Start from the beginning

Bai Cao - No, Senior Ting Hao. I only see him as my coach. Nothing else.

Ting Hao - Bai Cao, are you sure?

Bai Cao - Yes.

Then Bai Cao also picked a glass of water and started drinking whereas Yi Feng and Xiao Ying were still drinking.

Ting Hao - Well, I want to tell you guys that Chang An and Ting Yi loves each other.

As Bai Cao, Xiao Ying and Yi Feng heard that they all spit the water in their mouth which land straight on Ting Hao's face. As the water came on Ting Hao's face, he wipes it whereas Bai Cao, Xiao Ying and Yi Feng were coughing.

Ting Hao - What the heck! Am I some kind of washbasin that you all are spitting on me?

Xiao Ying - It's nothing like that, Senior Ting Hao. It's not even our fault.

Yi Feng - It's your fault. Why did you say something when we were drinking water.

Ting Hao - I can't believe this. You guys are so dead.

Then Ting Hao picks up a jug filled with water and threw the water on everyone except Bai Cao because she was standing in a different direction.

Ting Hao - Now feel the cold.

Fei Yu - Why am I drenched in water? What did I do? I didn't spit water on you then why me?

Ting Hao - Aren't you their friends?

Fei Yu - I am.

Ting Hao - So, the friend should always go through with what his friend is. I mean, if Xiao Ying and Yi Feng are drenched in water, then you should also be drenched in water as you are their friend.

Fei Yu - Seriously!

Ting Hao - Yeah.

Fei Yu - Then you both are also their friend, you should also go through with what they are going through.

Then Fei Yu picked a bottle full of water.

Ting Hao - Fei Yu, no. Don't do this. I am already drenched with their spit water.

Fei Yu - I know and if I will pour some more water, then you will be washed too. Then you will be drenched with fresh water.

Ting Hao - No.

Then suddenly, Ting Hao felt water coming down from his head. He looked back and saw Bai Cao pouring a glass of water on him.

Ting Hao - Why did you do this, Bai Cao?

Bai Cao - I wanted to do this that's why.

Ting Hao - Oh really! Then I want to do this.

Then Ting Hao threw a glass of water on Bai Cao too.

Bai Cao - Senior Ting Hao!

Ting Hao - Now we all are equal.

Scene changed

Everyone was drying themselves up with towels.

Bai Cao - How did you get to know that they love each other?

Ting Hao - They both came and told me. Wait, you guys don't seem surprised after knowing that Ting Yi and Chang An love each other. You guys are surprised to know that I know that they love each other. Don't tell me you guys knew that they love each other, did you?

Bai Cao - Well, we all knew that they have started falling for each other.

Ting Hao(shocked) - What! Since when?

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