Hugs and kisses.

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The next days were calm and lazy for the Masters. The servants were preparing Wei Wuxian's birthday celebrations, but as a lot of the preparations were already done for the Young Master's arrival – it was manageable. This year there weren't too many guests invited; the Masters really only wanted family and close friends. 

Miao Lu heard whispers that the Ghost General would be coming too, and was reminded of all the stories she had heard about him. But, having lived here for a few weeks now, she was almost convinced that half of them were untrue – her Masters would never invite a monster and a murderer to their house.

She liked to observe her Masters now – they were more out in the open, as the weather was wonderful for late fall – there was a lot of sunshine and they liked to spend hours in the garden, or by the pond, reading and playing music. The Young Master would spend almost all the time with them, hugging them, resting in their arms, or at their feet, chatting about his time away, or just watching them be together, and be happy. 

Wei Wuxian was looking better, his cheeks were rosy again, and Hanguang-Jun would smile more often. She had never seen such love shared in any other family she had seen in her life; the Masters she had already observed, but it seemed their son, too, was quite used to hugs and kisses, and they were both littering him with those at all occasions. She was sure Lan Sizhui felt loved.

She had more time to herself, and was trying to be helpful, although Bai Li would only give her small tasks. She loved to work in the garden, as much as she could – she really missed gardening. There wasn't too much greenery as the weather was getting colder and rainier, and the nights grew chillier, but she loved to get her hands dirty and helped the servants prepare some the plants and trees for the winter and snow. It was good too; in the beginning, when she had just arrived, there were people who looked at her as if she was a whore, or a thief who only wanted their Masters' money. 

But as time passed, and her Masters were nice to her, and she looked humble and respectful, and always tried to help – things changed. She would sometimes find small pieces of candy in her room, or a new mirror, or some makeup, or a fruit. She would smile – she wasn't used to such tokens of affection. She suspected that some of those were left there by Wei Qianbei.

She missed him. In her eyes, and in her heart, he was her true lover. She would often remember his hands on her, his caresses and kisses. She could hardly believe that it was the same men that night, the night of the storm over the master bedroom. He was so scary back then. And now – hugging his son, joking and laughing – was it really the same person who did that? Sometimes she absolutely believed that she had dreamed that night. But she kept her promise – she never told anyone about it.

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