And when Wei Ying and Lan Zhan came back to Lotus Pier, both were astonished at how close they appeared to be – and really were. They were commenting when they retired to their room that both their brothers looked as if they were already married – so comfortable together, fully understanding each other.

All four of them had agreed to leave the discussions and updates for the next day, as Wei Wuxian and Hanguang-Jun were very tired from the long trip – they had to travel through thick snow for two days and then down along the river for two more. They barely ate any dinner, and locked themselves in their bedroom soon after arrival.

- Well, I for one am glad they didn't waste so much time as we did, Lan Zhan! – Wei Ying huffed, undressing for bed.

- Hmm.

- You are still skeptical, I see? – he grinned; sometimes Lan Wangji didn't really need to say much to express his attitude.

- You seem to have forgotten how upset  Xichen was not two weeks ago. I am not sure I can forgive that, Wei Ying. – he was frowning, undoing the intricate headdress.

- Here, let me help you. – Wei Ying offered.

He was now taking the pins from Lan Wangji's hair and gently combing it. They had to wear official clothes for the ceremony, and were in such a hurry to leave the Lanling Jin Clan that they left still wearing those. All the time, Wei Wuxian was adamant about carrying the infant everywhere, beaming, grinning, too happy, and all the time, Lan Wangji was staring at him, silent and love-struck, as he looked amazingly beautiful in his official attire. 

Wei Ying had been quite mad at him for not letting him name the baby Zuò Xiǎng ("enjoy life without lifting a finger"), but the baby in his arms mellowed it all out, and he forgot all about their quarrel pretty soon. It was one thing he really loved about him – it was impossible for Wei Wuxian to stay mad for long, although he never  forgot anything.

- You must understand, love. – he murmured, burying his fingers in the silky black strands of long hair. - Jiang Cheng was never easy to be with, or to love. Even as children. But he is very loyal, and will stay faithful to whatever he loves till he dies. Shijie  used to say that he is like an onion – you have to peel a lot of layers, but in the middle there is gold. – he remembered sadly.

- Mmmm. – Lan Wangji was not convinced.

- I worry for him, you know. He is stubborn, but he has seen a great deal of pain too. – he mumbled. – It seems Zewu-Jun is willing to give him a chance... I think we should too, Lan Zhan. The two looked so happy tonight. But why is he calling him "cat"? Or... hmm  "kitten"...?   -  Wei Ying mumbled, confused.

Hanguang-Jun turned to face him sharply, and he gasped, surprised.

- There it is again.  –  Lan Wangji said, squinting his eyes suspiciously. – How do you do that?  – he snapped.

Wei Wuxian was taken aback and pouted.

- How do I do what,  moron?! – he scoffed. – Why are you looking at me like that, Hanguang-Jun?!?

- How do you see and find objects in a pitch dark room? How do you hear people whispering from across a hall? How can you say that you hear my blood rushing in my veins, and the beats of my heart? How is it that none of the dishes are salty enough any more? Wei Ying? – he raised an eyebrow.

- Eh... Haha, Lan Zhan! What are you saying? This is impossible! Hahaha! – he laughed nervously.

- I know when you are lying to me, I can tell, I have known you for almost 40 years now. – he grumbled, and turned around fully, grabbing his wrists.

- Ah, Hanguang-Jun, let me go! What are you saying! How can that be possible, like.... – he stumbled, while struggling to get free from Lan Zhan's grasp, and fell on his back.

- Tell me. I am not  letting go. - Hanguang-Jun huffed.

- Mmmm. – Wei Ying turned his head to the side, as his husband lowered himself to kiss him; they were too close together - it was inevitable.

- Are you... Are you teasing me right now?  –  Lan Wangji asked, surprised.

- Hanguang-Jun... - Wei Wuxian said tenderly. – I miss you... I really miss you. It's been six days, Lan Zhan...

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