Barda:( Reminds me of Apokolips....) she thought in her head.

As she was now laying on a small size island and looked around to where Y/n was at.

Barda:" She let her emotions take over again....." she said as she managed to track Y/n energy and followed where Y/n was at.

Y/n was now floating above the destroyed land as she was looking down at the disaster she had caused with an angry look on her face.

Barda then jumped into a small island with a frown on her face as she was starring at Y/n.

Barda:( Hmp, all you're good as so far is to keep getting better at deceiving my orders. As I thought, even that Adaptoide we brought from the base to here 1 month before didn't make it to these days.) she thought in her head while crossing her arms and waited for Y/n to end her current rampage, so that she could've fixed the place.

) she thought in her head while crossing her arms and waited for Y/n to end her current rampage, so that she could've fixed the place

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Y/n then opened up her eyes as she finded herself laying on the grass of the dimension where her and Barda were training as she rubbed her head in confusion.

Barda then walked up behind Y/n.

Barda:"What a circus you've made before...... You were actually supposed to settle your accounts with me, not the entire place." she told Y/n.

Y/n then looked down in sadness.

Y/n:"................... Forgive me, Barda." she apologized to Barda for having lost control of herself again.

Barda then sighed as she placed a glass of water next to Y/n while looking at the sorroundings.

Barda then sighed as she placed a glass of water next to Y/n while looking at the sorroundings

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Barda:"Child." she said to Y/n after she finished drinking the water.

Y/n:"Yes?" she asked to Barda.

Barda:"Why don't you focus enough? When we fight it's like you have something on your mind that is bothering you." she told to Y/n.

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