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[Jisung's pov]

I was sitting in class next to Heidi, zoning in and out most of the day. I couldn't bring myself to focus in class knowing that I'd have to face Woojin again today.

"Hey, are you okay?" Heidi's voice snapped me out of my trance.

"Yea. I'm fine. Just tired I suppose." I could tell she was skeptical of my answer, but that was the only answer she was getting.

"Okay. I just noticed you haven't been taking notes." There was a brief pause, "The test is open notes. I can email you what I have down."

I guess I must've missed the mention of any upcoming test. Though it'd be written in our syllabus, which I never actually looked at.

"Thank you. I appreciate it."

"Okay, what's bothering you?" She kept her voice at a whisper so the professor wouldn't question us.

"Just drama."

"With the boys?" She had a curious intent boss

"Yea. Specifically with Woojin." Her eyes widened at the name.

"I didn't realize he was back.."

I had assumed she'd know him, since they were both in the guys' lives around the same time period.

"Yea. I'm in his target list apparently."

"Jeez. Sounds fun as hell." He voice mocked the sarcasm I felt. I almost laughed, but I held it in. A smile formed on her lips at her almost-success.

"Oh definitely." I decided to follow the lead of sarcasm and her smile grew wider. She both focused on our notes. Occasionally making sarcastic comments about random students in class that rose their hand made a point of being a teachers pet.

"Heidi? Can I ask something?" I shifted in my seat, my voice low and hands folded together.


"What was your experience with Woojin like?" I wanted to know what her opinion of him was.

"Well, there was always something off about him. I don't know, like psycho vibes." All I did was nod. "But I left shortly after I even met him, so I don't know too much. I'm sorry."

"It's fine." I took a mental note of her words and continue to write out the notes that the professor was giving us.

Was Woojin a psychopath?

I don't think I'd necessarily take it that far and say he is. He's just... persistent.

I tapped my pen against the paper of my notebook. Though the walls in this room were bare, the windows were very large. I've never noticed before how tall they were, how they expanded from the floor to the ceiling. I gazed out them.

The trees are laughing, dressed in their carnival clothes, the gold and scarlet of the autumn days. They look as if they were playing in the earthy hues, proud. As they do I take in the sight of how beautiful it looks... how beautiful dying truly seemed.

I let the pen fall against the paper, wanting the next five or so minutes of this class to end.

"The test will be next week over all the techniques you've learned to use. It will be written answer." Professor Wong stated and the bell rang. He sat down in his seat and waved his hand, gesturing that we were dismissed.

I shoved my notebook into my bag and stood up, interrupted by Heidi.

"Hey, um.. I know we don't talk much, but would you maybe want to go on a date?"

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