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I was on my way to met Hyunjin for lunch, trying to figure out how to survive the awkward silences that are about to happen. Hyunjin had texted me earlier, telling me he would be at the study hall. I was very glad that I was given a tour of this place before I came here. When I arrived, I didn't have a chance to go in. Hyunjin called to me from the parking lot. He was sitting against the hood of his car, arms crossed with a sucker in his mouth. The thought of a sucker made my mouth water and made me even more hungry than I already was.

He met me halfway to his car and escorted me the rest of the way. I noticed Felix in the front seat, refusing to look in my direction. I climbed into the back seat and sunk halfway down. The car ride was silent. Nobody talked, there was no music. Just the muffled sound of passing cars. I couldn't look out the window for very long before I looked at Felix, studying his posture and the way he was breathing. It's strange that he looked the exact way that I felt. Frustrated, annoyed... lonely.

When Hyunjin pulled the car into a restaurant, the energy change in the atmosphere of the car was almost suffocating. When the car was in park, Felix didn't hesitate to jump right out.

"Hyunjin, can you wait in the car for a second?" Hyunjin was just about to open his door but he shut it, giving me my answer. I got out of the car and Felix was leaving against the back of it. He looked away when he saw me.

"Felix, can you please talk to me?" I went to reach for his arm and he pulled away, completely ignoring my question. "Jesus, Felix, what the fuck do I have to do to get your attention?" This time he looked at me. There was a flicker in his eye, but he looked away before I could decipher it. "Fine. Continue doing what you to do best." I went to tell Hyunjin he could come out, but Felix grabbed me.

"What the hell would you know about what I do best?"

"Oh, look! A full sentence, we are making progress."

"Don't taunt me, Jisung." Screw him, he ignored me for ten fucking days.

"Or what, Felix. Or fucking what?" He got up close to my face. Nose to nose, his hand wrapped around the back of my neck. I could feel my eyes flutter as his breath melted against my skin.

"Or I'll show you what I'm best at. And you might not enjoy that too well." His voice was extremely low, almost raspy as he spoke. It was the kind of pitch that would seem impossible to sound normal when talking, but he made it so easy. We stayed in this position for what felt like forever, not that it was a problem.

"Well, I didn't expect to see this." Hyunjin words echoed in my eyes and Felix stepped away from me and cleared his throat.

"He taunted me." Those words left his mouth calmly as if any of his previous actions didn't just happen.

"And you ignored me, asshole." I walked away from both of them and into the restaurant. It wasn't fancy and I was glad. It was a simple Korean restaurant and it smelled great. Hyunjin and Felix joined me and we waited to be seated. Felix had gone back to  pretending I didn't exist and I'm sure Hyunjin could feel the frustration between us. I was angry and I wanted food. A waitress led us to a table and we sat down, still in silence. Hyunjin sat across from me and Felix sat beside him. We all ended up getting the same thing, Hyunjin being the one that picked the meal.

"Okay, if we are going to have lunch together, someone has to talk to me. I don't care who. Though I am telling you now, Seungmin won't put up with this shit at home. I know why you're upset Hannie. I do." He turned to Felix, who was glaring at him. "Don't you think you may be going to far with this ignoring bullshit. We are all honestly really tired of it, and clearly he tried talking to you. So get your head out of your ass." After Hyunjin was finished with his lecture, Felix sank down into his seat. Hyunjin flashed me a smile as if he didn't just tell Felix to stop being a bitch.

𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 & 𝙰𝚏𝚏𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 | 𝙱1 𝚂𝙺𝚉 𝙵𝙵Where stories live. Discover now