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Skye hid as she watched Zed and the demon Lord and she frowned as Zed was being hurt more than the demon.

She never thought she would see someone who could do damage to her husband this way.

She put a protective hand over her stomach as she saw a creature suddenly walking towards her and she screamed which caught Zed's attention distracting him enough for Azrael to deliver another blow.

Zed was starting to feel weak and with the number of blows Azrael had delivered his eyes were clouded by his blood and he felt drained.

Skye rushed over to the body of one of the dead knights that had started decaying and pulled out his bow and arrows before firing a shot at the creature who fell dead.

"Not so useless I see" Azreal laughed.

Azrael lifted Zed high up in the sky that had Skye worried.

"You can't beat me your human blood makes you weaker and it would be easier to end you, I am bored of this measly battle you can't defeat me young demon but this world is not for me the people are not my type if I'm left I'll wipe out the whole human race like I almost did last time" he smiled.

"Then I'll make your wife my personal slave and I'll kill you" he smiled.

"Or I'll go back to my vessel if you sacrifice your wife to the underworld" Azreal smiled which made Zed's eyes widen.

If anything this was the first time he felt afraid he knew the demon Lord could end him.

"You have a choice saved the whole world, or save....." he looked down at where Skye was.

"Or save your world" Azreal said.


"Where is my father?" Alvara asked as she pulled back.

"With Zed" he replied and she was about to go after them but he stopped her.

"It's better to leave them" Eason said.

"Zed can't handle my father on his own he needs help" she said wanting to move but he tightened his grip on her.

"Skye is with him" he said.

"Skye? Skye!" That makes it even worse for him and she wanted to pull herself away from his grip.

"Let's not go back" he said.

"Why?" She asked confused.

"I traded you for Skye" he replied.

"Why!" She shouted.

"I would rather give anybody else than to give you" he replied.

"Zed is my king it's my duty to protect him and Skye? My father would kill her he despises humans who manage to get to demons cause of my mother" she said.

"And I'm your lover it's my duty to protect you and as for Skye if her husband can't protect her then so be it" he replied.


"Alvara!" He raised his voice higher.

"Being involved would only complicate things more" he said then grabbed her hand.

"We have more people to save" he told her and she reluctantly followed him.


Beatrice and Pharian appealed in her mother's room her father had moved out and locked this place after her mother's death.

She began to look around and Pharian followed suit.

The room was wide and there was a painting on the side of Beatrice, her father and who he believed was her mother. He smiled he now saw where she acquired her blue eyes from. She looked a lot like her mother.

"Shawn" she called his attention and he moved over to where she was and saw her holding a small box with a lock that had been married with dust.

Pharian took the box in his hands one of his nails becoming long he poked it inside until the box opened.

It was ashes.

Beatrice stared confused until she touched the ash and the image of her mother's warm smile entered her head.

"It's my mother's ashes" she said her eyes becoming teary her father didn't bury her mother and just left her ashes in this room.

"Pharian put a hand around her from behind and suddenly the wind in the room was heavy until the image of a woman appeared infront of them and the woman opened her eyes.

"Mother?" Beatrice called and the woman looked at her before she smiled.

"Mother!" Beatrice ran to hug the woman but she just went right through.

"I'm dead my child you can't hug me" she smiled a little.

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