The next day, Chang An woke up and was thinking about the same thing.

Chang An(to himself) - What the hell was going on there? I need to find out.

Then Chang An came out of his room and saw that child inside the practice hall. Chang An went near him. The child had a cold look on his face.

Chang An - Hi!

Child - Hi!

Chang An - What is your name?

Child - Kim Li.

Chang An - Okay, Kim Li, what are you doing here?

Kim Li - I was waiting for you.

Chang An - Why?

Kim Li - I want to be trained by you.

Chang An - Okay, I will train you, but will you tell me what happened with your parents?

Kim Li - Parents! Which parents? I don't remember.

Chang An - You don't remember your parents!

Kim Li - No.

Then suddenly, Chen Zhou's right hand enters the room.

Right hand - Chang An, Chen Zhou wants you to train him.

Chang An - Okay, I will train him but why doesn't he remember anything?

Right hand - Actually, he lost his memory in that crash. I will talk to you later.

Then Chen Zhou's right hand went from there.

At night,

Chang An - How is this possible? I clearly saw that he was asking about his parents, then how can he forget everything? Is it because of what they did? Was that a mistake or was it planned?

Then Chang An again came out of his room and bumped into Elder Chen.

Elder Chen - Where are you going, Chang An?

Chang An - I was just going for a walk.

Elder Chen - You don't need to lie to me because I know where you are going. You are going to that same room where you went yesterday, right?

Chang An did not answer.

Elder Chen - I saw everything.

Chang An - Saw what?

Elder Chen - Whatever you saw. I know, many questions are running in your mind right now and I am willing to answer them all. Come with me.

Then Chang An and Elder Chen went to Elder Chen's office.

Elder Chen - You must be thinking how did that child forget everything, right.

Chang An nodded.

Elder Chen - He forgot everything because of what they did. That was the purpose. They killed his parents because they were coming in their way.

Chang An - Chen Zhou killed them!

Elder Chen - Yeah. Everyone who is here since their childhood has gone through that process.

Chang An - You mean, I went through this process too.

Elder Chen - Yeah.

Chang An - Why?

Elder Chen - I don't know whether your parents were killed too or not. But I remember that you were brought here when you were five. They erased your childhood memory too.

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