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They arrived in the garden of kristanlia and Pharian turned to Sinan.

"Thank you" he told her and she only smiled.

"Shawn!" Beatrice ran up to him she had been walking in the garden when she noticed him and another woman quickly running to him she threw her arms around him and he caught her hugging her back.

Sinan felt a little hurt at the way pharian quickly embraced the human and he couldn't do the same for her.

"Beatrice this is Sinan a friend from hell" Pharian introduced and Sinan forced a smile.

"Nice to meet you lady Beatrice you are indeed lucky to be married to such a man I shall take my leave now" Sinan replied and disappeared.

"She seems nice" Beatrice smiled.

"She can be" pharian replied and she now moved away from him and sulked.

"Where were you?" She asked.

"Gaining a kingdom for the lady"he smiled tipping her chin up.

"Your brother lied to me" She stated.

"He didn't want you to worry and he does not like getting involved with others" Pharian replied and she nodded.

"So I can tell that you lost the battle for the kingdom" she mocked and his eyes slightly narrowed but he smiled and pulled her to him.

"Are you mocking me?" He asked.

"No but I'm saying I could do a better job with my arrows alone" she smiled brightly.

"Are you asking for a beating?" He asked still smiling at her.

"You wouldn't dare" she pushed away from him but he didn't move and his hand gave a light slap on her bottom.

"Shawn we are outside!" She warned him.

"Mock me again, I dare you" he smiled at her and she glared at him not knowing what else he would do in the open.

"Let's go inside" she gave up and he smiled nodding following her inside though she was mocking him she was worried there were no evident bruises but his skin was more pale and his lips were dry his eyes looked heavy as if he had not slept and though he tried to hide it she saw him close his eyes in pain sometimes.

When they were in their room he sat on the bed and she left him.

He stared at the shut door confused but after a while she appeared with a tray of food and two small brown bottles in hand.

"What is this?" He smiled.

"Though you might not have gotten the kingdom you were hurt and I don't like to see you hurt" She said and Pharian smiled at her.

"Stop smiling" she scolded making him remove his shirt as he lay down his hands supporting him to sit halfway up and she began applying an ointment to his sides though it hurt he only clenched his jaw as she gently massaged the area.

"What exactly happened?" She asked worry on her face.

"I bumped into Eason" he said and she stopped what she was doing to look at him.

"Did you fight with him?" She asked and he nodded.

"It was a good fight" he smiled and she stood up she couldn't deal with him anymore he was injured yet still talking like a fool.

He was annoying!.

Pharian stood up ignoring the pain he felt his hands snaked around her waist and he pushed her back against him.

"I didn't loose the battle we would be leaving here soon" he said smiling at her as she turned to face him. He attempted to kiss her but she avoided him.

"You have not earned the right to I am still angry" She replied.

"Okay how do I earn it?" He asked licking her earlobe.

"First stop what your doing then eat" Beatrice said.

"Yes my lady" he hummed.


Gwen met Audrey outside the castle that night though they shared Zed they were on good terms with each other.

"What is it?" Audrey asked.

"Zed totally depises me" Gwen sighed.

"Well we aren't far of he has hardly spoken to me or been with me since his human wife conceived" Audrey replied.

"What!" Gwen has a look of shock.

"How!" She asked pulling her hair she was going to kill Skye that was the only option.

"I was not aware until of recent he seems thrilled about this child" Audrey said and Gwen snorted.

"I should have killed that pest sometime ago" She snarled.

"She isn't much of a bad person" Audrey defended Skye she was only angry that she conceived first.

"Whose side are you on?" Gwen asked.

"Mine when you begin to think again we shall speak good night" Audrey said then walked towards the castle while Gwen's eyes narrowed at her.

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