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Bai Cao - She is your ex-girlfriend...

Ting Hao looked at Bai Cao.

Ting Hao - I told you that...

Before Ting Hao could finish saying, Bai Cao interrupted.

Bai Cao - Senior Ting Hao, she is your ex. Once Senior Shen Bo told me that you were mad for her too. Then isn't it possible that you're again falling for her as she is confessing her love for you?

Bai Cao's tear unknowingly fell from her cheeks but Ting Hao could not see it. Before Ting Hao could, she removed that tear.

Ting Hao - But Bai Cao...

Bai Cao - Senior Ting Hao, nothing is impossible... you once loved her. There're chances that you will again fall for her. And you tell me, if she would not have cheated on you, then you would have still been with her. Didn't you?

Ting Hao - Yeah, you are right. I would have been with her if she would not have broken up with me. But thank god that she broke up with me. I am really happy that she and I broke up.

Bai Cao - Why?

Ting Hao - There are two reasons. First, I got to know the real meaning of love. I got to know that love is not that easy. You know, I met her at a birthday party. We started meeting each other every day then one day, I got to know that I like her and I proposed to her and she said yes. It took a lot of effort to plan a perfect proposal. And that was the last time I made efforts for our relationship even though it was the beginning of our relationship. I got her easily. I did not make any efforts. When she was mad at me, I gave her my credit card because I knew that she loved shopping. I did not make any efforts to patch up with her after a fight. But after she broke up with me, I got to know that whatever was between us was not love even though it was not easy for me to forget but it was not that hard too. Then, I learned that it's not easy to just love, it's hard to love. It's hard to be loved by someone whom you love. It's hard to get true love. And I got to know that because of meeting you. And that's the second reason why I am happy that I and her broke up. Because of meeting you, I got to know that we have to put effort to love. And I never put effort to love her. But I put a lot of effort to love you. I put a lot of effort to be with you. And thank you, for teaching me what love is.

Bai Cao looked at Ting Hao.

Ting Hao - And the efforts were,

Ting Hao smiled while saying that.

Ting Hao - to leave my arrogance.

Both of them smiled.

Bai Cao - When I met you for the first time, what I saw was only arrogance for sure. You were so proud.

Ting Hao - I know.

They were smiling remembering everything.

Ting Hao - Well, that's my nature.

Bai Cao - I know and I was wrong too. When you're too good at something, maybe you can be a little proud it's not that bad.

Ting Hao - Really!  first of all, only you used to think that I'm proud. Otherwise, everyone used to love me a lot. They used to think that I'm very polite and cute.

Bai Cao - Everyone or only girls used to think that you are cute and polite?

Both of them started laughing after that.

Ting Hao - After my break-up, I got indulged in this playboy version of mine...

Bai Cao looked at him.

𝓦𝓱𝓲𝓻𝓵𝔀𝓲𝓷𝓭 𝓖𝓲𝓻𝓵Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ