circles that would dissipate from the warmth of the car within seconds.

I closed my eyes and smiled. This is the longest time I've ever allowed myself to be happy. Finally accepting that I was worthy of being happy.

I felt Seungmin intertwine his fingers with mine and I looked over at him. His eyes set on the road, but I knew from the look in his face that he felt the happiness too.

We turned into a neighborhood with luxury houses. Even more luxurious than home I found myself in. They were practically mini mansions.

Some of them actually being mansions. One of them just so happened to be where our destination was.

A black iron gate stood high, guarding the driveway. Seungmin pressed a button attached to the sun divisor and the gates opened.
The yard was beautiful, even with most of it covered in snow.

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