As he went near her, Bai Cao hugged him tightly.

Bai Cao - Thank you, Senior Ting Hao. Thank you so much. I always prayed for my brother to come back. And today I got him back after so many years. All because of you. If you would not have been there, then I would have never been able to find my brother even if I would have given my life for it. Thank you so much, Senior Ting Hao.

Ting Hao - You are welcome, Bai Cao.

Ting Hao said while patting her back lightly.

On the other side, Chang An was still crying while hugging Ting Yi.

Ting Yi was rubbing his back softly but there was a little tension on her face.

Ting Yi - Chang An, are you sad about Bai Cao being your sister Ai Shu?

Chang An - What do you mean?

Ting Yi - I mean, do you still like Bai Cao?

Chang An - Ting Yi, what are you saying? I love you. Why do you think that I will still like Bai Cao? And if you have forgotten then let me remind you that Bai Cao is Ai Shu and Ai Shu is my biological sister.

Ting Yi - I know, Chang An. But you once loved her. So, I just thought that maybe you still like her or maybe still have some feelings for her.

Chang An - Ting Yi, I love you. And to be honest, now I think that I never loved Bai Cao in the way I love you. I know that you might be thinking that I am lying or I am just making up excuses but I am saying the truth. You know, I always felt a strong and strange connection with Bai Cao and I thought it was love but now, I think... actually, I know that it was not love. It was the connection between a brother and a sister. Even if I and Bai Cao didn't realize that we are siblings, our heart knew it... our heart knew that we are brother and sister. It was never love, Ting Yi. I only loved you, no one else. And these tears are of happiness not sadness.

Ting Yi - Well, if it's the case then don't you think that you should talk to Bai Cao also?

Chang An - I don't have the guts to face her. She must have a lot of questions in her mind. I don't know how to face Bai Cao.

Ting Yi - Chang An, she is Ai Shu... your Ai Shu. You know her the best, don't you? Just go and say what you want to say.

Chang An - But what if she hates me?

Ting Yi - If she would have hated her brother, then finding her brother would not have been her biggest dream. Right?

Chang An lowered down his face. Ting Yo went near him and puts her hands on his arms.

Ting Yi - Chang An, she loves you... a lot. More than questions, she might have a lot of things to share with you. And I know that you also want to know what happened that day. Maybe she knows what happened. You only said that she was inside when that fire accident happened, right?

Chang An - Yeah.

Ting Yi - Then maybe she remembers it. Maybe she knows who is behind your parents' death.

Chang An - Yeah. You are right.

Ting Yi - Let's go then.

Then Ting Yi and Chang An went towards the hall again.

There they saw that Bai Cao was crying while Ting Hao was consoling her.

Chang An went near her. As Bai Cao saw him, she stood up while wiping her tears.

Chang An - Bai Cao, I seriously don't know what to say right now and to be honest, since childhood, I didn't even knew that I had a sister all because of Feng Yun Hall. If they would not have erased my memories, then I would have never forgotten about you.

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