Izuku:"You don't do anything!!!"

Nejire:"What do you mean, Izuku?!?"

Izuku:"Just don't do it!!" he repeated much to her and Nejire looked at him in confusion.

Dabi:"HHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Check it out!!! Endevour!!! History's repeating itself!!!!! You want another kid with abright future all burned?!?!? By your flames!!!" he then manage to burn off the fibers of Best Jeanist freeing himself with his blue flamees.

Shoto:"Stop it!!!!!!!"he yelled before his blue flames clashed with Dabi's blue flames causing a massive explosion.

Shigaraki:(Move....stand up.....push past....the pain......The Heroes must suffer, the most and the Villain are still fighting.....Stop looking for excuses.......if the brat adn the Heroes die here......This whole country....this whole world would be done for!!........Itchyyyyyyyyyyy........Gotta destroy...destroy....the itch......Must stop......) then his spine start healing back to normal.....

Best Jeanist was coughing due to the fire behind spread on the battle field.

Shigaraki then looked on his right to see Giganto Machia laying on the loor with pink smoke coming out there in his mouth.

Shigaraki:"..........Destroy......Giganto Machia........." he said before passing out.

Giganto Machia:"Yesssssss..........." he said trying his best but, feeling too much tired to even fight as he then crashed on the ground attempting to get up and fell into sleep.

Best Jeanist then felt a rumbling coming towards their direction as he then turn to see the High Ends Nomu charging towards the Heroes in fury.

Best Jeanist:"A burst of power?!?!?"

The Pro Heroes then charge at the High Ends Nomu, but they were barely doing anything as most of them got easily overpowered by the monsters.

The only remaining were four High End Nomus as they look at each other for a second before charging yet back again at the Heroes.

Burnin':"Four broke away!!! They're heading for Shigaraki!!! (Are they teaming up now?!? And going after a new target? They're gotten more and more coordinated over the past half hour.)"

As Burnin was charging an High End Nomu who looked like a leech tried to attack her from behind her back, until someone then punched the High End looking Leech away from her.

Best Jeanist was now keeping Giganto Machia down for good as Shoto and Dabi were still fighting each other.

Shoto:"You really sent those Villains our way?!?!Once one of them almost killed our brother Natsu!!! Remeber him him?!? The brother you cried to every day?!?""

Dabi:"Almost killed?!? What a Shame!!! That would've hurt Endevour, even mroe!!!"


Dabi:"Sure, I am Shoto. But, you see you're as crazy as I am, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!"


Dabi:"You're a killer too, it is natural!!!!!"

Meanwhile Compress and Spinner were still tied up.

Compress:"Look sharp spinner!!! Behind you!!!"

Spinner:"Huh?!?" he then turned to his left to see a bunch of High End Nomus trying to attack Izuku when his back was turn.

Compress:"I t seems....luck is on our side!!!"

But, not even 5 seconds Izuku turned, used his heat vision and burned them to dust before turning back to watch what was happening with his arm crossed and a calm look on his face.

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