Compress:"Dabi never spoke a word of this...."

Spinner:"He kept it hidden from us....What's up with that..? But anyway!! Look, at the kid he just gave us back Shigaraki like nothing and he is lookign at us." he said kinda creeped out by Izuku's glowing bright green eyes as he had his arm crossed while floating in the air.

Compress:"My Lord, that child gives me bad vibes as well as Dabi...."

Dabi then start laughing while Izumi was looking at Shoto, who was trembling.

Dabi:"Don't you believe me? I'm happy to donate some blood or a hunk of skin. Go ahead get a DNA test. Not that it matters, since the test I ran has already gone public. There's a 99.9 percent match between my DNA and a sample of your DNA from the previous battle you have faced. Still, I'm sure many of you believe this to be an elaborate hoax, so I'll just have to convince you otherwise. After all that, ENdevour made sure mom kept having kids. The twins were someone you most are familiar with, I think,. Yes, at long last, little Shotot and Shion were the successful creations. And he even abused those successful creations. I've seen him do it many times."






Everyone, even the whole Todoroki family aswell as Shion were either listening or watching what Dabi was saying and they were all in shock.




Dabi:"Endevour didn't have an empathetic bone in his body. At his core, he's addicted to the Limelight. A man who wallows in his own small mindednless and self importance. is that he sort of person who should call himself a Hero?"




Civilian:"He's lying...he's gotta be.....who would ever believe this junk?!? People aren't gonna lose faith in a Hero over this!!! We are not f*cking stupid!!!!!"




Dabi:"Those who keep company with Endevour are no different." he then showed a footage of Hawks stabbing Twice on the back.

Dabi:"Take Hawks the number 3 Hero."



.THe Civilains eyes widen once they saw the footage.

Civilian 2:"W-What?!?!?"




Talia:"Perfectly spliced and edited, even on the fly. We shoudl congratulate Skeptic and his skills." she said with a smirk.

Dabi:"We sure do, he was essential for all of this and his camera for that prime footage., No reason not to use what we got, right? This is my present to you, brother. See, I did some digging into that Hawks filthy spy. In order to curry favor with us...Hawks even killeda Hero...the number 4 Hero, in fact, who was recuperating. He killed Best Jeanist."


Dabi:"Carrying out that murder didn't ruffle his feathers in the slightest, since violence is already so ingrained in his life style. And it is no wonder....since his own father was a serial robber and murder...a Villain. Which is exactly why Hawks's background and real name were kept secret. It was Endevour who captured his father, actually. Maybe it was that condition and some twist of fate that brought these men together. I couldn't let that stand!! These twisted people with skeletons in their closets...they cover it all up with masks of justice!! But, they don't stop there!! They call themselves 'Heroes' and keep fooling everyone!! I just want everyone to stop thinking that!!!! The only ones these 'Heroes' protect are themselves!! With all that ugliness inside, they use you people to give them protection!! Approval!! Admiration!!! Can't you see 'Kids this is bad news' by speaking out, he's already won....whetever he's lying or not...that's a question for alter....He might be a Villain....but people are gonna lose faith...over this!! I hate to say it, but me too!! I'm sorry. Especially with all thsi damage and destruction....Anyone witnessing all this....would have to be stupid not to lose faith, right? Thanks for going  strong up, until now!! Endevour!!! But, now I have anew target!!!"





At that time, father kept searching for you...he didn't want to believe you were dead.




Izumi:"Shoto!!! Here he comes!!!! Protect the others!!! I'll fight him!!!! Get moving and protect the others!!!! Worry about the rest, later!!!" she yelled as she turn into her binary form.

Dabi then jumped of Giganto Machia's back.

Dabi:"Phoenix Fist Promince Burn!!!" he then turn intoa flaming blue phoenix and head straight for them as Izuku then eyes tilted before he speed blitz, as soon as Giganto Machia had his back turned and then punches him so hard to cause a shockwave and knocking Giganto Machia with a single fist as he then crashed on the floor as the VIllains were caught by surprise.

Izuku:"Sorry, for waiting, but I was gonna let him do that whole speech and then kick your asses. And then well aswell as waiting for him...."he then looked up to the sky to see a jet as all of the sudden Giganto Machia was tied up into a bunch of wires.

Best Jeanist was inside of the jet as he fixed his hari and then looked down on the Villains.

Best Jeanist:"Aplogies for the delay!! As of today, Best Jeanist is back on duty!!!" he then raise a thumb up to Izuku, who waved at him.




To be continued....

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