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I buttoned up my jeans and gathered my school bag. I was wearing a simple graphic T-shirt underneath a red pullover hoodie. I had three classes today. I looked behind me to Felix's bed. His back was turned to me and he had his earbuds in. We haven't spoke in over a week. I stood there for a good minute, debating on whether I should get his attention. What would I even say? I relunctantly left the room without saying a word, he probably doesn't even want to talk to me. The past ten days since I awkwardly told everyone I was questioning my sexuality went by weirdly normal, aside from Felix.

I headed downstairs, Seungmin told me he would drive me to school since we are both going to the same place. I tol him I could Uber, but he insisted. He waiting for me by the door.

"There you are." He smiled at me. "I already have the car out front." He was holding a to-go cup in his hands, I assumed it was coffee as we headed out to the car. I pulled out my phone and instantly went to my instagram. Nothing interesting, just the latest updates on people whom I didn't know existed until now.

"You should add me." Seungmin suggested as he turned on the car. The interior of his car was really nice, it was an SUV. I pulled up the search bar and handed him my phone. With one hand on the wheel as he drove out of the driveway, he typed something into the search bar and tapped the screen a couple times before giving my phone back. My attention was more or less on the fact that he also seemed careless when he drove, except he was less attentive to the road than Felix was. He was a good driver, just the fact that he could text so much without looking at the road scared me a bit.

"What classes do you have today?" He asked, once again talking his eyes off the road.

"I have Modern Literature, Multimedia, and my extracurricular class."

"Which is?"

"Well it's a mix of music and choreo. They even have a dance team connected to it, if I want to join, but.."

"But what?"

"You keep interrupting me."

"Yes, because I had a feeling you were about to say something stupid. Why was there a 'but' after that?"

"My father wants me to spend my college time focusing on my studies and not my free time. I managed to get through my first year with high grades and a good gpa score, but I for some reason signed up for harder classes, and I know it's because he would want me to push myself to be better. I don't know. I don't know why I'm still trying to impress him."

"Then why impress him?" I looked at him and he shrugged his shoulders. "I'm serious, it's your life now. It's been your life, so stop worrying about what he wants. Join the dance team if that's what you want. A couple of our roommates are already in it." He paused before continuing. "Felix is joining." My shoulders slumped, if Felix was joining how hard was that going to be if we aren't speaking to each other. Seungmin must have noticed desolation because he placed his hand on my leg.

"Look, I know about you and Felix, hell everyone does. But trust me when I say he still cares, okay? When you aren't around he talks about the things you do. Like the way you fidget with everything when you are nervous or how you quiet hum when you listen to music. It's cute really." He removed his hand and I instantly wanted him to put it back. "He told me about how you like music and the record he got for you. Jisung, if you enjoy music so much then do what makes you happy. Your father of all people should be able to understand that, and if he can't then fuck him." My eyes widened when he said that and he noticed. "Respectfully." He added.

"He talks about me?" I was confused, we haven't said a word to each other since the night he walked away and left me alone in the kitchen. I didn't noticed we were at the school until Seungmin pulled into a parking space.

𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 & 𝙰𝚏𝚏𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 | 𝙱1 𝚂𝙺𝚉 𝙵𝙵Where stories live. Discover now