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"How was your night?" He asked.

"Horrible I had to sleep knowing someone's body was burning in my fire place" she glared at him.

"Forgive my insolence I couldn't control myself anymore it was out of urgency" he said placing a hand on her waist pulling her to land against him.

"How are you feeling, have you eaten?" He asked.

"Not yet" she replied and he only nodded moving her hair away from her face.

"You are a weird person" she said to have him chuckle.

"I have been called worse but why do you say So?" He asked.

"Last night you were rude this morning you are loving" she stated.

"The night is considered evil while the day good" he replied but before she could speak he pressed his lips on hers making her shudder and he placed his hand on her stomach which was still normal.

"Where is Helen?" He asked.

"She went to her village" Skye replied.

"With whose permission?"He asked placing his forehead on hers her eyes partly closed staring at his lips.

"Mine" she breathed.

"Well I'm guessing you no longer require her services?" Zed asked.

"I do" she fended for Helen.

"She won't be needed for now I'll have a demon caretaker to come look after you to ensure you are well taken care of during this period" Zed said.

"Demon caretaker?" She asked.

"Don't worry she will be in human form" Zed assured her though he could still feel she was uncomfortable.

"Will I be able to speak freely with her?" Skye asked.

"Why do you need her I am free to speak to at all times" he said making her scoff.

"Not true?" He asked.

"You are hardly around" she stated.

"Well a king's work is never done" he replied.

She noticed his mood was good this morning and his eyes glowed amber.

"You might talk freely with her but she would not do the same"Zed said and Skye nodded.

"Could you move?" She asked.

"Why?" This only made him move closer.

"You're too close" she said.

"Am I?" He asked his evil smile appearing and her breath hitched.

His fingers traced her neck down and Skye looked away from him.

His other hand began to pull the hem of her gown up.

"Zed!" She gasped as he lifted it up.

"Hmm?" He replied pulling her gown higher.

"Stop it you can't touch me I am with child" she pushed his hand away.

"I know" he replied.

"I want to eat" she said though she didn't feel like she was eating for two now.

Zed stepped back releasing her allowing her too breathe.

Pharian woke up his eyes fluttered and he took in his environment he was in the underworld.

He heard a knock on the door.

"Come in" he replied grabbing his head he felt it ache.

Sinan slowly walked in and he turned to see her then suddenly remembered Beatrice she must be worried.

"How long have I been asleep?" He asked.

"Since yesterday" Sinan replied her voice soft.

"How are you feeling?" She asked.

"Good better than yesterday" he replied and she came to sit on the bed beside him her eyes taking in his half naked appearance before placing it on his head.

"You still need to rest"she replied.

"No I'm fine I need to go back...." She kissed him Pharian out of instincts pushed her back.

"Why are you eager to go back though you are not fully recovered is your wife waiting for You?" Sinan asked and Pharian could hear the distaste in her voice.

"You heard" he stated and she nodded.

"Then why did you kiss me?" He asked.

"I was scared when Lord Zed brought you in looking dead I did it because I am glad to see that you are fine" she replied.

"I am thank you for caring but as you have heard I need to return now" Pharian stood up though his stomach and head ached he ignored it and tried to dissapear from the room but he couldn't he tried again and only groaned in pain.

"Pharian your not fully healed your power depends on the state of your body" she reminded him and he sighed he needed to get back to Beatrice.

"Do you want me to take you?"she suggested.

"Yes if you would" he said and she smiled making him return it she took his hand in hers glancing at their reflection in the mirror they looked like the perfect couple she sighed internally disspointed and dissapeared with him.

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