"The honor is mine." The Prime rumbled, kneeling to the human.

"Our entire space race of the 1960s, it appears, was in response to an event." The woman began as she climbed the catwalk.

"Our astronauts investigated a crashed alien ship. No survivors on board." A human NASA officer spoke.

"We were sworn to secrecy by our Commander in Chief." Mr. Aldrin stated.

"A total of thirty-five people knew the real plan at NASA."

"Soviets managed to land unmanned probes. Somehow they must have...picked up that fuel rod." Another officer said.

"We believe the Russians deduced that the rod was fissionable fuel assembly, beloved they had it mastered and tried to harness it at Chernobyl," Mearing added.

"We landed six missions in all. We took hundreds of photos and samples. We locked them away forever when the moon program was shut down."

"Well, did you search the crash vault?" IronHide questioned them, causing the humans to freeze and glance at each other.

My father quickly spoke up on the silence that followed. "The ship's name was the Ark. I watched it escape Cybertron myself. It was carrying an Autobot technology which would have won us the war. And...its captain."

"Who was its captain?" Mearing asked, leaning forward.

"The great Sentinel Prime." He answered, grasping onto the railing of the catwalk. "The technology's inventor. He was commander of the Autobots before me. It's imperative that I find it before the Decepticon's learn of its location. Our Autobot spacecraft has the ability to get there. And...you must pray it's in time."

"You're going to space?!"

"Yes, I-"

"I come in here and you're all grumpy like and won't talk to anybody then turns out we discover a secret from the humans!"

My father waved his arms, trying to get me to quiet down. "Liza please, not so loud."

I continued to rant, oblivious to the unwanted attention I was getting from the humans. "Then you tell this story about the Ark and this guy called Sentinel Prime who you never told me about by the way."

Suddenly I felt myself lifted off ground; however, I refused to acknowledge it as I continued to rant to my father. "And you didn't even tell me we had another human who claims to be ''watching over us'' and ''ensuring that we are not causing trouble'' but really she's just here to find more reasons to kick us off the planet. I don't think that's-"

"Liza," Dad interrupted curtly as he continued down the corridor, away from the humans. "I understand that you are upset about the sudden events but you must understand that this is being done to ensure the safety of this planet. If the Decepticons were to retrieve the pillars first then it will be the end of this world."

Frowning, I dropped to sit in his palm. "So you're leaving with Ratchet to go to Moon to get these pillars and the Sentinel guy?"

He nodded.

"Well, how will you get there? I thought it took years for humans to build rocket ships? It'll take them even longer to make one big enough for you guys!"

"No need for that, my dear. We have one already assembled and waiting."

My eyes widened in shock. "Already?! How? When? Dad, are you a magician?"

He chuckled and gently ran a finger over my head. "No, I am not. We are using the spacecraft that brought in the previous wave of Autobots to assist us in our off-world mission."

"Oh, we still have that? I'm surprised the government didn't try to confiscate or anything."

"Fortunately, they did not." He rumbled. "It has remained under the watchful gazes of the Wreckers to ensure nothing like that will happen."

Thank Primus.

"Are you leaving tomorrow?" I questioned, pulling one of his fingers into my grasp.

He nodded and came to a sudden halt in the hallway. "Yes, it is our goal to get to the Ark as soon as possible."

"And I'll be off at school while you're doing Primus knows what on the Moon," I muttered, squeezing his finger. "You'll be careful, right? And Ratch too?"

He reached out with his other hand to touch my face. "I promise. No need to worry, sweetspark."

"I'm serious," I said as his finger glided across my cheek. "You better not get lost while you're up there or get sucked into a random black hole. Ratchet better not either or I'm giving all his wrenches to Boomer."

He chuckled and gave a sharp nod. "Yes ma'am."

"Hey, Booms?" I called softly as the Cyberdog climbed onto the berth and laid himself against my Cybertronian form.

"Is it just me or...is this Sentinel guy giving off bad vibes?"

The dog rested his metal paw on my stomach and nudged my face with his nose in return. "I mean I know I haven't even met him yet but it's...I'm getting that feeling again when something bad is gonna happen then I have a vision about it."

I rested my head on my arm and used my other hand to rub Boomer's side as I stared up at the ceiling in thought. "But the way dad talks about this guy like he's a god. He looks up to him as some sort of father figure or something."

"Can you imagine that?" I grinned and turned my head slightly. "Optimus Prime idolizes someone. I can't believe it."

Boomer dropped his head on my shoulder and let out a soft whine. "I don't know man. I'm scared if I tell dad about it, he'll feel...betrayed or disappointed that I think that about someone close to him. Someone he trusts and looks up to." I shook my head and sat up, causing the Cyberdog to rise with me. "I can't do that to him."

He'll hate me if I tell him.

"I know I'm in the wrong for assuming so quickly, however," I mused, biting on my digit nervously. "I've never been wrong."

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