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[Jisung's pov]

It's been two days since Hyunjin confessed to me. Two days of awkward silence between us. I didn't know what to say and he took that as my rejection, which wasn't at all what happened. Though it's given me enough time to ponder.

It's only been four months since I've met them, but then again falling in love can take seconds.

I went through my thoughts trying to collect myself. I jumped when Felix entered our room.

"Sorry I didn't mean to startle you. The others want to do game night tonight if you are up for it." He said as he hovered in the doorway.

"Sure. I'd be okay with that." I knew Hyunjin would be forced to participate by Jeongin. Maybe I could try talking to him then.

"Okay, come one then." He waved me to follow him and I did. I followed him downstairs and into the game room. Everyone was gathered on the couch and arm seats. Felix took his seat in a bean bag chair that they placed on the floor.

"Jisung!" A few of them shouted, happy with my presence in the room. Changbin, Minho and Chan. My three oldest hyungs.

I looked at Hyunjin who was in an armchair, Jeongin sat on the floor leaning against the leg rest of the chair. Hyunjin played with Jeongin's ginger hair. He looked at me, barely giving me a smile. My heart sank.

I took a beanbag chair and placed it next to Felix, on the side closer to Hyunjin.

"So what are we doing?" I piped up. I was excited. Normally we only had movie nights, game night was different.

"We chose Clue for the first game of the night. Minho holds an incredibly strong streak at winning, personally I think he just cheats every time." Chan spoke and the last statement rewarded him a smack on the arm from Minho.

Chan rubbed his bicep and glared at his younger before turning back to me.

"After this game you can choose if you want, okay?" He gave me a smile as we set up the game and handed out the cards. Two of the others had to sit out, basically being the gossipers trying to turn us against each other. Those specific two were Jeongin and Felix.

Jeongin was using his position to tease Hyunjin. Felix's target was Chan. Planting suspicion everywhere they pleased. They were being tricky little bastards.

The first game came to an end thirty minutes later when Minho had figured it out. I didn't understand how he did it. I had only figured out the weapon.

We played two more games after that, switching who sat in the sidelines. Minho won each game. Chan wasn't lying when he said Minho was good at this.

"I have an idea." Chan blurted, folding his hands together and placing them against his lips. What he was thinking, I had no idea.

"We're listening." Someone said, but my attention was still on Chan.

"Let's talk about our sexual desires." He smirked, his eyes connected with mine. "Since Jisung here is still new at everything."

Minho sat back and throw his arm in the back of the couch. "How so?"

"We say one thing that we'd like to experience. Then at the end... well I guess we'll see." He was still staring intently at me.

"Oh! That sounds like fun." Felix clapped his hands together.

I sat in my bean bag chair nervously, fiddling with my thumbs. I was avoiding anyone's gaze at all costs. I was still very new to this. What was I even gonna say?

𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 & 𝙰𝚏𝚏𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 | 𝙱1 𝚂𝙺𝚉 𝙵𝙵Where stories live. Discover now