Touched by the Gods.

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Wei Ying looked up.

- My love, she can't know, can she... - he whispered.

- No, Wei Ying, even if she were Wen Clan... There were only soldiers that night... - Hanguang-Jun murmured.

- The bamboo flute?

- Impossible.

Miao Lu was listening to those words, but they meant nothing to her. Both her Masters were worried and looked tense. As there was an uncomfortable silence in the room now, she finally mustered the courage to ask quietly:

- What does it all mean, Hanguang-Jun? Wei Qianbei?

Lan Wangji frowned, and it was obvious that he was also worried.

- I cannot be sure, Mistress. No one can answer this question; this is a first in the cultivation world history. No one else is, or ever has been, like your Master. But I can make a conjecture.

He fell silent, and everybody was waiting for him to go on. Wei Wuxian was leaning in his lover's arms, looking weak, and tired, and sad. He said slowly:

- Maybe we made a mistake, Lan Zhan... Maybe we were never destined for happiness....

Hanguang-Jun did not comment, but he looked straight into the young woman's eyes, and said:

- I don't think you are in love with Wei Qianbei, Miao Lu. What you feel is not real love. It is a bond. You two are connected, as you are carrying his child.

Miao Lu gasped, but, looking at Wei Ying, she noticed that he was not too surprised – perhaps he too had thought about this explanation too.

- What you saw, little LuLu, was not dreams. It was memories.  – Wei Ying mumbled.

- There is no doubt that this baby will be a great cultivator too. Just like his father. - Lan Zhan said firmly.

Miao Lu was close to tears. She had always imagined that her Masters would be extremely glad to get the news that she was pregnant. Now they looked thoughtful and nervous.

- Please, eat. - Wei Qianbei reminded her. – You must be exhausted... I am afraid, dear girl, that this won't be an easy pregnancy, as you are not an immortal yourself.

- But... Master... What do you mean? You cannot possibly mean that all of this was...true? – she babbled, scared by his words.

Wei Ying nodded.

- It was not Death, that night over the Nightless City. It was me.  And I killed them all. All who deserved it. – he said coarsely.

His face was stern and his eyes were piercing through her, worse, a lot worse than Hanguang-Jun's eyes. – Do you still think you love me, Miao Lu?  –  he tilted his head again, staring at her, waiting for her reaction coldly.

Miao Lu was terrified. She looked at them again now, with fresh eyes. They both looked like two marble statues, their beauty was cold and faraway. She realized that they were beings from a different world, that they would never be really interested in her or the likes of her. They were even different from the other cultivators she saw at Wei Qianbei's birthday.

Suddenly, she felt lucky to be alive, here, in the place of those creatures that were closer to the Gods, rather than to men.

Hanguang-Jun's face expressed nothing; he looked like the epiphany of a deadly heavenly messenger touched by the Gods,  his eyes reflected unquivering determination. This was a man who had killed before, and would not hesitate to kill in a heartbeat again. 

Wei Qianbei's face was often smiling and serene, but now she saw the darkness there – his eyes were cold as the night sky in winter, his lips were pale, and she knew for sure that this beautiful mouth had tasted blood too many times already. He looked like a Plague, ready to unleash unspeakable horrors over the world by blowing a kiss.

- Don't be cruel, Wei Ying... I think she's had enough already. – Lan Wangji mumbled.

- With the talisman gone, you should not dream any more, LuLu. I shouldn't think... It was amplifying the bond...  – Wei Ying said seriously after kissing his husband's cheek shyly. – But I will try to make more time for you. There isn't much to be done around here in winter, while Hanguang-Jun is teaching, you know... But still – if you notice anything strange, or different – you must tell us immediately. Or at least tell me. – he smiled at her, trying to calm her down and reassure her.

- Indeed. – Lan Zhan nodded thoughtfully. – We won't need Bai Li as an intermediary any further. You can spend more time with your Master, so that he can observe you, and help you if anything goes wrong. This is logical and wise.

Wei Ying turned his face to him again, amazed:

- Ah, Hanguang-Jun! Where is your jealousy now?! What happened? Did I miss something???  –  he grinned. – You want me to spend my days with women now, and without you?!?!  –  he wailed.

Lan Zhan nodded again, humming to himself.

- Wei Ying, why are you 5 years old? – he murmured.

Wei Ying stirred in his embrace, and feeling the hold on him loosen, he moved to straddle his loved one, giggling:

- Me? A 5-year-old? Oh yea? Would a 5-year-old do this?!?

He leaned in and buried his hands in Hanguang-Jun's hair, making sure he got a good hold of him, and he smashed their mouths together, opening his and letting Lan Zhan's tongue inside with a moan; he was kissing, and sucking and licking shamelessly, needing to show him his passion. Lan Wangji was lost again, feeling so much desire in that kiss, feeling Wei Ying's hands push his head into in, making sure that the two of them were merged fully.

Miao Lu was gaping; yet once again there were the Masters she knew. She was so confused about it all that she was speechless. 

She felt faintly that she should leave them alone, but she could not move, mesmerized, aroused, spellbound. There was something nigh supernatural when the two of them were one... She remembered vaguely Bai Li's words that the Masters shared a core, but how was it even possible? 

And why would they need to? Weren't they both cultivators? 

Finally, Hanguang-Jun managed to escape the tight grip on his person, and, gasping, mumbled:

- No. A 5-year-old would definitely  not do this, husband.

- Aha. Good. Good to know I am not 5 any more. – Wei Ying said matter-of-factly. He was gasping too; there was no air left for either of them after that kiss.

Hanguang-Jun turned to the girl, putting his hair and clothes in order methodically:

- We will keep our word to you, Mistress. You will get all the cares you need. Next month I will see to it personally that a physician comes to check on you and give you some instructions. Wei Qianbei will make sure you are well-rested, and that you eat properly. He has too much free time on his hands anyway.  –  he lifted an eyebrow. Wei Ying pulled his tongue out at him, but said nothing. Lan Zhan just blinked, but swallowed hard. He had better plans  for this tongue later on that night.

- I am grateful, Masters. – she bowed low.

- Flower girl, please, eat! – Wei Ying reminded her, but she just shook her head.

It was too much for one night, and she could not make herself eat at all. Recalling her nightmares had made her nauseous. But in the next moment, to her horror, her Master Wei got up from his seat, and came to sit by her side, putting his hand on her belly gently. He smiled, looking at it with adoration.

- Please. Do it for me... Do it for us... – he murmured, picking some food and bringing it to her mouth. His eyes were imploring her, and she blushed severely.

- Ah, Master, please... Don't... No need for you to... -  she was too nervous to go on.

He nodded, smiling at her, and she finally opened her mouth for him. He laughed happily and immediately looked back at his husband, beaming at him. 

She bit her lip. 

Of course. She should have listened to her own words after all.

Wei Qianbei only had eyes for his Hanguang-Jun.

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